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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Not everywhere .. White Sphere, for example, NSO has a larger number of smaller nations than any other White alliance. Why would I take money out of their hands to give my large nation extra bonuses on top (like the Mars initiative, +2 happiness for those with a mars base and -$1.50 across the sphere. Only 6% of our nations would receive the +2)? What's good for old Kaskus nations, olf TPF nations, old MI6 nations - aren't going to be good for more than 60% of mine ... The trade off of being a mass-recruiting alliance ..
  2. As a 'citizen' of that sphere, you should be interested in the proposals and in some manner (through your alliance or what have you) should be in contact with your senator over what he's voting ... If you're small and [s]he's only supporting proposals for large nations than you may want to reconsider who you support.
  3. Except for UE, we're all relatively elite here :p Your campaign efforts would be better spent on the White nations outside our 12 established alliances .. You won't swing any of us, and you won't reach any of the swingable here .. [spoiler]White Alliances || Updated 7/14/2014 [/spoiler]
  4. RI5 records has it listed as accepted, Carnivore must have missed an update .. I think Pansy is right, this nation is playing you.
  5. There's no skill involved in being an aged and wondered turret nation picking apart brand new nations that haven't even hit 1999.99 infra for their first time. Poaching isn't a cb, it's an excuse. It's an alliance's own fault if the grass really is greener on the other side. Most alliance'sonly consider war desertion an issue if they've put time and effort into a player and then that person leaves at the first sign of loss - that's not realization of an ill-fitting alliance. I like the harsher PM penalties Marx mentions, and agree with his point about forcing players. We have military members as well which have been affected by wars.
  6. This post would fit well over [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122795-wonder-effectiveness/]here[/url] too.
  7. [quote name="wasso" post="3279384" timestamp="1404505948"In case there is a spy . Kick him out .and thats it . Alright , don't go so loud and try to control the world now bcz ur in the victory position atm . One more thing , the easiest thing to do in TE you know what it is ? Is to create another nation with onter I.P and plant it in any TE alliance you want. (Not defending spies ,but lets be clear about this ) [/quote] If we knew who it was, we could ... we don't know .. cowboy strongly alludes to knowing and accepting right in the logs he dumped .. Sammy requested he recall that nation .. Alternatively, he or she could just be outted by cowboy so we could kick them and we can then all move on.
  8. Here comes another failed alliance. I certainly have no problems making fireworks in your alliance nations' skies till rounds end if that's what is required by Sammy. I've only lost about 40 infra this round to your monsters - lots of steam in these here engines. I think you've still got LOTS to learn before you can even begin to teach.
  9. Following along with the run of mobile ideas; I found when I made our forum Tapatalk-ready at the request of one or two members that we ended up having many use it .. It also provides it's own way of advertising to other Tapatalk users for the recruitment side of it .. But, most importantly, a Tapatalk-ready forum seeded right next to a mobile app make the most mobile-accessible it can be for what we do .. A mobile app for the in-game is semi-useless without it (I say semi because, even without the forums, it would be really cool to have that better mobile nation access - but it's like using Blu-Ray on a CRT, you just don't get the full experience ) ..
  10. Personally, I'm not even concerned with the warchest issue .. I think that's a fair enough thing to keep in place, different countries are richer than others in real life .. The one's who have nuclear weapons MUST have an army to keep those protected and functioning; extending that here I think would solve a large portion of that problem ... I'm strapped for ideas, but I do believe the wonders need to have some sort of effect between nations - be it that they weigh into NS more directly somehow or something .. I dunno ... Again with the NSO-Kaskus thing (I think it's a great example because we get influxes of new players we're trying to keep in the game with players like those around); when they're sitting so low with all those wonders it drives the new blood out of the game ... That war we lost more players that were less than a week or two old more than anything ... It didn't even affect our overall alliance funds .. No matter what changes we make, we're going to lose people ... So we need to decide - or Admin needs to decide for us based on his point 2 above - which is more important. New nations into the game, or protecting the long-term players that might leave because they no longer have every edge over every nation in their range and can't handle 'fair' and need decks stacked in their favour to stay and play against that influx of new players instead of bullying them out ...... Personally, I'd rather bank on the new blood .. New blood leads to more new blood which leads to more new blood .. Old blood leads to stagnation ... Those of us circa 2006-2007-2008 really need to be the one's to push for changes to keep the game alive rather than be the one's pressing for it to be the same and threatening our activity against any change that might help retain players. We were here during the hay day, and we know just what the game can offer if people drop the sky is falling act ...
  11. Looking at the NSO-Kaskus war for an example, and the effect it had on retention for us and our small nations - I like this ... The 1000+ day old Kaskus nations with 10+ wonders sitting down at the bottom level declaring victory because they could keep knocking around our new nations till they quit the game as those new nations were the only one's in size to be able to fight .. Major fudge to the balance, makes the Nation Strength marker kind of useless.
  12. That's one thing you've certainly gotta teach them lol .. Of the three my strike team hit, only one of them had over 1m on-hand .. I haven't yet read through the intel reports irrelevant to my team to see if it's a pattern across the board ..
  13. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: I made a passing comment about a multitude of alliances. Again, to reiterate that point. YOU have made my comments, and the other comments, about you. YOU drug the conversation down the road in specific to Limited Nexus and YOU are trying to make it about you. Yes you are only speaking of your war with Kashmir - that's what I said .. I'm not trying to make it about anybody in a singular form, I'm trying to continue a a larger discussion that you keep narrowing down to be about YOU. Now, if we can continue to talk about the overall situation and not about Limited Nexus, that'd be great. DT's early days are a good example of those current alliances I earlier mentioned; tJL, ToBR, etc .. Someone who knew what to do, someone who had a group-oriented direction, a group of people rather than 'someone' in the case of DT and a number of other examples .. Directionless vs directed
  14. And going back to my ego-driven micro comment ..... You're making this all about you and how you handled your !@#$ with Rey ... This is all about a larger and broader issue at discussion, not about you and not about what you just did in the last couple weeks.
  15. Dude - I made a passing reference to you among multitudes of alliances lol .. It wasn't personal or in-character, loosen the wad .. This is the OOC discussion ..
  16. Exactly - and that's something that is missing from the larger majority of the micro's being exampled .. As I said too in my late edit, in agreement with you, that that is also just a small number - but over time that small number adds up (consider the thought of "nickle and diming yourself out of savings") ..
  17. Yeah, that's it .. lol .. And it extends to apply to all the rest of them because you made me so mad ... You're confusing a single IC incident with a larger un-related OOC discussion and resorting to a 'no u' in an OOC thread because I mentioned your name among others in IC examples. The point that you missed, is that y'all are flash in the pans. That's your entire purpose. You don't create these alliances with aspirations of becoming something bigger. You want to do what you want to do, and you recruit new nations and do nothing with them. You have four other nations in Limited Nexus, and with the 5 of you you don't even have a complete ring together. You've left those guys hanging. There's nothing for tech deals set up, the only aid transfers on your AA are for your own nation. And it looks like one of your guys got raided, have you lifted a finger yet? Or even an eyebrow? You have no forward motion in Limited Nexus. You are directionless. And you're not the only one as I also said and pointed to in the link. Knights111 and his umpteen failures to kick off an alliance, and somehow managed to draw a couple brand new nations in one or two of those ... What happened to those nations? Where was any establishment for them? What was done to involve any of these players in the community? Do you understand what I'm saying yet? Or do you still think you 'did very good for a micro'?
  18. Exactly right. I tried to make sure to define my statement around directionless, ego-driven or ignorance-driven1 micros (see: Limited Nexus, LPH, and multitude others on page 3 and 4/etc .. As opposed to such micros as Kaskus, Javahouse, Order o fthe Black Rose, etc etc whom are quite well for their own activity and establishment .. 1 - ignorance in the literal sense of unknowing (ie. ignorance is bliss) .. They don't realize the depth of the community of the game and only see the surface ..
  19. I think his point was, and I somewhat agree, that if you look at some of those micros - where the leader, as he says, couldn't get a position elsewhere and just creates a little !@#$ micro for ego - they pick up potential new players who in a regular alliance could become active and apart of the larger community (both within the alliance and eventually OWF) instead of seeing nothing in the empty little directionless micro and leaving the entire game .. * late edit: It's only a small number of players that fit this description; but any number is significant as we the see overall fluctuate ..
  20. Yeah, that's a pretty small area to be manufacturing cardboard boxes. :P Happy birthday Freelancer
  21. Sure he may be able to at some point; but that's part of their military actions against him in this current situation - to put effort to make sure he couldn't. And then enter Methrage from nowhere. And then Kashmir is expected to just stop everything because he said so .. If Valhalla was in the process of attacking a nuclear rogue, and the wars were only a couple days inactive, and then I came in out of the blue and said "ok stop, this nation is mine now and you can't do anything about it. I like Valhalla and I respect you and because of this I expect that you will drop everything and just give him to me. I'll give you money." And then each time you say no, I keep saying it back at you. And back at you. And back at you. At what point did I have any right to step on your toes and interject myself in such a way? Is it going to matter to you and Valhalla that, practically speaking, he might get nuclear again? It would be the very factor that you would insist upon chasing him through for - especially in light of his threats to continue attacks as soon as he's able to. Of course, considering our past Kaskus situation, I think it's a clear sign of how I feel about alliances harbouring listed rogues ... It's really only in Methrage and Stoney's interest it gets wrapped up soon. If it wasn't for Methrage creating this forum debacle to chase down Rey, no one would even know or care how long Kashmir was attacking Stoney for ...
  22. The only reason there's any reason to negotiate is because Methrage put himself in the middle of something that had nothing to do with him. Ignorance is not bliss. War screens so fresh anyone would look up before accepting, plus talking with Stone should have given him even half a clue (unless Stone wasn't forthcoming with Methrage, but no different to Kashmir's responsibility). That "premature declaration" was merely Kashmir continuing with their business already-in-progress. Why should Kashmir even have to negotiate to begin with?
  23. We were let known, and it is common practice. We do due diligence on players coming to us with blank war/aid screens and just contact the most recent alliance if we can see any transactions. For there to be any fears of him repeating this in our ranks, he'd have to first rise to Sith Lord .. Below that there's no [admin] access to the forums through which sabotage to and we don't have sensitive information, there's far too much insensitivity around. And given a chance to mill about, he's not done a single thing since joining us to warrant any concerns. TAE had no desires to attack him when he came to us.
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