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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Maybe ... The one you just linked? Looks legit to me. Edit: And let me add another extra little tidbit for you ... Co-prosperity insinuates a two-way street, the above means go both ways under this co-prosperity. ;) Second Edit: Oh .... Let's not forget this line in your link: So - which treaty do you think is referred to?
  2. I think that last image is most suiting in that last post ........
  3. Spin spin spin .. Like my slicks in the snow :( ;)
  4. Always have a war chest .. Always be prepared ... Because of this:
  5. Because your war screen has anything to do with the metaphor you set up of 95% (99%) vs 5% (1%) ?? If you can't even follow your own train of thought, get the fuck off the tracks. Oh no - not Moo personally!! You're like, so special ... Because, you were like, totally, like, uhh really uhhh the only one ... Right? Right??
  6. I think this can apply, as well, to a great many among us over the years lol
  7. I don't even care about 2011 [or any of this topic to begin with] ... Could be 2009, or 2013 ... But ignoring what is right in front of you is something you do well ..
  8. Has TPF recovered from their early surrender and tail tuck from last war? Or you rolling without the dead weight on your balls?
  9. Rayvon


    This software doesn't run it 100% .. It utilizes idle time, yes, but it doesn't utilize all the available resources .. For someone who keeps their computer running all the time anyways, they won't notice much .. If you don't usually leave your comp on, this will certainly make a noticeable change in your bills .. This software uses significantly less resource during idle time than the SETI software too .. I joined ya on there max ..
  10. That was a completely facetious response to Tywin directly above it, I'm quite aware the concepts existed before francoism ..
  11. Where did I say you said it was bad? I think your delusions are blocking your view again.
  12. Because before Francoism "in that other realm" there was never a reason for war and no one ever made agreements to defend each other ... You can thank Francoism for these revolutionary concepts ..
  13. AGASDG << there's a handful of pixels for ya .. Count em out, don't come back till you've counted every last one ..
  14. You should read it, you missed the 'gist' by a mile by making it up ... Good post, Hal ..
  15. No one but you :rolleyes: And just as I've said before, now we're onto the continuance ... While this little waste of server space makes a mockery of the game controllers and players; abuses every rule and is allowed away with it; and then to rinse and repeat ... If you're gonna make a new name, prove you can put your money where your mouth is ... Prove you know the difference between OOC and IC instead of preaching worthless shitwords to everyone .. Prove this is "just an act" and that you can do something different .... If you come back with this self-proclaimed "new persona" and just act like RotaBeauty again then damn straight I'll be riding right alongside TidyBowlMan ...
  16. Do it. Make Letum apologize to you. Let's see you do it.
  17. I've been trying to push my influence otherwise .. Not working yet - that good nature won't budge lol
  18. Would make a your mother joke, but you're moms probably alrady embarsased enough bt tyou ... poor ladystys ..
  19. I still support your removal from this world. That won't end, you haven't given me reason to change my opinion. Here, let me take a passage from your pages .. *ahem* ... You didn't read my whole posts, you didn't understand them. I wasn't defending oya, I said the two infractions weren't the same. It was a side discussion between SF and I where he pointed out that no two infractions can't be different without exception and then turned around and defended one of his as different .... I still agree oya didn't say anything good, but it was not comparable to your Tito comments in any regard. Petty thief versus Cat Burglar .. Both wrong, convictable - but one worse than the other ... See me soon, eh? Now - is that an IC threat or an OOC threat? Do elaborate now.
  20. I stopped reading the thread here. You don't deserve any respect. You alone made the choices to ensure this. Game over, just LOFL ..
  21. Silly hobbits, they exist - must we need more? :ehm: The $%&@ you doin Blurr? Why GOP? Shoulda kept your contact and protectorate up with us, this is silly and won't end well. Not even a miniscule amusement factor like when we moused the neutrals. If this is stemmed from the [url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/]gladiatorial rings[/url], it should remain within the arena and handled accordingly .. What happens in the arena, stays in the arena ...
  22. Who's M16? Sounds like FAN's little play thing ....
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