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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Talk shit about secret treaties, has the CN leader on secret treaties mentioned .. Dismiss and change topics like the mentioning isn't directly related to the exact words you used ... Ignore what you originally said and what was responded to for even a third path .. Typical Tywin posting ...
  2. What does Pacifica being a force for good or a force for bad, or even what year it currently is have to do with it? They've got nothing to do with FAN or FAN's secret treaties; as you sit and !@#$ on secret treaties in that previous post.
  3. And even Ivan is still cluless to you ... I can always dig that email up and post it again, made me giggle .. ;)
  4. Yeah, no ..... See Sovereignty 101 ... Its prerequisite is Alliance 202 though, so you may be a little behind the curve of the rest of the class ..
  5. Whomever is feeding you the logs is creating trouble through you. Don't be pawn. Stop posting them. Stop continuing this mess.
  6. This. Just no no no .. Rota needs to go from our world because of his never-ending-never-will-end shit. Leave it at that.
  7. If anyone outside Pacifica cared enough about Francosim, they'd talk to someone who can tell the difference between their ass and their face ... Like Cortath .. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/123308-the-return-of-the-userites/?p=3293300 Not some has-never-been wannabe throwing around words he doesn't understand about something that doesn't even exist as if it's some gospel steeple of society ...
  8. Incidences like this, and like the past, they serve nothing to foster an environment for Rayvon of Kindred Nation; this is the issue I allude to in the "accepted" deep gray of IC/OOC.\ And to revisit this again from page 1 and other pages, is exactly why the thread should have been made by someone other than Rey [and there were other people working to make it, Rey just got his up first] -- if it had of been one of the other parties who didn't have such a strong rivalry crossing both borders with Rota then no one would be accusing the OP of that ... But the support for the notion against Rota and his multitude of transgressions coupled with his attitude towards them [especially over the past couple days] that shows he WILL repeat again. If we, as a community, let him.
  9. This has a strong scent of the apathy that people associate with IC-neutralism ... Ok - so we didn't do anything as a community about Biodad ...... And other such incidences .... So, we'll just keep rolling over/turning the other cheek/forgive and forget for everyone who crosses over the boundry ... No point in setting any limits in the future because we haven't in the past ... We've gotta come together as a community and put an end to all this shit, to prevent future Biodad-like scenarios ... Otherwise we're giving them [whomever wishes to perpetrate] a free pass to do as they wish .. Since so many wish to allow such a gray area in IC/OOC, we must draw a line in the sand. And we must maintain it. We are our own guards.
  10. You've rooted out yet another deeply hidden truth today. You're a bloodhound. DBDC made Rotavele do what he did (it doesn't need to be repeated in exact words, it's known enough) so that Rey could then turn around and make this thread so that SAS could then take protection of Elevator so THAT DBDC CAN SCHEME A WAR. Game over. DBDC wins.
  11. Because SAS is such an immovable force that requires an entire hegemony to take it down ......
  12. Well shit. You finally found the truth, proved me wrong about who's smarter between you and Goldie. Brehon's hand was a great fit up my ass, so comfortable and strong. Farrin's was a little narrow, more veiny. There just was no room for the thickness of Letum's arm though. Was time to release the puppet.
  13. SMF > phpBB ... Moving forums had nothing to do with you, it had been in the works for quite some time as I had actually been working to convert the database and eventually gave up and just started a new database (godaddy sucks ass) .. There was no fear of you having any backdoors, you'd have quite a bit of security to get through and you'd have to access my accounts (outside CN) to do so - legal matters we won't even get into as they didn't happen ... Keep tooting your horn lol ... I love it, you make me laugh ... Losing Pacifica is of no harm, I don't know why you think this is some sort of big benchmark ..... Especially after you go on about sucking up to power structures .... Bring back my membership in VE all I like? No, I wouldn't like. Fuck Goldie. He's almost as bad as you, just intellectually smarter ... You don't know me, you don't know my path and you don't know what or how I got to where I am .. You take one or two key words in things said and assume massive amounts of information from it (just look at how much you like to go on about how I kicked Ivan out for power in NSO) ...
  14. And if I had of accepted you, you wouldn't be saying shit about me or us .... You're just upset that you were denied ENTRY TO THE ALLIANCE YOU FOUNDED (which is fucking false, but you won't ever let it go how you were a founder) by myself -- and that every other member over here also has more respect for the cockroaches living under your refrigerator than they do for you .. If you look at where NSO was, and where it is now, I most definitely moved her into some very favourable positions .. The crown jewel - the utmost proof that I have done so - is the tears you cry every time you have to stress your brain to think of a new response to try and bring me down. My allegiance is to the Order, you douchenozzle. Read what I said, you asked how many ways *I* have won; *I* have not won (or lost) any wars, but if you want to compare service records of won wars while in leadership roles (omitting lost wars as your question specifically asks how many I won): GWIII - I was Viridian Parliament; Initiative won Unjust War - Viridia reformed, I was MoFA; ~ won Woodstock Massacre - Viridian Lord; tC won Wolfpack War - Viridian Lord; tC won OV-USA War - OV MoFA/Triumvirate; OV won Kaskus-NSO War - NSO Emperor; NSO won I count 6 to your 1 .. gg
  15. Rota's just the same .... Except Rota manipulates the weak and ignorant (in the proper sense, not the 'stupid' sense) ... SAS ... That little Polar dude who's posting screenies of his convo with Rota .. etc etc .. At least the people Rey sucks up to know better, and are quite aware of exactly what they're getting into when they accept a playdate with him ..
  16. It's not his fault no one has gone far enough to punish him .. If anyone's willing to do so for Rota, that just shows Rota has made a larger more negative impact .. As Starfox said earlier, many of us are guilty in some form or another of various degrees of the same crime -- but Rota's gone far above and beyond more than once ... This most recent just far too reprehensible .. It's united many across both sides of the fence which only happens under such heinous circumstances ..
  17. .... As you sit here running your mouth .... Unable to back it up .....
  18. I hope so. With my newly acquired freetime, I'll be watching. I can still swing far enough with this cane, it came with a whipper-snapper extension ..
  19. There's no 'I' in team -- but then, you're one only suited to be alone .. You don't get along well with others and only attempt to manipulate your way into current relevance and revise where you failed .. Edit - ughtablet typing
  20. And acomplished a hell of a lot more -- including not making a parasite of myself .. gg
  21. This is precisely why people were saying on page 1 he should have allowed someone else to make this very same discussion thread; it's a necessary discussion. But it really deserves a proper go, and not clouded up ... All the ooc tags he wants to add to OP won't help alleviate the cloudiness .. The OP was necessary though ..
  22. [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Rayvon]One as supposedly as intelligent[/url] as you claim should know it's not such a hard search to find any information ... Jab ... lol .. Yeah - and it was a hard one too .. Learn to not so serious ..
  23. Nation Created: 9/5/2013 7:03:09 PM (334 days old) And you were around for the founding days of NSO ...... :facepalm:
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