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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Well goddamn !@#$@#$ !@#$ - I've been doing it all wrong for so many years ... OH THANK YOU FOR OPENING MY EYES METHRAGE!! Perhaps you should explain this to the government and members who have supported me as their leader for more than 2 years (I'm the second longest sitting Emperor of Moldavi's Orders - second to Moo by less than two months) .. "was created so anyone can be replaced and move up the ranks to leader" - No, our Challenge System was created for this purpose - the Challenge System is how one moves up the ranks within the New Sith Order. What you call our reason, is a mere part of our mechanics. The New Sith Order was founded to challenge the status quo.
  2. You're threatening my allies, you're warring my allies, you're using discussions with my allies' government out of context to threaten their members publicly. If you don't like my actions and treatment towards you, perhaps you should review some of what led to this point. Limited Nexus has done nothing but make demands based on some respect you hold for us (that isn't widely reciprocated, by the way - just more of you throwing it around) and expect the game to go your way. If you think this has anything to do with Moldavi or why he made the Sith, than you are again trying very very hard to take the focus off you and throwing a dart into the dark hoping to hit a target .. And yes, we've changed ... We're not a stagnant bunch of halfwits sitting about trying to maintain the status quo .. We do our quo, that is why Moldavi founded us .. Our quo and your quo aren't kocher with each other .. So sad for you ..
  3. Clear your cache as well
  4. Well when you start your sentence here, without looking at the rest of the situation, you can already see your error ... Meth hasn't been able to comprehend anything since the beginning of this ordeal .. He even still can't keep straight the information as it's being conveyed, he's still clinging to his little in-mind deciphering of statements that are of extreme disrelation to the truth of the statements said. For example: This was mentioned 2 pages ago referencing where it was straightened out in another thread .. And he's sat and used Kashmiri's own government publically to threaten and shame Kashmiri members based on these .. And that's just two little tidbits in the larger ordeal. I'd say Meth has earned this situation.
  5. *sniff sniff* I smell something .......
  6. Congrats :ehm: Justification and celebration for the art of poaching recruitment.
  7. Point number two of the OP would suggest any discussion regarding Methrage and the Kashmir connection to be quite relevant. Stick your self-righteous nose elsewhere. [ooc: this isn't the place to discuss or even mention/insinuate/allude to/reference mod locks and other actions]
  8. Rayvon


    Love me some VTM, it's the source and history of 'Rayvon' pre-CN ..
  9. lol - your left hook missed. Trying me and 4 others in one swing, you're really trying too hard now. Should Kashmir actually find need of us with Limited Nexus, you'll see how relevant we are. :popcorn: Cheers. of*
  10. Leader of an alliance having them bend to you is far different from being a relative nothing* with nothing to back oneself and telling the world - not a single alliance supporting that leader by not leaving them - what to do .. If you think you get anything without earning it, I believe you are the one who's "forgotten what it means to be a leader" ..... If you really wanna be so absurd to suggest such a thing between either - that's like suggesting we've forgotten how to breath .. * puff your chest all you want, Limited Nexus is basically 'nothing' in relevance
  11. He has rights. Do not deny his freedom of speech.
  12. There's absolutely zero difference between Limited Nexus and Los Pollos Hermanos.
  13. So you expect them to put you above all else? They didn't work in your favour - so, boohoo? Much like you expect me and NSO to because you claim to respect us so much and you just expect that we'll do whatever it is you think ... Much like you just expect everyone else to just bend because you said so? If these people were such friends as you're trying to throw around, blaming their members for putting them in such positions - maybe you should look at those people. They're the shot-callers. Their members are doing their will. Your 'friends' you're claiming to be so solid with .......... late edit: added in Methrage post for continuity and clarity; King Conrad snuck a post in while I was typing ..
  14. Under your own advice, is there no where else you can take the OOC Nazi bullshit too? kthxbai
  15. Whom also has the full support of the Sith Order :war:
  16. Congrats on the reformation of this fine establishment. Does need more Chax though. No one does chicken like Chax.
  17. I'm here. In light of the new nuclear requirements, some nuclear missilers have been reassigned to the defensive silos. They are not amused.
  18. You're a smart man, you'll go far in this world. ;)
  19. Perhaps you missed the last three pages of his latest TGE thread? He'll get nothing but what he gives. You're still talking at me like I'm talking about spreading shit and doing something. I'm not, read my words dude and stop putting extra interpretations into them. I'm saying fuck the noise about giving him ... Anything.
  20. Didn't say anything about spreading. You walk in here demanding a blank slate for him No.
  21. I will not throw away my conceptions of which he made extreme efforts to create. He has to earn such a change, some blowhard telling the world to drop them isn't gonna make any of us.
  22. I could use another 200 tech ... Don't make me go the long route ....
  23. Timidity over secrecy, I think .. Any long term leader, any player who's been around for more than 2 or 3 years, knows that what happens on the OWF is an act .. Not a single leader - from myself, to Brehon, to Bilrow, to Rotavele, to Impero, to whatever leader you want to name over the past umpteen years (I pick the one's that mean those most to the degree of my message that I have personal experience with and not just read-experience with) - acts the same as they are in alliance-to-alliance relationships or in real life .. OWF is OWF ... It's coincidingly part of the problem of it, as well as one of the better parts of it .. In the scope of this, it's become too common to be afraid of who might be selling out your in-game secrecy in the name of an in-game friendship .. I envy the lesser-named/lesser-known alliances for this .. Some of us have just been set too deep for the changes of the global scene regardless of whom we really are (mass-recruitment alliances; outside the one or two personalities making a global appearance - applies to many alliances, I'm not making a personal statement) ..
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