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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. I don't think Echelon is silly enough to (re-)accept you with a lynch mob on your ass ... .... Then again ......... Heh - just as I went to click post, I had a weird feeling of deja vu thinking of Smurf running to Kaskus ..........
  2. Buy some infra. You need to come up about 10k.
  3. They're totally missing. ... I took them.
  4. You see that certainty, Caustic? I think Rota's spying. He knows your agenda all too well. Roll Echelon.
  5. Supreme Trolls Of Random Masses
  6. Heh - was more than 'floated by' with the drama you created and the numerous gov callouts (we kicked you out for a reason, not 'just because') .. Regardless, I can say with complete certainty I don't feel bad about our gov's shared sentiments to not want to be attached to them or this. Will be sitting back with popcorn watching the remainder of what goes on.
  7. That was my thought too lol .. Although, I can't say so out loud. I'm too busy taking him serious at the moment. We're still cleaning shit out of the rugs, not a good pet at all .. We thought he'd be amusing for a little bit too ..
  8. MI6 laughing at us? Oh darn. Your attempt to hurt my feelings on the matter have been largely successful. I must retreat to Moldavistadt quickly and ponder my next move while I dig up a box of tissues. MI6 is welcome to build up to and make any moves they desire towards us. We've done nothing to provoke them while they're currently trying with that little IRC channel crap. They're making sovereign choices (assuming; I suppose they could possibly very well be someone's little toy at the moment poking us at someone else's behest); that's something NSO fully supports (it's the spirit behind the Moldavi Doctrine). Weak pokes, but pokes none-the-less. If only we signed Echelon, then we'd be safe.
  9. Hey Rey - shit like these Rota posts are a small part in why we in upper NSO gov didn't want to entertain your Echelon treaty talk ideas while you were bawwing through our boards about how they "changed and are worthy of a Sith treaty" just "because they practically let you raid them" .. Not because of "grudges" rooted in the fact that many of us just simply don't like many of them either ..
  10. ... He asked for an argument ... :P
  11. Can you try any harder Rota? Not even Chimaera Cricket can grant any wishes you for you tonight while you wish to be a real boy .......
  12. Gifs are about all the effort I'll put out over an IRC chan ....
  13. And you're not trying hard enough .. Guess we're at an impasse.
  14. Aww is MI6 trying to rustle some feathers? :) Enjoy Holton and the channel; he's a whiney bitch and channels are but a few characters.
  15. I was just scratching my head over this one too :huh:
  16. Lol you declared war on one of my nations .. Neutral, unprovactive approach my ass ... hahaha Regardless, this isn't the place for discussing your gaffes, nor does it really need to become another lesson in basic diplomacy for you to ignore (again, declaring war on someone's nation "to get their attention" is intrusive, aggressive and anti-diplomatic no matter how you spin it or what reasons you claim for doing it -- does zero in garnering legit clout for attempting to weasel yourself uninvited into negotiations that have nothing to do with you). :)
  17. Aka stuck your nose in (and backed up progress) .. Justify it how you will, just remember your own past choices while throwing that 'hypocrite' word around .. ;) I'd share any dumpster with Marx :wub:
  18. Speaking about sticking noses in, do you remember last time your garbage did? Marx speaks some good word.
  19. Heh - I spent two weeks watching mine (I only just got her back in August, about 10 weeks old) and getting to know her; non-stop I was calling her 'kitty bitch' as she ripped and tore into stuff; and that's how K.B. came about and stuck ..
  20. Wasn't one of ours .. I just went ripping through the trades forum out of curiosity because I hadn't seen any dialogue of it .. He's not recorded in any of our rings ..
  21. I have some secret aid for you; just don't tell anyone .. Too many spies on these forums ..
  22. GATO looks exactly like my K.B., right down to the eyes and the white chest puff.
  23. Good things are worth waiting for, this one took far too long to happen but most gratifying to see. o/ RIA
  24. Can I get 100 tech without a submission?
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