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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. That's because some of us are too good to improve :smug:
  2. I vote with the policies and issues, I don't dedicate myself to any particular party ... Last time I voted PC was to help them with their '99 majority win (our local PC in the Simcoe riding was garbage, but better than the other options and I liked Harris too -- this was also my first eligible vote, less than a month 18 years old) .. wrt Hudak, I fully agree ..
  3. The advice you were given, was to get into an established alliance and learn the ropes. As a leader, teaching your nations you're responsible for is part of the job. Starting off with an academy - of which you didn't even know the contents, we could have simply only wanted you to paste a link to where our guides are located for all you know - is a great way to get your new nations integrated and indoctrinated. They learn the contents of the forum, learn the alliance structure and get to interact with other members in a more relaxed entry zone. lol - if you think being required to go through an academy is trodding on your freedoms, than you have some bigger lessons to learn than you realize towards leadership. You'd probably find you have more freedoms within an alliance like ours than you would anywhere else. Good luck with TGE 8.0
  4. Don't go spreading lies now. We were willing to give you a chance, you chose not to go forward with the academy. As I said in your app thread, far more intelligent and older players than you go through it as well. It's about integration; you didn't even look at it. On average, our academy takes 5-10 minutes to get through - learn where the guides are; learn where the trades and tech section of the forum is and get your nation involved; learning to access and receiving access to our IRC channels; and a brief "exam" that puts it all together .. I quote, "If you are going to make me do the academy, i am out." Keep this attitude up and you won't learn a single thing about the game.
  5. Don't feel sorry for us, we're far more active and alive than your alliance could wish to be. Yes, we're inclusionists and willing to offer people a chance others won't. Not surprising someone from your affiliation would be about exclusion. You'd be surprised the gem's you can find out there when one get's a supportive location to work from without being manipulated and used. Besides, your "concerns" are moot now. He's apparently too good for an academy. lol
  6. No, you won't find another thread on here for that purpose thankfully .. Sithstone Rehabilitation Center is one of the best spanning multiple dimensions .. Just recently through the dimensional portals we had one Bob Fort or something like that. Couldn't quite catch what he said through his chattery teeth. Also - on these forums, you do have an ignore option already. Go to the menu under your name in the top right of the forum (beside the Sign Out button) and go into your Manage Ignore Prefs and add whomever's names here ... Keep dreaming CnaedmacAilpn, as long you haters are out there - our engines are fueled and ready to roll .. We've survived worse over 5 years ;)
  7. For all the importance of any of these positions, he's currently sitting on my AA rather than TGE .. I suppose my page 1 question was answered in a roundabout way ...
  8. Like any other emotion, it convey's what you're feeling. It's not any more about "changing the world" than kissing the ass of that person who !@#$%*es you out over pickles is going to change the world. It's actually quite healthy to express anger and not repress it, otherwise it tends to boil and turn into rage. Rage is the real destructive demon, not anger.
  9. Ugh :facepalm: And how long till the next '[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122279-my-apology-to-cybernations/]I quit![/url]' thread?
  10. Straight down I gotta agree with Nick -- the way she realized how bad she was making things, took time to step back and 'grow up' .. As long as she doesn't come back posting the same nonsense bullshit over and over and over and over that drove everyone to turn against her then she'd be 1000x better than you Yung ..
  11. I think you're a little seasick, your joke lacked connection with anything.
  12. With minimal effort I'll grab the one I had first-hand experience with .. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=117674 The other I couldn't be arsed because I don't give as much a shit as you do ... All I said from the get-go is you didn't pick an original name .... And you have to argue this ...... I'm never wrong.
  13. I didn't do shit - it was [i]my protectorate[/i] (in other words, it was someone else's alliance -- someone else did it) ... All I said was 'be original' .. You're the one using someone else's namesake in the terms of 'doing something new and different' ..... Failure on your part for 'new and different' ...
  14. I think I've said this elsewhere about another new alliance -- but at least try something original for a name .... Was only a year ago I had a protectorate named The French Empire ..... So far your 'not doing it like another alliance' is already like another alliance .....
  15. I would think it'd be those in their vicinity that should be careful then, not their leader. Long live [s]the King[/s] el Presidente! :war:​
  16. This certainly makes sense. Congrats to our friends in RIA. Weird being a hop away from GOD again ... Sup Xiph :P
  17. It was a good name the first time it was used for an alliance .... Perhaps something original ...
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