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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. Not at all, dear boy; I just didn't realize that whenever Loki called, you came running.
  2. Ya know, when this "stalk Kashmir" thing became your MO, I thought it was kinda cute. Ya pulled our pigtails because you liked us and didn't know what to do with all those feelings inside. But now, I'm kinda over it. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll find someone special. Just not us.
  3. Not true, Loki is quite religious. Unless you were trying to imply he was...Kashmirelevant?
  4. I'm beginning to think that, for however bad CNRP was, this new fractured CNRP1, CNRP2, CNRPA, CNRPEverythingElse, is so, so much worse.
  5. Question: Who are you addressing your question to? If the answer includes me, what invisible power grab did I theorize on/or refer to?
  6. It's incredibly silly to say that your option precludes mine, don't you think?
  7. Observation the 1st: You are feeding into the cycle of Tywin's posting. If you don't like it, ignore him. Observation the 2d: NPO has survived this long due to cunning and the remarkable dedication of a few generations of IO's. I highly doubt they have some pie in the sky vision of the future. Observation the 3rd: DBDC may one day grow to such levels that they're irrelevant to the world at large. They already are to the mid and lower tier. Regardless of all that, I'm personally looking forward to what they do with the throne.
  8. Yawn. The last GPA member to be entertaining or interesting was El Bruc, and we stole him for \m/ as soon as he got too cool for hippy school.
  9. Hal, you've been defending the indefensible since you fled to Valhalla years ago. You'd think you were used to it by now.
  10. [New Zealand requests to join the League Of Nations]
  11. Mr. Marchesse signaled a desire to speak and waited till parliamentary procedures made it allowable. "To put it quite simply, we'll sign if France does. If not, we will maintain cordial relations with all member states, just as we have maintained cordial relations with all non-member states (It's not exactly the first time NZ has been involved in a Pan-Pacific Treaty Organization after all) but to put it simply, we're going to dance with the one who brought us, and if they don't like the tune, we'll just have to play wallflowers for the time being.
  12. The Representative of New Zealand, Mr. Ronald Marchesse casually slid into the vacant seat reserved for New Zealand. Clearly, he wouldn't be saying anything just yet, but if there were any questions, he was present to serve.
  13. Lulzism is not a thing, please stop spreading Tywin's word cancer.
  14. I challenge this assertion. Hakai has a deathly fear of puppetry, and I haven't allowed anything in my posterior since that one party post-Karma war, so the idea that we in Kashmir are puppets, or poppets, or puppies (whichever you are asserting) is really quite beyond the pale.
  15. It appears you are a detriment to your own alliances foreign affairs because we're not teenagers anymore and no one is impressed by the fact you know the word bourgeois and can vomit forth walls of text. No one buys this boring narrative of emperor versus godking, or this black and white dichotomy your selling. It lacks nuance and a basis in reality. Stop posting.
  16. It appears you are a detriment to your own alliances foreign affairs because we're not teenagers anymore and no one is impressed by the fact you know the word bourgeois and can vomit forth walls of text. No one buys this boring narrative of emperor versus godking, or this black and white dichotomy you're selling. It lacks nuance and a basis in reality. Stop posting.
  17. A member-specific gag orders would do wonders for your Foreign Affairs/Propaganda machine, man.
  18. Oh, how the real GOONs would laugh and laugh to see what you've become. Kenny my lad, you really do need to hush and let Sardonic do the talking on the public forums, you simply haven't the gift.
  19. I'm sure, sadeeki, that if you asked for peace over, say, Eid-al-Fitr, it would be honored. however, while I do doubt part of his statement, for the most part, CN is played by Westerners/people to whom the celebration of Christmas/peace during Christmas isn't a foreign concept. Peace, on the whole, is a good thing, and preferable to war. Anarquista, you seem to be bucking the trend just for the sake of it; is it really necessary to whinge and moan about what for most Westerners is a secular holiday?
  20. Seems like you fought the good fight, and surrendered under honorable conditions. Well done.
  21. Clearly that is also scripted to give you a false sense of hope before they send in their best later.
  22. It should be noted that Kashmir is fighting an entirely different conflict than DBDC and those philosophically aligned with them. Our involvement with Legion and Invicta is due to their alliance with SUN, not as a larger alliance with the Doomsphere. We've already said why we're at war with SUN, (conflicts of interest with them, the behavior of members of their alliance). Do our interests align with the Doomsphere? For the moment, yes. But the actual motivation for the conflict is the stated Casus Belli. With Kashmir, what you see is what you get.
  23. You know, I wish this game would have a reset, and then young gentlemen like this one would get a chance to try these crazy ideas that come up every now and again. Not something that hasn't been tried before of course, but I wonder if the shouting of conventional wisdom from the "Establishment" had been softer, perhaps it would have come off. Anyway, I'm a raider, so I don't support this.
  24. These people are good dudes, you should join 'em.
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