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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. I hope now we can finally put to bed the question of, "can anyone really be that vindictive and petty, and hold on to a grudge that long? " The answer is yes. I can.
  2. You misunderstand why I am here. My own beloved Kashmir is out of the war (we were never in the main conflict to start with). I'm cognizant of the fact that my presence here has no material effect on your defeat. That being said, I'm mainly here to enjoy the sight of you and yours repeatedly getting your teeth kicked in. You see, there's no statue of limitations on schadenfreude. Watching the spiritual heirs of Electron Sponge get introduced to the business end of a jack boot is the best game in town right now. By all means, please, drag this fight out beyond all reason. Continue to get smashed in the face whenever you get back up again. Pull out all the stops. I and the unquiet dead of \m/ will be watching, and laughing.
  3. the griping about peacemode is abit obtuse. It's a valid strategy of war and has been for a very long time.
  4. By all means, continue to resist. If you can rally your people to provide a few more months entertainment by yourselves, I'm all for it, as you have no path to victory at the moment.
  5. Artigo, it'd be a shorter list to mention who remains relevant in the modern era than to say who isn't. However, if we did that, then I would lose what little morsel of entertainment I get from this, so let's continue to pretend that the remaining battles matter. Regardless, you're right; we're just waiting at this point. No one from your opposition has the internal fortitude to oppose you via a vietFAN style war. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the world after.
  6. Actually, I'm in Kashmir; we're currently at peace, so I don't have a "side". I'm just doing this to remain kashmirelephant.
  7. You're a delight and a treasure. Tell me, is Andy2k a Nome de guerre, or did your mother, knowing you would one day rule a nation, reward you with such a comely title? If Fark is stressed by combat to the point that this os the only legitimate military target they can strike, aside from their current engagements, this is telling to your capacity both to continue your engagements elsewhere and to assist against other targets as they arise. It does not speak to your fighting prowess, but the material and nation strength you have left available to fight this war. Short version; you've been beaten down by a superior force and have to take shots at minor military targets on order to advance your cause by a foot. This tells me you are well on your way to a defeat in detail; you can ask your military leaders what that means.
  8. Still not a single person with the capacity to refute this, I love it.
  9. Certainly explains why we leave you off the Christmas family Newsletter and White Elephant every year.
  10. It's our fascination with women who can kill us, Zog my friend.
  11. Now Zog, if young Dajobo feels he has the intestinal fortitude to step into the ring with me, who am I to refuse him?
  12. My point is that Fark's pursuit of this conflict in lieu of a better military target is a tacit admission that they lack the ability to fight the war at a level above this conflict they've engendered with WFF.
  13. Stop the propaganda mouth for a second and face facts. Fark is bragging here and elsewhere about wupping on a six nation AA. If that doesn't make you worry about your ally, you haven't been paying attention to the world during your entire history here.
  14. Don't be obtuse. I'm speaking to the fact that they pursued this war at all, instead of better targets, and the level of response they've given this in the OWF. It speaks to weakness.
  15. Regardless, all this reveals to me is the weakness of Fark's military and it's command structure. The fact that they made as big a brouhaha about this as they did tells me they are unable to prosecute the war effectively and have been reduced to these "For the Honor of the Flag" style battlefields. By crowing over its offense against WFF, it reveals the weaknesses and atrophy hidden within.
  16. So FARK, being unable to take the war to anyone who mattered, decided to take this to WFF and beat on a micro to prove their ability? Good show. Do you also jump children for their lunch money?
  17. I, for one, was under the impression that the Doomsphere was a monolithic, unchanging, singular entity that all followed the sames rules and had no individuality.
  18. The majority of you aren't even old enough to remember \m/, let alone have enough experience working with them/against them/observe them to make an educated commentary.
  19. Who me? I'm around, repping for Kashmir and doing ambassador stuff.
  20. Watching Marx try to spar with Branimir in a duel of wits is the only thing that made this thread worth reading. Rush, it delegitimizes you when you're deliberately insulting to Schatt. You're both intelligent fellows, albeit on opposite sides of an argument. Why not practice some courtesy?
  21. Kash\m/ir Ascends Via the Unjust Path. Let all comers remember the numbers: 1.66:1. We'll only become stronger from here.
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