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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. You have Frank Sinatra in his role of Nathan Detroit (a'la Guys and Dolls) as your avatar. I have Marlon Brando in his role of Sky Masterson from the same film. We are some pretty classy fellas. On another note, what does your name stand for? Also hail TOP and whoever else, I don't know what's going on in this war anymore.
  2. All I want for Christmas is you to do an in depth analysis of Kashmir.
  3. Kashmir is currently engaged with about 340 nations. Kashmir is an alliance of 45 people. During this time we've maintained a higher damage output than any of the alliances we are engaged against. GOONS has become a den for cowards (Emperor Marx, who abandoned his alliance in wartime) and the out of touch. You're the kind of alliance GW3 GOONS would have beat the stuffing out of and sent to the Mercy boards. There's nothing lulz worthy in you and yours. You are strangers and infidels. Now start talking with your soldiers and tanks to Kashmir, or stop talking. Fake Edit: Yes, I'm in peace !fter fighting six nations, I'll be out of it shortly. I look forward to seeing your war declarations, or your silence.
  4. War is war. You fight to win, not to win accolades about how honorable and moral you are.
  5. Blood for the Blood God, you high and mighty, nose in the air Penguin. When your nation is left in ruins and your words are ashes in your mouth, I'll invite you to write another wordy essay; We'll call it "Ascension Via The Unjust Path".
  6. My first war I can remember was a personal little thing between me and someone with a Nazi themed nation; the first war I provided any support to was the Paddy's Day Massacre of NoR vs SWF/LSF, and then the first real war I participated in as an alliance member was GW3. Fought some GATO but mostly WAPA, if I can recall; those guys merged with us for sixty days after the war, and when they came out of the other side we were friends. I'm sure I sound old and useless, but as a foot soldier and as a minor diplomat, I miss Initiative, and \m/.
  7. I like how youre pretending that your point completely overrides my own, but it doesn't, try again.
  8. The egotism required to ascribe to an opponent a mental condition is of such scope that I cannot get through the humor of it to get to the nuggets of sheer arrogance. As for ideas? You're arguing that by joining the war in our defense, SRA has joined the war against you, totally and completely, without equivocation. That's madness; wars are more than hyperbole launched from would be intellectual to would be intellectual supporting this or that political ideology; there are target lists to compile, aid chains to organize, orders to give. While SRA certainly can't be described as on your side, unless and until their involvement expands to include other alliances then in point of fact they aren't at war with you.Rather, they've come in to aid us, a small pool of 44 nations currently fighting 348, as brothers in arms are want to do. Such soldierly virtue is the ideal to which all who choose the sword should aspire.
  9. (OOC: Spent that period in Afghanistan, wasn't much I could do for the revolution.) It's like your blacks have become whites and your whites have become blacks. You've become the caricature of the man who lived long enough to become what he hated.
  10. In another age you would have written a sonnet about the courage of the man who fights for his friends. Now you deride the same as idiots. Were Vox Populi nations fools because they stood for the principles you espoused, even after being pounded into dust? When did honor become idiotic?
  11. Schattenman, if I was ever a true believer instead of a general cynic, I'd say you'd betrayed the revolution you helped foster. But I'm not a true believer, so I'll just say you joined the alliance of Electron Sponge and Almighty Grub; the alliance of cheap friendships and alliance killing surrender terms. So I wish confusion to you and yours, and a punishing set of reps from the Doomsphere to put you all down the ladder just a bit more. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be fortunate enough to see Polaris forced into disbanding. It's a nice dream, anyway.
  12. For some reason this thread is full of win. must be all that KA$H.
  13. Young man, were our esteemed brother Kashmiri not of such gentle raising, and not possessed of a noble and retiring nature, I would take these words as the deepest possible insult. Withdraw your pugnacious, pompous utterance at once, or you shall presently find yourself summoned to a gentlemanly engagement, wherein you shall expire with the sound of my ball-shot ringing in your ears!
  14. You declared on us, and yet a bunch of nations in my range were just sitting at DEFCON 5, not worried about anything...that's a pretty great war leader ya got there, Legion.
  15. No quads at update. Nascar, you lied to me.
  16. your corpse god is a lie and so is your revolution.
  17. If you screw up the blitz, kids, you're going to pay for it in blood and NS, so here's hoping you know how to click the war button at the same time.
  18. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne. Bury them, Doom Squad!
  19. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=548478 I'll just leave this here.
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