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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. (OOC: if you can't get down with me playing on the IC side of the IC/OOC divide, I don't know what to tell you. ICly, as a veteran ruler of nations, how does the passing of time make what happened okay? ICly, I'm also not just talking about \m/, but various other alliances that have suffered at the hands of Polar. Or did you think I had finally flipped and bought into my own Bull hockey? I don't know Morgaine, I respect Walford as a player of a side I've always been against, Tywin is kinda annoying and you're my boy, blue. But rhetoric is rhetoric and this has been a stellar opportunity for me to hone my craft. Gods above, I don't actually hate you people.)
  2. That you scoff and escape any attempt at a repartee by labeling me a toadie is a sweeter admission of defeat than if you tore your own banners before me.
  3. So what you failed to do with verbosity you now attempt with brevity? Laughable.
  4. Tywin Lannister, in fitful dreams caught in snatches of sleep, wishes to speak with such flourish as I do. In all seriousness, however, I appreciate your commentary; it is always flattering as a rhetorician to be noted for ones wordsmithing. You yourself have proved to be no slouch in that arena either.
  5. The graves have grown over with grass, and the headstones have faded, so the criminal nature of Polaris' s atrocities are to be forgotten. What a generation of children, assisted by elders who know better, have done. Can anyone with history in this world countenance to this? The hand of time moves, so you are now made new, fresh as an innocent babe? No. I will not acquiesce or remit to you a position of morality or honor. You children should flee that spectre of ancient violation you now bear, and you elders should weep that the day has come in which once proud men and women now stoop and mutter before a banner of Polaris.
  6. Whatever actions you took under another flag do not cleanse the blood stains off the standard you now bear, waved by generations of tyrants, and dipped in the blood of those who fell in defense of their own sovereign nations and their own sacred honor. Time has passed, and now you seek to erase History itself by claiming another mantle. But look no further than your own house you now proudly claim, and you will see the footprints of murderers and assassins. Graves do not grow empty for the passage of time, nor do the murdered return to the arms of their families by the passing of seasons.
  7. Such Zealotry is what is truly disgusting. Not just of you, but the majority of your prevaricating, vociferous propagandists. You preach a creed of victimhood and martyrdom while fastening about yourself the same blooddrenched clothes of your predecessors. Your own Emperor does not go as far as you, white washing the corpses of those whose lands you've trod and whose people your forebears repressed and exterminated! How many are alliances, some of noble name and bearing, that were extinguished and exenguinated by soldiers proudly flying the flag of Polaris? When you ruled the roost, and no hand could stand against you, did you extend the branch of peace or the sword? If we are truly thugs, guile filled monsters without remorse and without remit in the acts of evil, then so be it; you have yet ceded the high ground by pointing to the lands of the slain, paved over and forgotten, calling that "your proud history". Noble name of Polaris? Don't make me laugh! Rather, you are like dogs, returning to eat again of your own vomit. History is cold to the hopes of men. But sometimes, by the hand of some capricious God, justice may yet be served. Let it be so now, and park your bombed out wreck of an Empire next to all the other failed tyrants of the ages.
  8. Casus Belli usually implies a philosophically, morally justified reason for war. I say reason INSTEAD of Casus Belli because the reason for the war is either entirely justifiable or utterly condemnable depending on your philosophical bent, and the space between the two competing ideals is so extreme that you can't honestly label it a CB and expect it to stand. Basically: Casus Belli has alot of baggage associated with morality, and more specifically with "moralism". Reason just implies having a purpose and an intent.
  9. It's naught more than an alliance of convenience, probably do to the fact that he views you as a misguided youth; say what you will about the man but he knows how to be tactical. If you removed this war and were both left to your own devices I doubt he'd be so peaceable to you in discussion.
  10. Walford, I realized something, in reading these missives; You, sir, a philosophical bigot. You are intolerable because you have never, in the time you have been a leader of your nation or a leader among the family of nations, been able to articulate or acknowledge the validity of a point, or a perspective, that did not fit hand and glove with your own. Rather than ever make an acknowledgement to any of your opponents that while you disagree with them in the highest, you acknowledge that they have reasons to think that way, you paint all of them in the blackest and vile clothing, without a single light in relief. No one, especially so many people, are universally monsters. Were any to take you seriously outside of your circle, the universe would seem to them to be one filled with hate; an intolerable, Kafkaesque nightmare of pure hearted weaklings on one side and prevaricating monsters on the other, without relief, without a single shade of grey in your world of utter blacks and whites. I, opposed to you philosophically as I am, can take a step back from my own punditry and view points and recognize both your innate humanness and the reasons and motivations, some of them arguably noble, that make you the speaker and thinker you are. You cannot do the same for me, nor anyone who doesn't share your philosophy. That is hateful to me, and a raiment of shame that you wear as though you'd been purpl'd as a King.
  11. Its a sad thing when a pablum puking Polar opens that lowest hole in his head and thinks that qualifies as cogent contribution to a debate.
  12. Pardon me for not clarifying; I should have used Reason instead of CB. Also, I'm not contractually obligated to defend any of those alliances FA decisions. Also, this war had a reason, regardless of whatever made the papers; if people decided not to post it here its certainly been discussed enough by both parties.
  13. Virillus was unworthy of his position and the governmen at the time made a foolish mistake, we saw VietFAN, The membership could have stood the test. We can take comfort in the legacy \m/ left behind as a community. Many of the ties between alliances that exist now began due to friends who were apart of \m/ "keeping the band together". And Kash\m/ir has the highest concentration of people left; we're also the hosts of the yearly reunion. We'll be having another one this year; I'll put it out when we get it organized.
  14. Best comment. Speaking as a friend to both the doomsphere and OBR, there is nothing in between these two alliances worth a CB. Nor do I expect alliances founded on martial excellence and honor (with different ideals about their endgame and playstyle, be it said) are going to find themselves at war. That being said, I'll repeat that I would enjoy the sight of Lady Hime on the side of DBDC; the Rosulans haven't mobilized in a long time.
  15. No, what we need is a Black Rose/DBDC merger. The results would be hilarious.
  16. probably would just join Doombird and take out my anger one some other poor bastard, really.
  17. The likes of me? Lord, that almost sounds as though you are inferring something in regards to my character; and not something nice either. That's a hard row to hoe if that was your intent. As to the rest; you're the only game left in town. If there was a more interesting conflict going on, I'd be politicking over there instead.
  18. You know, in the darkness of antiquity, when you were young, people used to use their words during conflicts to make mock of one another, and to advocate for their respective positions. I feel this sense of "I don't understand why you guys are saying things" you keep purveying is snake oil. Frankly, its abit beneath your stature, and certainly not up to par with your historic reputation for political dialogue. When I argued against you, Kaos, and Vincent in the old days of GW3, you certainly had a more cogent and tangible philosophy and defense of your culture. I'll give you this piece of advice for free; you or someone competent needs to get hold of the narrative, if you can. While words alone cannot always sway wars, there is many a time that the appearance of victory is a victor in truth, and the moral victory (which might have been ceded to you if people didn't have a long memory when it comes to Polaris) is a fundamental part of the total victory. Or don't. For me, it makes no difference, except in entertainment value.
  19. You know, I was issuing forth that last bit of correspondence from my mobile device (busy nation ruler and all). However, I appreciate the humor in the way you caught my gaffe. The rest of it just seems like a "why are you saying things/We don't care about what you say", which rolls right into "Why does anyone say anything", "I don't care you don't care", etc, etc, ad nauseum. So I'll let that be for now.
  20. Man. They got you with the kool-aid good, didn't they Grub? Your nonsensical denial of Polaris as an unrepentant tyrant isn't due to a lack of intellect, it's Stockholm Syndrome! You're passing down the justification for tyranny and abuse to the next generation, forgetting yourself as among their first victims. Or did you forget the National Alliance of Artic Countries? Your old homeland, destroyed and battered down by none other than Polaris? For those who are young in the world: Polaris destroyed your home, and then indoctrinated you into believing these actions were just when perpetuated on others. You are directly responsible for pushing on the system of tyranny and abuse which you were once a victim of. It is too incongruous for comedy; a peerless warrior enslaved to a ruthless master. In the words of the ancients: Welcome to the nightmare of your youth, Grub; you have become the evil you sought to defeat. May all the gods have mercy on your immortal soul.
  21. To be fair, I still have mine. I do think its hilarious that an NAAC member is now the vanguard of propaganda for the organization that killed his alliance.
  22. You have your entire chain of command ripped out of the world by circumstance and then give me this pretty speech about falling apart after. There are only two people who own responsibility for what happened; one who has left the game and the other has been so long removed from \m/ as to have him not matter.
  23. It does a body good to see that, behind the pretty tinsel and talk of reforms, Polaris is still the same basket of untrustworthy snakes and unrepentant tyrants that t was in years previous. You'll look great stuffed and mounted on Cuba's mantle, Grub. Are you hoping for an action pose, or would you rather a humorous pose with a funny hat?
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