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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. Margrave

    The 'C' word

    God's blessing and good fortune to you.
  2. Easy there, Wulgaru, don't you have a Bad Religion show to get thrown out of? Flawed premise equals flawed topic, please try harder.
  3. "Rich Culture" Thanks for that, I needed to laugh.
  4. Congrats to Valhalla; I don't know who made the decision to make your entire AA look like gutless, cowardly worms, but you should probably fire him/them.
  5. Excellent work, Kaskus, for recognizing what is self evident and the unalienable right of all alliances; a good step in the direction away from the stagnation of the treaty web and towards prosperity.
  6. It's so terribly droll that the place you named your alliance after is the one place none of you will ever see.
  7. We achieve everything one can achieve in the treaty web without being bound to it; our relations are as such that you can't figure out who we are friends with (the people who came in with us in the SUN War surprised alot of folks). We also don't generate vacuous, mindless hails threads because of x treaty, nor do we give any indication of a potential relationship gone bad by announcing treaty cancellations. Governments change, and alliances change, and we are free to react to that without giving a critic a leg to stand on. We're a maneuver element in a world still fighting attrition warfare style (diplomatically, that is.) You keep striving for relevance, Mogar.
  8. We were dragged into nothing. Our front in the Doom war had nothing to do with the Doom Sphere, we had beef with SUN, and we worked it out. There was minor cross traffic in declarations between our front and the main, and no declarations on Polar whatsoever. We beat SUN and friends, and then we exited the war. If anything, we dragged DS/DBDC into our front to cover a couple of larger nations, but save for 1 or 2 wars against NADC, the only nations we fought were SUN, Invicta, and the Legion. We blunted the combat ability of a rival, blooded our younger nations, brought activity up...all of this sounds like sound achievements in a limited conflict that we fought in. The only chains around here are the ones holding you to an alliance that has not and will not do anything except rot on the vine. Anyway, I'm done with this, less I hear some smart ass say something about protesting too much.
  9. I'm telling you, officially and formally as one half of that magnificent duo that runs foreign affairs, that how DBDC feels or felt about young Mogar never entered into our calculus; if you'd joined Kashmir instead of yet another retirement alliance, you would have seen it yourself. Some of us (unlike certain born again moralists) still "do it for the lulz". Secondly, and more importantly,Kashmir believes that on a fundamental level, the treaty web is a lie. Our first approach to educate the Cyberverse, the Kashmir Co Prosperity Sphere, attempted to fundamentally re-adress the issue of legal language and treaty signing, but it was received poorly by people too mired in the past to understand it. Now, we keep our foreign relations simple; we have our friends, and we need no pieces of paper to hold them to us. relationships, and not ultimately unenforceable contracts, are the glue between sovereign states and alliances both. We invite all other free leaders to follow this model and experience the freedom it brings to dialogue (both internal and external) and to the political process.
  10. Try harder, Rey. This is not harder. *sigh* It's a terrible thing to outlive all of ones worthy rivals.
  11. One day, err the end, you will realize that the treaties you cling to like a drowning man to a rope will be the selfsame rope they hang you from. Also, we had no reason to sanction Mogar before this. When we realized how entertaining he could be, we decided to take him for a spin, and yea verily, it worked like a charm.
  12. The only thing Kashmiri citizens are concerned with scoring is some reefer. Other than that, we've proved that we are comfortable with where we are on the treaty web (that is, off of it entirely), and have no need to carry anyone else's water for them. As has been said by multiple Kashmir government members, this has been purely for entertainment factor, and there it had delivered over and over.
  13. You should listen to him; he's old enough to be your mother.
  14. OH NO, I'm...Kashmirrelaphant!
  15. OOC: Either share whatever dirt you think you have on me or move on, sweetheart. IC: You mentioned a game before, and now you're mentioning RP's...what's that all about?
  16. What is the sound of every serious nation ruler falling over themselves laughing sound like? ... ... ... If you can't hear it, you're probably who they're laughing at.
  17. To be fair; you're a twit of a ruler who keeps trying to make his name as an opinion maker and continues to fail. We never spoke to DBDC or asked their permission, because both would be irrelevant; we were strictly interested in helping you continue this trainwreck of a thread because, small beer that it is, you're at least moderating entertaining in your herculean leaps of logic and your fallacious commentary. So go on monkey, dance!
  18. To be fair, we punished you, then you mocked us, and now we're mocking you. It's a rather entertaining way of doing business.
  19. You'll say anything in the world to avoid explaining your cowardice in battle, won't you Marx? How deep did you bury your honor the day you betrayed us all?
  20. That's Mr. Vaseline to you, you quack.
  21. Some of us are possessed with an ability for rhetoric; I find as a nation ruler and an alliance government minister (Of Foreign Affairs no less!) that the use of the proper words are vital to the international dialogue. Your sanction is an expression of annoyance at your base and ignoble machinations to provoke a suicidal conflict between your alliance and the Doomsphere. Failing that, you wanted to tweak DBDC's nose because you thought it cute. That's immature, but sadly run of the mill for you. We, however, were not amused by your playing the victim and attempts to be clever, and so your sanction was arranged as a formal expression of our displeasure with your childish antics, the whining, wheedling tone of your posts, and and your pretense of a moral high ground where non such exists.
  22. One would wonder what you were blathering about, but I don't have the time or inclination. You've proved quite annoying in your own right, here and now; I have zero need of another reason save what you so richly provided by practicing your low form of agitprop for the gullible and the party fanatics.
  23. Your member is a ignominious ignoramus who presents manufactured drama as high politics. Your defense of him, tepid as it is, is an act of war on common sense and political discourse. That either of you receive the attention of the chattering classes at all speaks more to the low state of rhetoric in our fallen world than to any merit inherent in your argument. Are you choosing to treat a powerless sanction (indeed, two powerless sanctions) as acts of war? Have we, like Mogar, provided material aid or comfort to your enemies? Have we attacked with soldiers and cruise missiles, spies and nukes? We both already know the answer to that question. It is also common sense that the rule you keep banging on about is in regards to sanctions that actually affect the nation in question; Kashmir merely formally gave notice of its annoyance. But further dialogue is pointless, you'll continue to blather the party line out of a sense of misguided loyalties. Do continue to prevaricate for the entertainment of the masses though, HOT, perhaps you can give in entertainment value what you so obviously lack in political discourse.
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