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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. God, I missed you Srqt. Good to see you still around.
  2. So what is this, a bi-annual thing? A tri-monthly? I'm not saying I've gotten tired of the genre, but maybe we could get a new edition of Chicken Little Magazine rather than the same one I've been receiving since the end of GW3. Newsflash, kiddo; the game has been "dying" since before the 2000's hit double digits. It's not going to change any time soon, barring another mass invasion from a huge forum or something of the like. So just sit back, relax, and stop trying to hold up a sky that isn't falling. We're doing fine.
  3. New Zealand would send a representative to represent the government at such a splendid occasion. Capt Arnold "Tuff" Mayer would represent Margrave Khendon and extend their congratulations to the happy couple.
  4. Hey, caps or no dice, imperators. We're not going running back into the bosom of the same old thing. Also Cent, this is a general discussion thread, if you want something specifically about the map post a topic.
  5. I say all this running around and making rules for things that haven't happened yet is ridiculous. Let's make the map, and then we'll see how it goes from there.
  6. I'm completely against a vote of any form. Popularity contests are stupid.
  7. I dont view them as a seperate community. This is a map wipe and a rule change, one that was long overdue. The subforum request was already made and shot down. To pretend that this is a seperate community, fully formed from the head of Zeus, is abit obtuse, in my opinion.
  8. The forum doesn't support two continuities. The format won't let us play in the same box, and the majority of the old nations of CNRP1 are silent as the grave most of the time becuase you cant host two multi thread roleplays in one format, it doesn't work.I dont see anything in the above that will address the issues brought to your attention except the promise you'll keep an eye on things. I dont believe anyone is asking you to shape content, but format? That's different story. Besides which, the point about it being too much work to put up a second forum is a non starter. Any one who has maintained or owned a forum knows that's false, whether you're running on Proboards or some other format. This whole thing strikes me as a non action and I'm afraid it doesn't address adequately the needs of the community.
  9. The forum doesn't support two continuities. The format won't let us play in the same box, and the majority of the old nations of CNRP1 are silent as the grave most of the time. They are coming here, period, or they will leave. The format in place doesn't have room for both.
  10. And obviously I support removing the vote in.
  11. Contrary to popular belief, being annoying is not breaking a rule. Tywin should be allowed back. that being said: THE CAPS must stay in place, period.
  12. I believe this vote/kick rule needs to be removed entirely. Its ridiculous and it robs the community of any chance at healing/removes any chance of real antagonists and conflict from the game. Lets say good riddence to bad rubbish, shall we?
  13. The vote process is ridiculous and needs to go. I think a referendum is called for.
  14. CNRP2 Nation: The Margravate of Camberlain-in-New Zealand CNRP2 Nation shorthand: New Zealand CNRP2 National football team nickname: Knights CNRP2 football team kit color: Blue and White CNRP2 football team playing style: Agressive
  15. I want a recall on these stupid rules of exclusion. Failing that, returning it to a majority vote, 51/49. The current rules are stupid, and need to be thrown out entirely.
  16. Khendon cleared his throat, his face still for the barest of moments; he knew that the next words he spoke would save or doom, heal or destroy, based on the unknowable future. He spoke, his voice deeper, more ritualistic, a strange, archaic accent coloring his words with a brogue from somewhere long ago, and far, far away. "The Marchar stand with France." He nodded once to the Lord Protector, sharply. "The Marchar stand with the Union." Though they afforded him the title of Lord, Khendon was rightfully titled Keeper. It implied a bond between him and the people deeper than mere royalty; it was his sacred duty to be the living representative of all Marchar, of all bloodlines new and old, and to embody their culture and values. When he spoke, he spoke on behalf of all of his people. "I would be a poor proposer of bloodsworn alliances indeed if I said that the shield of the Marchar extended thus, and no farther. Understand, Cousins, that in my land I am the vessel by which my people find their voice. In my title, Keeper, is the promise that I will Keep the Way, and do justice and honor to the name of my fathers and mothers before me, and to those yet born. Though we are a small and fractured folk, spread to the four winds by war and desolation, all who keep the Way have sworn to obey my command. Wherever the Marchar find you, you will have a friend, be he the lowliest worker or the greatest Knight." He cleared his throat, the ancient accent slipping away like the last darkness of the morning. "Like in Borneo, Lord Protector. Say the word and our soldiers shall join you in the prosecution of your campaign against the miserable, light-blinded militants, and what aid we can send will be directed to the people suffering under the deviltry of civil war there."
  17. Khendon would acknowledge the Protector with an excited nod. "Upon the trade routes of Asia and Oceania was the empire of the Hansa built; and other great powers besides. Here, in these South Pacific waters, we represent both a viable market for foreign goods, a potential industrial supplier to other nations, and a ready for trade maritime power. I have been about my business in the collection of contracts to supply shipping to the various Pacific Rim powers, yourselves included of course; I feel we are standing in a golden moment of opportunity, waiting for us to press onward, to glory for our allied houses." Khendon took a breath, calming himself; tranquility filling his features. "You both are correct to say that this agreement is more than a cold coalition of natural allies. In my mind, it represents the rebirth of an old idea; that the South Pacific powers, working together, could bring the best of West and East into one house. All of us hail from a European tradition; all of us have intense interests here in the South Pacific. In the vision I have of our future, I see Brisbane shining brightly again as the Paris of the South Pacific; Auckland a new Milan or Berlin, and your holdings, your Majesty, diamonds scattered across the face of the seas. I believe the very best of the future...if we but embark on this journey together." Gestured magnanimously towards them both. "No mere alliance, but an organization, a bloc, to be a shield to our nations and to represent our mutual interests. What say you both?"
  18. "The conduct and professionalism of your diplomatic corps, as well as your security elements, were beyond reproach", Khendon noted, staying seated but giving the Lord Protector a respectful nod. "I also must compliment you on the obvious care with which you seem to have restored the Diet; it has been generations and several long, forgotten conflicts since a leader of my folk, the Marchar, walked these halls.It does your name honor that you give respect to the glorious past; it forshadows, I think, a glorious future." He'd lean back in his chair and take a sip from a glass of water. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Cousins, I am most grateful that you, Lord Protector, and you, Your Majesty, were able and willing to meet with me here, to listen to my wild proposal." Khendon gestured to a world map, with its focus rightfully centered on the south Pacific, that had been hung for reference. "See here; the vicissitudes of Fate, the strength of your arms, and whatever gods may be have shaped the map in such a way that we are natural allies or deadly, deadly enemies. All three of us have ogilarchic, monarchal to pseudo-monarchal governments. And history, the dimly remembered creature that it is, binds the nations of France, Australia, and New Zealand together in many interesting ways. What I propose is less founding a new order, but instead renewing ancient bonds between our far flung 'family' of rulers, and building a strong, independent, free bloc in the South Pacific which can resist effectively both empire builders and the random follies of fate." He paused. "The potential benefits are endless."
  19. *Later* Margrave Khendon, IVth of that name, would arrive with little pomp or ceremony, having only brought a small entourage that included two bodyguards, an aide-de-camp in the simple green uniform of a Marchar Guard, and a secretary. Opting out of the traditional fanfare, he arrived in secret to the public, eschewing the typical long black limo and opting for a black Sedan. After a few hours of settling in, catching a nap, and changing out of his worn travel clothes, the monarch would don a charcoal grey suit, and a simple golden circlet, and allow the various secretaries and aides of the Union escort him to where he would sit at the conference. He noted that the building they were in was the ancient seat of the house of the Hanseatic Diet; his ancestor, Luis De Luit, had stood here. Truly, it was heady being in the seat of the old empire, and he noted with quiet approval that its current ruler had established his seat here. He'd sit, completely relaxed, idly stroking his short beard, waiting for the conference to begin.
  20. A letter would be posted to the rulers of France and the Union of the Southern Cross. Written on heavy vellum parchment, and sealed in an archaic red wax, it was delivered on behalf of the Keeper of Camberlain, the autocratic ruler of New Zealand, Shield of the Marchar Diaspora, Brother of the Maori Nation, Guardian of the Free, and a half dozen other titles besides. After many well wishes to his "Cousins" of France and the Union, the meat of the message was surprisingly short: A diplomatic internet message exchange system protocol would be enclosed, highly secured, so that the three nations could confer quickly upon receipt of the message.
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