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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. Come and get it if you think you can, Invicta. o/ Kashmir!
  2. Starfox, it wounds me to see you wearing that AA.
  3. My war chest is well fed, as Nerses is finding out. :v:
  4. Oh Schatt, as though the when and the why and the what of it ever mattered. It is hard on the eyes to see that ridiculous AA on your nation though. I suppose it's true; we either die or live long enough to become what we despise.
  5. \m/>_<\m/ A Message From Margrave \m/>_<\m/ To keep this short: SUN, we don't like your face. So we're going to put a brick in it. Sincerely, \m/argrave.
  6. OOC: I'm still here Cent. I'm going to go ahead and not recognize this.
  7. I'm always down to see Polar get kicked right in hurting place, so o/ DBDC.
  8. Man, it's almost like Polaris is raiding their tech. Oh how the times have changed. Edit: Hello world.
  9. MEMO, DISTRIBUTED VIA INTERNET: The people of New Zealand, as the primary large freight hauler in Pacific waters, via the elected government, post the following to all powers involved in maritime trade: Our sailors, longshoremen, and logistics personnel have all noticed the great variety in containers and hazardous materials shipping standards. As the primary, peaceful supplier of maritime movement in the Pacific, we feel that this contributes to lower safety levels and an undetermined loss in revenue. Therefore, we invite all governments so interested to come to New Zealand to the Constitution Hall in Auckland. Please RSVP before hand.
  10. If Good Master Hakai isn't on this list, we'll mail you 1000 dirty bags in protest.
  11. So i cannot access my pms or profile or anything, the button that shows all of that isn't working. Additionally, when i click full version to view the regular forum, it redirects me right back to the mobile site. This is using an S3 Samsung galaxy.
  12. Khendon nodded. "Of course. And I understand completely; your present business is pressing enough, especially since we've maintained peaceful relations with the other surrounding regional powers. I'd like to help you if I can, but I'm afraid my power projection is limited to his hemisphere...and frankly, even that's stretching it to the breaking point. For now though, I'd like us to maintain our economic ties; your country already receives a tax-endorsed bonus to anyone of the companies who agrees to ship for you. Right now I'm interested in what else you could propose we do to tie us closer economically...and I want to know if there's anything we can do for you, beside helping you fight; you've been a good partner to us and it's a matter of honor to render what aid we can."
  13. The meeting between the two rulers would be held in a comfortable but unpretentious study maintained by the Margrave for private diplomatic visits such as these; warm carpets, a cheery fireplace, and bookshelves filled with tomes lining every wall. A bottle of wine would be provided, while Khendon sipped on an old single malt scotch. She'd be escorted with every courtesy, and once the proper rites had been observed, and their mutual security had been coordinated, she'd be invited to take any of the stuffed, comfortable chairs next to the table as her own. "Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet face to face in these troubling times. I am glad to see your country has emerged again, strong and at the fore, but I was hoping we could discuss our partnership in the Pacific here in a comfortable surrounding; specifically, what your plans are. I'd like for us to address trade and defense in particular."
  14. So here's my pitch, ladies and gents: I'm looking at creating a small continuity, less focused on the buildings of nations, but rather an exploration of post global downfall and the slow rebuilding of social and civic life. My own contributions to this idea are more world building and quest writing than to write up a survivor nation, but I invite people to explore the idea and see what suits them. Know that I'm not necessarily positing a post-apocalyptic roleplay set in the CNRP or Real World; I'm thinking of the world of Ken Scholes, or Glen Cook, but closer to the actual event, maybe a generation or two off. For tone, I don't have much, but I was writing this piece and I think it gives a window into what I would like to do myself: If anything that I've said remotely clicks with you, let me know. I'm far more interested in exploring the story, or stories, that are crafted in regards to how people, societies, and cultures react than to see stat trading and warfare. The world I'm imagining is devastated; government beyond the city state nigh impossible and that a rare occurrence. If anyone feels this is for them, let me know; we'll build something interesting, together.
  15. Another Era, another Margrave, had seen Brisbane as the flower of Hanseatic culture; the twin dynamism's of the Marchar and the Hansa working together. Though it had doubtless been damaged through repeated strikes, through long periods of lawlessness, and the recent collapse of its government, Brisbane was still a cultural touchstone for many of the Marchar, and sure enough, life, as it always did, flowed back into the ancient city. It was on the same day that the message was posted to the world that the NZAMTF (New Zealand Army Marine Task Force) would arrive in the city, taking up interlocking and connecting peremeters, engineers building a defense-in-depth while infantry engaged in civil affairs and police issues with the local population; setting up checkpoints, assisting LEO's with law enforcement, as they attempted to reach any and all competent authorities on the continent. So far, all they'd found was silence...
  16. New Zealand expresses its sincere concern over the situation in the America's, and hopes to see that this situation is resolved.
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