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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. let's make nice friends; it was a well fought war and a well earned peace all together.
  2. Happy hunting! Good job everyone, blah blah blah, if you don't mind, I'm going to catch up on all my lost sleep now. Here's hoping my wife remembers what I look like.
  3. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, although it appears there's only one person from MI now in LN, and they aren't welcome back.
  4. it's called real politik. Maybe go look it up.
  5. I am painfully aware, which is why I'm pleased that he's managed to sabotage himself and any hopes he had of capitalizing on his gains. Makes my life easier.
  6. Hello friends, Margrave here; I'm the negotiator for MI and some of their friends. I also negotiated white peace with a simple apology from Methrage. He's managed to blunder that all up. I didn't like him anyway, and frankly, he's a delusional megalomaniac with a false sense of grandeur, so really, this is the best possible thing that could have happened. I wish everyone on the other side happy hunting! Cheers!
  7. Poor comms is what you get when you're in an ad hoc coalition. That is not an excuse for continuous aggrevation of the people you are at war with. I told you privately, and you did not respond, therefore I am telling you publicly: Cool your jets.
  8. Hey. Hey you. Stop this. Freelancer, you never brought Xiao around yesterday, and for that I am dissapoint. As for this, standby, we'll speak privately.
  9. Friends, I think we should all take a breather yes? This is a bit unseemly.
  10. Let's simmer down. All of this back and forth is putting a crick in my neck.
  11. You should delete some pm's and make room for more. Also, get on IRC you eloquent goon.
  12. III% has lost all credibility to speak on liberty or freedom forevermore. This entire debacle is a lamentable piece of poor political maneuvering and reveals the tyrannical nature of those who dare to associate themselves philosophically with the vanguards of freedom. How quickly do the freedom fighters find themselves wearing jackboots. What a damnable shame.
  13. It never makes me feel good to watch old friends behave badly, TBM. I am not a friend or ally to LN or to methrage, but the poor behavior of respected friendsales me irate. Stonewall, exacerbating the situation further and continuing the conflict, all the while pouring gasoline on the flame here, is what I'm referring to. Your sword would have been better employed elsewhere, or have you forgotten your life long grudge against a certain order of sadists?
  14. Pardon me, Stonewall of Dixie Cove, are you calling me out? Me, who has known you since you were a child in this world, and fought beside you in ancient conflicts? What a mad world this has become.
  15. Don't get me started on how disappointed I am by your behavior in this whole nonsense.
  16. 1. I hope the irony of a collection of alliances dedicated to liberty oppressing the freedom of others isn't lost on anyone. Democracy for some, eh? 2. The last time a world power held a color sphere hostage by violence we fought a world changing war for it. To do so now is the height of barbarity. 3. One wonders what precognative is at the helm of the BC that can judge a man for sins he hasn't committed. One also wonders if this isn't merely mercenary thuggishness on the part of III percent on a nation who is already taxed by war. 4. Freelancer, both of us had the pleasure of once being USN members, and studying under Xiao. I do not think you absorbed the same lessons as I did. 5. Dakota, you were raised better than to support this kind of vile behavior. Or do you think that R would have supported this kind of naked display of tyranny?
  17. It really is quite disgusting. Until your declaration made your posts relavent to me, I had you on ignore simply because I was disgusted by the visage you present via your avatar.
  18. For an alliance with such a big name, you're acting decidedly small.
  19. Oh Rey, how did you sneak off of my ignore list? Back to the Halls of Irrelevant Infantile Idiots with you! Alex, your avatar is as disgusting to look at as always. Thanks for presenting a vile face for the world to suffer through in order to read your announcements!
  20. why be relevant when you could be Kashmirrelephant, Rush?
  21. Neato! I'll stop by your diplomatic channels later to discuss an amendment to this treaty wherein both parties agree to [Redacted] Kashmir's fine pharmacopeia of natural [censored]. ... .. ... you know, pot.
  22. Congratulations! I've always enjoyed LSF's contribution to the cyberverse in the form of its unique government structure, and I'm glad you gents are still around.
  23. Margrave

    The dragon is dead!

    Best news I've heard all month. Glad to see you are out of the woods, Dajobo.
  24. As a completely neutral and disinterested party, I have to say Kashmir is pretty great and their Piper is sexy.
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