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Everything posted by Margrave

  1. Now the world can clearly see what prevaricating, equivocating, lying malcontents the Meth head coalition is composed of. We've laid the bones of contention clearly out in front of the family of nations; no one can contend anything else save the truth as we have described it for days now. Let no one doubt our intent here; the enemy will surrender, or we will continue hostilities until the last trump. From this line we cannot and shall not depart. Those who think they have the money, or the friends, or the inside line, or the shady backroom deal to escape admitting total defeat are misinformed and shall be educated in the strictest of schools.
  2. That you lack the professionalism to stick to private discussion for terms is an indictment of your character. If you would like your terms restated, I'm sure Walshington and Sir William would be glad to do so.
  3. See my aforementioned remarks about allowing you the opportunity to die gallantly.
  4. Do you not understand the premise here? He gave Dream permission to honor his BC signature; there was no intention to join battle between LN and SRA. You can say it represented an SRA hit all you want, but it doesn't make it so. If SRA had wanted to hit you, they'd have hit you at update with a blitz; they wouldn't have given you the opportunity to first strike on their alliance as a whole. If you are incapable of respect for the man, that's your failure, but utilize logic: Your actions brought the REST of SRA to war, which you could have (and should have) avoided. If you think this was some stupid strategy on their part, you are severely underestimating the intelligence and war fighting capacity of your opponent, and that is a fatally stupid thing to do.
  5. You should lay out the timeline, point for point, with all the annotations and facts, so we can see what the war looks like from your perspective. I'd love to look at the world through your crazy kaleidoscope. Also Methrage, that's not what he said. He said Dream attacked you as a member of the BC, not representing SRA, and he gave you the opportunity not to have to go to war with the entire alliance. He did cede to you that you could indeed use it as a CB, but he counseled you not to, out of a perhaps charitable, christian heart. You chose to take it as the entire alliance declaring on you. But keep spinning. As I said, if the terms we gave you don't suit you, you can always die with honor, and that's no small comfort to a warrior.
  6. Man you people keep spinning your nonsense, meanwhile you have our terms. By no means do you have to abide by our terms, however; the option to die honorably is the last refuge of a soldier, and we will afford you and yours the opportunity to do so.
  7. Did you have any more comparisons to National Socialist leaders or other white supremacists to share with us?
  8. You compared him to Goebbels. No ducking that one chief. Also Methrage, that's adorable. Like Sigrun, you fall back on the implied threat of force when you are clearly losing the argument everywhere else. You're both baffled barbarians and it is my great pleasure to see you and yours pounded into dust.
  9. How many pages can Sigrun fill with nonsensical bullshit? Tune in at 11 to find out!
  10. We outnumber you, have more nations than you, and have fought in wars most have forgotten. It is not you keeping us at war, you maniac, it is we who will keep you at war until you submit to the terms we direct or you are crushed beyond recognition. The Boot is firmly on your neck and we have no intention of letting anyone buying your freedom.
  11. Kashmir's concience will not be dictated to or bought by Methrage and company. Their coalition has been offered terms; the ball is in their court, as they say.
  12. Don't you have your own glorious patriotic war to be worrying about?
  13. There is no time restriction on matters of state and good governance. Sir William, as our dread sovereign will no doubt continue to support the terms of the coalition to MI and LN. We came to this conflict as allies and friends to SRA, who are our close kin and brothers in arms. We will not abandon them, nor shall we depart the conflict until those terms agreed upon by our leaders are in place, or our enemies are utterly vanquished.
  14. That you would dare impugn the honor and dignity of the Siberian Tiger Alliance or its Dread Sovereign Tyga reveals not only the flaws in your judgement but the flaws in your character.
  15. While it's true that he no doubt has a group of sycophants ready to fund him up after he comes to terms and fulfills whatever "draconian" measures our coalition finally decides on, it's highly unlikely that anyone is going to be able to buy him better terms. Reparations, you'll notice, are nowhere in his leaked terms. There is no amount of money or tech someone could feasibly supply as weregild for his actions; only the decommissioning of several military wonders will do, to at least provide breathing space to Digiterra until the next time he is given succor and influence by nations too blind to the past to know better.
  16. Most of the nations disappearing right now are leaving out of the middle tier. Wonder what that's going to do for the price of tech.
  17. It is an act of christian charity to put a rabid dog down rather than to allow it to suffer the results of its own madness, or worse, harm another with its instability.
  18. Sir, if you are not aware of the portion of blame that may be laid at his door for the events that have transpired on Brown, then you are the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. If his goal was the ruination of brown and he succeeded however, then there are other titles for him. If not, inept (and afraid of the consequences of ineptitude by his departure ) is exactly the word I'd use for him.
  19. By all means sir, wear the badge of diplomatic ineptitude with the pride only a man of your dedication to total failure can posses.
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