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Lord Curzon

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Blog Comments posted by Lord Curzon

  1. If you insist. Two more groaners:

    Sorry James Dahl, you have to be a lot quicker on the draw with us if you want in. When it comes to having fun we are the masters. Racing around complaining will do nothing for you.
    I'm hoping these guys will just Ron away out of this thread. They've got the experience from this announcement.

    Definitely not my best work.

  2. So a duck walks into a bar and addresses the bartender:Duck: "Got any bread?"Bartender: "This is a bar. We don't serve ducks and we don't serve bread. Get out."<a few minutes pass>Duck: "Got any bread?"Bartender: "I just told you 'no'. Get out of my bar!"<a few minutes pass>Duck: "Got any bread?"Bartender: "I !@#$@#$ told you that I don't have any bread. Ask me again and I will !@#$@#$ well nail your bill to the goddamn wall!"<a few seconds pass>Duck: "Got any nails?"Bartender: "No, I don't have any !@#$@#$ nails!"Duck: "Got any bread?"

    ahahahaha, well played

  3. So i think the real moral of the story here is we passed up a reason to call out GOD.... !@#$. I am disappoint.
    Looking at TORN's memberships level now, it seems like you folks can't afford to lose any more people as it is.

    Good thing GOD is so unappealing we didn't have to worry about losing a member from your mistaken recruitment spamming.

    Though, it is too bad we didn't get all pissy and write up a blog calling you the worst alliance ever for a mistake, like NoFish did. Fortunately, that point needs no advertising.

  4. This is funny.. It wasn't even 4 months ago, I got a recruitment message from GOD.. While I was under the TORN AA.. The guy admitted his mistake and apologized. We went about our way. Now the same mistake is made later by another alliance and you make a blog ramming them for it? I vote GOD for being the worstest alliance in this. My reason being Hippocrates and trying to publicly ramming an alliance for making the same mistake that there alliance has. I mean I am not surprised that this caliber of show comes from an alliance that really never had anything important to gain attention for in the first place. But its still bad show.

    So i think the real moral of the story here is we passed up a reason to call out GOD.... !@#$. I am disappoint.

  5. I can't determine whats more pathetic here, CSN's attempt to get 40,000 units of tech out of a peripheral alliance of 48 or your attempt to justify those outrageous demands. I don't know what world CSN lives in that their husk of an alliance has the power, credibility or influence to ask for close to 1000 units of tech from every member let alone try and create terms intended to punish their top tiers. CSN may have close to 3x the membership of DT, but you guys are out of their league in almost every way. Give DT white peace and regain some semblance of class.

  6. Either way, if anyone thinks Duckroll is big, unified, or smart enough to handle PB-DH-C&G, they're just giving themselves a reassuring hug.

    Well, I'm smart enough to take on PB-DH-C&G all by myself. So add in the other DR guys and that shouldn't be a problem at all. We'll have enough left over intellect to take on both the Orders all over again then eat GPA for dessert. :P

    In all seriousness, it was interesting read Schatt. I think its pretty theoretically simplistic, but I always enjoy your writing style. Ever the journalist.

  7. I would like to know how this is any different from the thing all of you gentlemen decried last year when we (TORN/IRON/TOP/DAWN) preempted CnG. I recall all kinds of hysteria about how horrible we were for declaring an entirely separate war, and that preemption was not an acceptable tactic for CN.

    From my perspective we had a much better rational, and certainly more cause as CnG was most certainly going in, whereas that is more or less debatable for NPO.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  8. Pretty good job. I agree with Moridin though, everything in this was hashed and rehashed during that war. Interesting to see that Polaris has decided it needs to officially delude itself, though that's unsurprising given the shame that they would actually have to own up to.

    And for the old school among us no matter what happens we still hold this adage near and dear to us in times of excitement:

    The Orders are not to be trusted.


  9. Penkala, I think we all appreciate your magnanimous attempt to point out what you believe to be the issue with the opposition posting. However, you're speaking to the wrong people. Just as you would never ever be considered a credible opposition figure, it is also the case that the opposition leaders you want to see will likely be of a different mold. When you're making your comparison and dishing out advice, consider that Archon was the voice of karma, not PenLOLa. Who are possible comparisons to that role? People like RandomInterupt, Pezstar, or some of Pacifica's IOs, not Haf, Alterego, and The MVP. This is not to disparage those individuals, everyone plays their role, but it is simply to demonstrate the implicit error in your logic.

  10. Blackmail. Tell him you'll sue the !@#$ out of him if he does X,Y,Z. The noise stuff would probably work. Quite frankly you don't even have to be able to win, just afford a lawyer. Trample him with legal fees or, better yet, the threat of massive legal fees. Pretend like you're willing to go the distance.

    Also, threaten to call child services. If he's as much of a drunk as you are implying you may have at least enough of a case to make his life hell.

    I think you keep a guy like that contained by MAD, just like the good old days :)

  11. Indeed.

    Before I accepted, I demanded that I be paid at least twice what I earned as Triumvir, Minister of Foreign Affairs and/or Kaiser.

    Nordreich's Supreme Commander immediately acceded to my reasonable demands. :smug:

    Spoken like a true bureaucrat! Did you demand dental? That's always top on my list. Gotta keep those pearly whites pearly.... its a work expense really so I write it off anyway.

  12. I read it about three years ago for the first time, having promised myself (for many years before) that I would finally pick up a copy. Keeping within that same period, and if you can find a copy, The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks is worth reading. Much of it is made up of official documents from that period. Central Committee minutes, memoranda and the like. Read that, the Molotov book and Koestler's and....God, what a wretched, bestial period in human history that was.

    But fascinating, no? It is always incredible to me that when you read these books you get the sense that these people weren't just blood thirsty dictators (though they were also that) but that the slaughter had a purpose. That they could justify anything in the name of winning the historical dialectic. I must admit that I have a bit of nostalgia for the days when there was such a clear and present evil in the state system. When nothing was worse than a communist, and policy reflected that. There was some sophistication to it, and you had to respect the enemy. Oh the simple days.

    Maybe I am simply a fool though.

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