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The Morality of the Aggression

There is a certain duplicity of thought, an unspoken but visible rule that aggression is immoral and unjust, while at the same time belligerent parties use the open world forum as a tinker-toy to create an illusion of strength and grandeur, all the while they cowardly wait for another party to cast the first stone. In the past wars of aggression have been used to eliminate threats, and gain political capital by blocs such as One Vision and Continuum, and ever since Karma the acts of aggression h



Action thru Inaction: Maintaining Global Stability

Recently, in this cyberverse, there has been a spate of articles that proclaim to have stumbled onto the reason the game we play is not exciting. With increasing frequency, like a spring meekly sputtering up a thin dribble of water, individuals mutter that the game has become boring and past it's prime. They are only partially right. Many link the lack of conflict to a lack of activity and excitement. We are experiencing the most peaceful period in CN history due to a plethora of factors that ha



The BiPolar Myth: What I Should Have Published 174 Day Ago

I left Polaris 173 days ago, due to the absolutely asinine "PG policy" that is only selectively enforced based on who is on IRC and how much they like you. I have to admit, it was probably one of my best moves because, I was not very well suited to the culture. I was unfailingly loyal to Polaris during my tenure, and have an insatiable penchant for being blatantly honest. During my time in the NpO, I was a combatant in the conflict known as the "Bi-Polar War", which most of the world agrees was



The Doctrine of Grubism and The Comming of the Kingdom of the Polardox

Cybernations is currently gripped in a dramatic Global War. Does anyone truly know what is going on? Anyone have a clue why we are fighting? Nobody has a clue, and thats the way it is intended to be. Following the White Peace with \m/ and Polaris, in which \m/ conceded to abide by their charter, all effective reasons for this war were basicly over...except TOP IRON & Freinds attacked CnG, "unprovoked". Actually, it was quite provoked, becuase any idiot that can read the treaty web and mo



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