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Penkala's Minister of Information

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So, Nordreich

Where's that declaration on Pacifica that you held hostage in an attempt to get DT white peace? Just wondering.



Five percent

The amount of tech that CSN asked DT to personally pay over a period of six months. Three nations: The number of nations needed to pay the reps. And they won't even have to use all their slots. I would like to point out that these terms are worse than anything the NPO has ever implemented, ever.



On the DT situation

I guess what really needs to be said is that DT is being less than truthful to the world. DT has absolutely NOT been willing to work with CSN. In fact, the last round of negotiations, CSN accepted DT's counter-offer. DT responded by withdrawing the offer. CSN went to see what their NEW offer would in order to work with them again to find a fair amount they could pay. DT's counter offer? "You give us complete white peace, except that you also publicly apologize to everyone on this side of the war



Declaration of Victory

Today, I am happy to announce Penkalaland's decisive victory over Wasdrogan. After a tough first round of wars against Wasdrogan, I have decisively defeated the man who once leaked VE's warchest info (And confirmed to the world that we have massive warchests.) As Wasdrogan sits in anarchy, soaking up tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of technology in a feeble attempt to rebuy enough infra to purchase another nuke, the Entente celebrates. Let this be a lesson to all: If you cross the Vir



Mop-up complete

Mr. Damsky has been ZIed and ZTed. He is the 30th ZI victim of Penkala. A cruise missile removed his last .60 of infrastructure. Tonight, freedom loving people everywhere can rejoice.



Declaration of Victory

Yesterday, I declared war on Mr. Damsky to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world. Today, I stand before you victorious, having defeated Mr. Damsky on the battlefield. Despite war aid from many members of the great Carlos Accords, he put up no defense, and his nation has been completely decimated. In the days to come we will continue mop-up operations, and we will finish what we started. But most nations of Planet Bob can sleep well knowing that Mr. Damsky poses absolu



Declaration of War on Mr. Damsky

In response to Mr. Damsky's actions, which disrupted the peace of the Cyberverse and generally annoyed me, I have decided to declare war. Bye, Mr. Damsky.



Who wants to hear Londo sing?

Bad language in parts. NSFW. pt. 1 http://rapidshare.com/files/403687795/2010-06-28_time_02_36_20_Outgoing_Peer-to-Peer_Call_wickedj.mp3.html pt. 2 http://rapidshare.com/files/403687968/2010-06-28_time_02_50_04_Outgoing_Peer-to-Peer_Call_wickedj.mp3.html pt. 3 http://rapidshare.com/files/403688114/2010-06-28_time_02_56_09_Outgoing_Peer-to-Peer_Call_wickedj.mp3.html pt. 4 http://rapidshare.com/files/403688344/2010-06-28_time_03_03_39_Outgoing_Peer-to-Peer_Call_wickedj.mp3.html Sup Londo.



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