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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. They're all "spying". What depends are the circumstances of spying. The ones near the end may be more destructive (ex. leaking private logs, etc) than warchest info. But if the logs are a private discussion of their favorite pie, then it's probably not as bad. They all could be (and have been) used as CB.
  2. [quote name='RegentPancras' timestamp='1318578943' post='2824738'] The New Sith Order is not in a position to make demands of The Legion or her allies, and should know it. If you wish to enter into any negotiations with us, then please contact us through secure channels. [/quote] You told them. Oh, Legion.
  3. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318489220' post='2823992'] WOW YOU GUYS ARE THE SAME SIZE THIS IS HORRIBLY UNFAIR SAVE LEGION [/quote] The Legion was that kid in kindergarten who always needed a [i]little[/i] more help.
  4. I look forward to Winter, if it does not come I shall personally hold you accountable. Congrats on the growth.
  5. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1318386886' post='2823199'] You have an OA treaty, and an ongoing war. Use it. We wouldn't want you to hit 8mil NS, that would just be disappointing. [/quote] This. Congrats on the growth, but you could've joined this war the minute it started.
  6. Optional Aggression is best aggression. Congrats to both parties. o/
  7. My humble offering. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/1ww4c.png[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1317408484' post='2812828'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/x7lTe.png[/img] zzzzzzz [/quote] I laughed. Best Propaganda in this thread.
  9. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1317715838' post='2815917'] My only question in all of this.. NSO kicked you and spit on you for nearly a MONTH, Legion. You were spied on ingame and all that good stuff. Tetris comes along and posts screencaps which you cant even come CLOSE to proving they spied. At worst theyre guilty of accepting the info as far as you know. So uh..how come you didnt hit NSO back then? [/quote] Woah Woah Woah. One step at a time. You want them to declare war on EVERY alliance that spies on them?
  10. You were [i]forced[/i] into accepting reps? Come on now. I guess it's the gesture that counts.
  11. Non Grata should be rolled for these horrible terms. How dare they.
  12. Pips are a nice touch. Congrats to your new gov.
  13. Why do you do this to us UPN? Why?
  14. o/Tetreich Congrats to my friends in Tetris.
  15. I don't mind all the moving teams, but I demand all the flags be changed accordingly.
  16. Congrats to Tetris. Who shall be the new Legion Viceroy?
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