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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. [quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1312159262' post='2768651'] Riding High of the Arabian Union or something like that [/quote] Halin, you really should know who it is by now. Tut Tut. Good Luck but I have a feeling GOONS are just waiting to jump at you. Remember that the protectorate is before the DoE.
  2. [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1311833128' post='2766004'] hear hear, I am now for sale. [/quote] I've been waiting for this day. Hello, old friend. Congrats to NSO. I'll miss Exodus, they had some pretty cool guys. Except Partisan and that Wu guy.
  3. I wonder if TLR will get their pip before NG. :v
  4. I actually did know about this forever ago. Congrats to the the cooltasticly awesome and possibly not male dudes at Tetris. Also, Hi NSO. :v [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1311942430' post='2766902'] ROLL KEAN [/quote] The previous messaged is approved by everyone, everywhere.
  5. [quote name='mgregory' timestamp='1311821926' post='2765849'] You forgot Argent. O/ Apathy Coalition [/quote] I don't really see Argent as that isolated. They are quiet, but not isolated. After all we do have an ODP.
  6. Interesting. Could anyone add AZTEC? I also never got why people tie MK in with PB. They have nearly the same number of treaties with CnG. (ODN, TLR) v. (Umb, GOONS, FOK)
  7. I can see why you're mad, but to be frank, you have no rights, other than the one to exist. (And that one is quite recent). A while back, alliances could force you to quit the game. So in that sense it is a privilege. Whether you like it or not, you have to join an alliance, or the raids will never stop.
  8. [quote name='Khyber' timestamp='1311820451' post='2765836'] True, and FCC. Hold on a second, only 3 out of the 6 alliances are in this one. This should be called Citadel 0.5 + OMFG, and BN. Or wait, here is a novel idea, how about PF? [/quote] I nominate Citadel 0.7 Also, Glad to see Gre, BN, and OMFG (sort of) come out of their isolationist ways. Also, MADPs. :3
  9. Thanks for the update, Gopher. Hello TOP. Care to dance?
  10. Congrats to all the cool cats who have signed this. Except Calzone. He deserves nothing, and he shall like it.
  11. Good Bye. I never knew you, but your achievements were great, and you have left a great impact on the planet. Best of Luck.
  12. Ignoring the jab at the CB, I'm glad we can agree on this. War is a must. I'm waiting for those one month long wars.
  13. [quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1311380048' post='2761597'] I don't deny it. Somebody needs to keep things interesting around here, yeah? Also, hi, Bill Wallace, I'm fine. You may have noticed, I recently became a Templar. What about you? Doing okay? I'd add more but I'm afriad of the Mods... they like for us to remain on topic. [/quote] Sup Farnsworth. You need to visit more. Best of luck to Legacy.
  14. It probably would've been better if you had just apologized in private, rather then reveal your incompetence. Hopefully, RIA can set you straight.
  15. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1311222688' post='2760275']...those GOD-CSN treaties really made Legacy untouchable for awhile. I generally have liked Legacy before, but the thought of considering full diplomatic relations with them / a treaty kinda makes it impossible with CSN-GOD sticking right there . So in a way, I'd also like to congratulate Legacy for re-entering the touchable CN world... also because maybe Sarm is pretty touchable as well [/quote] You, sir, have discovered something that perhaps everyone can benefit from knowing. And, yes, Sarm is pretty touchable. Good Luck to Legacy, wherever their travels may take them. But Sarm still owes me a cookie.
  16. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1311212199' post='2760090'] I don't even know what to say. This is the most efficient side switching I've seen in quite some time. [/quote] This. I'm at a total loss of words. Good Luck Legacy.
  17. [s]I recognize Tetris as the Ayatollah of POT.[/s] Good Luck to all parties. I'm inclined to believe Tetris is correct, however.
  18. This saddens me greatly. Good Luck, Legacy.
  19. I congratulate Electric Mango in his successful infiltration and take over in RIA.
  20. Triumvirate - Cornelius, Impero, Xiphosis MoFA - Rebel Virginia MoIA - Rebel Virginia MoD - Rebel Virginia MoF - Rebel Virginia
  21. I do not recognize Spock as a Captain. Congrats.
  22. 1.) Not Seaworthy at all. Just sayin. 2.) I kind of want to read your charter, now. a wat god 3.) Impeach Dane. Congrats to the [s]oligarchy[/s] democracy that is SLCB.
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