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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. Tetris is horrible and shall be getting 50 lashes for their disobedience.
  2. Isn't Hooligans allied to every CnG member now? Congrats
  3. I can see you all care for NV, but this is getting annoying.
  4. Umbrella We're pretty close to TLR.
  5. Sad to see this happen. Best of luck to NV, we had a good little war.
  6. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1316928512' post='2808006'] Congratulations, NATO. Was it because of a lack of communication? I heard that's a big problem with Legion's FA. [/quote] hahahahha Legion doesn't do "FA". They believe that purplol and penguins shall lead them to glory.
  7. For the thousandth time, we're not going to war. Start a war with your own alliance and stop trying to start something with ours. After all parties responsible are identified they will be dealt with in a manner of our choosing at a time of our convenience. Outsiders who attempt to damage our Box will always be dealt with, in the fullness of time. History is on our side. We will bury you.
  8. NPO is evil. TLR is now also evil. May you two have a very evil time together.
  9. Some other time TOP. Some other time.
  10. Stop changing your gov. You guys disgust me. Happy Retirement, arexes. Stewie.
  11. [quote name='Enrage' timestamp='1316313782' post='2802766'] Congrats to our former allies. Hi Baltus. [/quote] Come at me bro.
  12. Until the colors in your flags change to your new team, I will not accept this.
  13. [quote name='PresidentStunna' timestamp='1316286073' post='2802435'] My AA is a prime example. This MDP will allow all AA's to grow. [/quote] Go join an actual alliance. That means one with over 50 members, and at least a million NS. Your best bet is a top 20 alliance, so you know what you're talking about. Once you realize how this game functions, you'll look back on this and laugh. Since you seem to not know what you're talking about I'll go over some things quickly. 1.) An MDP is generally seen as a Bilateral Agreement between two parties. Both parties must be alliances. 2.) A Bloc (or what you're suggesting: MUTUAL DEFENCE ALLIANCE TREATY) is a multilateral organization that often serves for defense and cooperation. Also lulz. 3.) An alliance is usually regarded as an AA with at least ~20 members and one treaty. Different people will give you different requirements but those are my minimum requirements. Below that you're a micro. In your case, it's just a nation. If you're looking for just growth and no war (which sounds nice but is actually very boring from my point) go join a neutral alliance. They can also help you out. The biggest is the Green Protection Agency.
  14. For those who may not have a TE account: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/8j79u.png[/IMG]
  15. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1316281368' post='2802371'] Never heard of you. Also congrats [/quote] We avoid pink dragons.
  16. Come here, TOP. Let's Tango. Looks like TLR is on the border of retaining their sanction.
  17. Purplol is best lol. May you have a long and fruitful relationship
  18. Who is your favorite SF and Mj member? What are your thoughts on PB/DH? Coke or Pepsi?
  19. inb4 NG is GOONS [s]2.0[/s] 3.0 Also, Tech Deals are aid. Sellers and buyers both benefit from it.
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