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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. Rats. They're on to us. I know! We'll change it to February. They'll never see it coming.
  2. It's either FOL-RnR or TOP-IRON. I'm inclined to go with the FOK treaty since the text hasn't changed, even if it's just a single clause.
  3. Ragnarok doesn't betray their allies. They stand by them, until the very end, no matter what happens. That's just the way they are. They signed that treaty, so you know that they'll honor it. They'll even go against other allies to honor it. But they may cancel on you once the war's over, Fark, just a head's up.
  4. I'm thinking 3x reps for these guys. Go get 'em TSO.
  5. The oldest Military Bloc, if you count membership changes, seems to be the Chestnut Accords. Their last signatory joined in 09.
  6. There is no force in the cyberverse capable of coming between the Orders. EDIT: Technically, the oldest treaty that mandates defense would be [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=814"]the SuperFriends Pact[/url].
  7. Join MK and attack NPO. Join Fark and attack NPO. FAN has one goal, and they will do whatever necessary to maintain it. But yeah, did not see this coming. o/ NPO
  8. [quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1322625946' post='2856379'] [center][img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/Longbowe/40a83442.png[/img][/center] [/quote] This is one of the best pieces, so far.
  9. Oh look an actual Declaration of War. Good luck to AZTEC.
  10. Alright, it's not funny anymore. Actually, it was never funny.
  11. Horrible CB, you guys are going to get rolled for pulling stuff like this.
  12. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1322355929' post='2853054'] [b]128 [color=red](-59)[/color][/b] {0} [color=red](-20)[/color] [i][color=black]Créole[/color][/i] : 7.92 --> 0.00 [color=red](-7.92)[/color] [/quote] Did Creole disband?
  13. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1322400512' post='2853685'] Can you detail the effects a lack of VE would have on the world? [/quote] We wouldn't have been able to disband. Oh, I mean not disband. We never disbanded. Ever. [i][b]Ever.[/b][/i] And I'd have to go with Ivan, Sponge, and Archon. If any group of people changed the planet, it was those three.
  14. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/QrMcC.png[/IMG]
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