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Kyriakos Raanb Dorou

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Everything posted by Kyriakos Raanb Dorou

  1. Yeah, but that guy didn't have $200 shoes. (Say the running companies ) I do the Detroit marathon every year, though I scarcely ever get better at it. Ironically I got my best time after doing no training at all for half a year prior, because apparently I tend to try too hard, and doing too much will hurt you more than doing too little. Two or three years ago, feeling energetic, I went to the front of the line just to see how long I could keep up with the leaders. Hung in there for three miles, then they blew away, I went overboard trying to rehydrate myself, got nauseous, and took a nap for about an hour on the side of the course. Some women spotted me and reported to the EMS volunteers that they saw a dead man on the side of the road. After questioning me to confirm my sanity and several assurances that I wasn't dying, one that lived on that road offered to let me rest in his home (which was both kind and hilarious). But after talking for thirty minutes I jumped back up and managed to finish shortly before the last chance bus. So all things considered you did pretty well! Congratulations on your second.
  2. That isn't foreboding at all. I think they were #2 behind Pacifica before this happened; then they had that whole two year guerrilla war thing that didn't do wonders for their growth. But sure enough here they are again. Good work.
  3. I've been a puppet a pauper a pirate a poet, a pawn and a king. I've been up and down and over and out, but I know one thing; Each time I find myself, flat on my face I pick. Myself. Up. And get. Back. In. The race.
  4. Of the wonders you listed, I think the DRA would pay for itself most efficiently (maybe two and a half months until you start making profit, with your FAC and twenty day tech deals). Wonders which affect population size, happiness, income, or infrastructure fees are a lot more useful when you reach a larger infra level (significantly amplifying the wonder's benefits); but while you are still small, any of them could take a year to pay for themselves. Example: let's say you buy the stock market. It gives a $10 boost to income, but since you can only tax 28% of that income, your real profit is 2.8 per working citizen per day. You have a working population of about 20k at your current size, so daily profit is 56,000. Divide that into what the wonder cost you (30mil), and you discover it would take 535 days for it to pay for itself at your current size (one and a half years). Obviously you aren't going to stay at 2k infra for a whole year, but the point is made that straight infra will probably pay for itself more quickly. So, as long as you don't think war is likely for your nation, I would advise first buying up to 5k infrastructure, which is the point you will be able to max out economic improvements. That investment will pay for itself more quickly than a wonder, at which point you can start making econ wonder purchases while still saving a warchest and a jump surplus. The strategy might be a little different if you were expecting war (there is an annual rhythm to safe wonder purchases for small and mid-size military nations). But even if you aren't expecting to ever fight anybody, don't go beyond 5k infra without at least an MP and preferably SDI. Though I'm sure there are plenty of dissenters to my view. :P
  5. And so continued Franz' eternal struggle for freedom.
  6. "But what do we mean by the [LCNR] Revolution? Do we mean the [LCNR] war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real [LCNR] Revolution." - Blopy Adams
  7. For a moment I thought you completed an iron man triathlon in a dress and high heels... you probably would have gotten some news coverage.
  8. This could only end in Walford leading NONE to final victory. :P There was a brief time in the beginning when there were no official alliances (no in-game affiliation option), but everyone organized themselves and coordinated on forums regardless. The better organized of the smaller AA's would probably choose that option over a forced merger - or if literally placed on an AA against their will would attempt to sabotage it. But,I actually like the idea of going back to the no-affiliation days. It would add some small amount of uncertainty and perhaps could enhance the role of individual nations. :)
  9. I think he means that the Canadian teams in the American league have [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Championship]a championship exclusive to themselves[/url], whereas in hockey and baseball Canadian teams just compete for the same title as US teams. Maybe reflective of the general popularity of each of the sports. If you go by television ratings, less than a million people could tell you who the last MLS champion was, so why not have a separate championship. But MLB and NHL titles are considered much more prestigious. :P
  10. You guys must have missed the formation of Nordlinke back on the 1st.
  11. I can't wait to see the resulting edits to the UmbreTemSenCifica sig. :P
  12. Although we were proud to receive the Buscemi Foundation award for hottest war record on Bob, we couldn't let it become too hot. You know how humble we are. ;) Still, we do enjoy some small vanities... I took a screenshot and made a plaque to hang in the executive bathroom.
  13. You dare question the will of bunny king tayloj? :P
  14. Yes... up until DisOrder, all of them were clearly labeled by defeats and victories. But Rogal Dorn (an official wiki editor I believe?) brought to our attention that, since we always accepted "white peace" with everyone, it would be inaccurate to call our campaign in that war a victory. We accepted this viewpoint, and taking in all the factors of history, it is probably more accurate that way; since at least for us it would be a bit cocky to claim we "defeated" others on our own. CCC has been in winning coalitions, but we rarely make or break the war. :P So we rolled with Rogal's change and just called everything white peace. We thought it would be more in line with our nature and would be more accurate / less offensive since we make no claims either way. It just is what it is - the reader can make their own conclusion. :v:
  15. CCC was originally red team. We never spoke to Pacifica about the subject and we were too small to notice, but when word of the Moldavi Doctrine came around our first Chancellor preemptively declared us "multi" to avoid stepping on toes. Ironically we put up more of a fight to remain multi, as it became engrained in the culture as a freedom issue, and it took several years of color debates before we finally moved to blue. By that time the era of color spheres was on the way out, and soon enough the ability to change resources was introduced. I think I liked it better when resource scarcity was still a thing. :P
  16. Hell will freeze over before the Frozen Holy Water Accords are cancelled. ... But then again, freezing hell might not be too hard for the alliances involved. :P Thank you for everything over the years old friends. For some of us you'll always be Big Brother. ;)
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