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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Judging by NPO's desire to make this war last for awhile, and the ineptitude of some of their allies (let's be realistic, most of their allies) one can only assume NPO plans to take the bulk of the damages until enough MK/Umbrella/FAN are dropped down into ranges that would lend 'saftey' towards Pacifica's allies' upper tiers leaving peace mode and engaging then. The strategy is of poor design, and I admit that it's more likely they won't pull that off very well and most will hold peace mode rather than fight, but it's about the only 'logical' thing left. The real problem with that plan is that all MK/Umbrella have to do is shed some infra and they can pound the lower tiers of these allies' and then rebuild infra at will to become part of the upper tier again, especially with the game update to enable half the clicks to build infra.
  2. [quote name='Thom98' timestamp='1296365466' post='2610513'] While I have friends within this DoW and I understand their desire to aid a treaty partner. I am surprised and saddened that they would choose to support a war that was started first by false spy reports and then expanded with another war that has no reason behind it. I wonder what will happen if these aggressions are not stopped? Will Bob turn into a constant state of tech raids and wars at will? I for one can not support anything that moves Bob in that direction. [/quote] The defense of friends goes beyond political powers. Real friends are not afraid to have their allies' back no matter the situation at hand. Whether you choose to agree with the indirect side it places them in, SC have stood true to their word, something everyone should respect them for. Besides, at this level, there are no right and wrong sides, these are just the offshoots of the greater war which play very little effect on the outcome of the sides you claim they are helping. Good luck SC.
  3. Goodluck brothers, the glow will be seen all the way from my throne atop Asgaard. UBD don't know what they just got themselves into.
  4. I'll give you my used jock strap, you know you want it.
  5. I'm looking up... and seeing nothing but people who should be kneeling to me. I will forever have you trumped over at Steve
  6. 57th were looking pretty menacing there, glad to see someone bite the bullet and attack them. Well played Athens. E: And might as well add Fok, same # of decs and all.
  7. [quote name='blackdeathbailey' timestamp='1296215668' post='2607315'] so because i try and get away from a war im a deserter? [/quote] Well... umm... Yes? That's the definition of desertion. E:Shafted by Letum!
  8. I like little guys with fight in them, good luck to you KoH.
  9. I look forward to seeing the explanations behind this war when it is all over, Sparta.
  10. Long time no see man, you oughta stop by sometime and catch up.

  11. For an alliance which claims to be such steadfast and honorable allies here, PC sure seem to show a lot of lack of understanding about honoring a treaty.
  12. [quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295729542' post='2592291'] Without any hostility, i just find it ironic that way back when PC helped \m/ in bipolar,(when nobody else would) with RoK disregarding the treaty. Now you're theoretically helping NpO & RoK indirectly against those that did come to your aid. I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance, yet the whole argument taking place reeks of hypocrisy. [/quote] Why does it reek of hypocrisy when they ride to their ally's defense just as you once rode to their's? The party line PB is inserting against alliances who are honoring treaties made as supporting Polar is silly.
  13. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295380455' post='2581851'] You just can't beat UED, no matter how hard you try. [/quote] Yeah, well when you have someone use an illegitimate nation while controlling another nation in order to go and coup an alliance for the fun of it, it's hard to top that, cause the end result will be the same no matter who does it again. Also, this new leader seems even more annoying than the last, and I thought that wasn't possible.
  14. I hate you guys, what a terrible alliance. Even worse now that you let that filth Jason in.
  15. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1295121831' post='2576257'] I tend to agree with Azaghul, a good leader leads by example and for an alliance leader to try to build an alliance and make his alliance have a high standard of tech importation, wonder buying, and warchest accumulation (which should be major goals/benchmarks for every alliance), and then do nothing with his nation strikes me as the height of hypocrisy. [/quote] Can't remember the last time we agreed on something, is this a sign of something to come?
  16. If an alliance leader has built a proper nation, they can be considered a good leader if they built it using a thorough understanding of the mechanics in-game. You cannot be a good leader by being solely a master in-game, or solely a master of politics. You must be strong in both areas, to both answer questions of members who need help running their nation, and to interact with other alliances around Bob.
  17. [quote name='Petrovich4' timestamp='1295090344' post='2575951'] But MFO were not mericiful in this case. They simply made a smart move post war. [/quote] The mercy by which I stated, was their decision to not let the war escalate anyfurther beyond their own borders. Sometimes mercy isn't about what you can do to someone that you avert, but what your friends can do you don't want happening, be it for any number of reasons. PS: The guy who said NOIR was doing nothing, I'd just like to say this all happened in under 24 hours, and some of us need to get sleep and work.
  18. MFO is being pretty lenient here, coulda had a big one start without Joshua being so kind. Too bad I heard about this after the fact.
  19. I've had to deal with similar types in the past... bugger of a nation to take down. Let me know if I can be of any help guys.
  20. Good luck guys, tough times to be a new alliance on Bob, but we've got you covered.
  21. [quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1294707115' post='2571519'] What was our last incident relating to spies? (Genuine question) [/quote] Forget the time frame, but couldn't have been more than a few months ago regarding the members who left \m/ and committed spy acts.
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