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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1294367251' post='2566583'] Ahh, well its tough to keep up an embassy that you don't know exists after-all. [/quote] It's common of terrible alliances led by terrible people, errr, I mean good ones led by Sarmatian.
  2. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1294250598' post='2564493'] I remember when there was fair fights in TE. So long to the good ol days. Now just a bunch of bullies trying to run the game. [b][/b] [/quote] Care to enlighten me on this? As long as I have been playing TE, there has always been lopsided fights. Always will be too. It's up to you as an alliance to have the final trump card in this game. When I led alliances, going to war was first about making it best for me, either being underdogs or being even. Then having a backup plan in case someone tried to spoil the party.
  3. I feel like there's a certain degree of deja vu to this topic...
  4. Any chance with your new-found donations and hosting you could finally fix the chrome bugs where the toolbar doesn't work and I have to bookmark every calc? :/
  5. Just from experience, a ceasefire is only as good as the lowest alliance agreeing to it. Also, everyone will blitz that same night, might as well call it your Steve-Date Night.
  6. [quote name='Aggierebel96' timestamp='1292293610' post='2539042'] Hey now, I still got 185 infra, which means I can still underdog you with what little soldiers I can stil buy. [/quote] It's ok, I don't blame you for being so low... I hit you first and then everyone else thought it'd be such a good idea they followed me. Looks like the score is 1-1 this round between us.
  7. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 25,675 Attacking + 67,045 Defending = 92,720 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #19 of 1,237 Nations (1.54%) Can some other people hit me please? I swear I'm not turtling, but I hit a turtler and Aggie is dead already Paradoxia, come on guys, yall have some slots for me! http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000238 I've got a lot of money to fight with.
  8. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1292286120' post='2538916'] I'm scaring new members away, you got me. Also I don't understand your argument. You hold me in low esteem yet believe I can change the future? You know what can change the future? How about if you just update blitzed the GPA tonight, that'll change the future overnight. Instead of asking others to do it why not take things into your own hands? Will you go far, no, but at least you'll have done something interesting for once. Btw, glad to know I'm keeping you in government rather than a new generation of players, I hold more relevance than I initially thought. [/quote] You flatter yourself too much, sarcasm or not.
  9. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1292285481' post='2538903'] Well, if being in a run of the mill alliance while complaining is your idea of changing the future then I'd say you're doing a pretty good job of that. [/quote] Coming from someone of your esteemed caliber who constantly blabbers by creating useless topics about how we need war or change and then doing nothing about it? Maybe if you stopped posting pointless stuff and helped bring about a new generation of players instead of scaring them all off you could be of more use. Because that's where the problem lies, government members like myself who have been around for three freaking years that are burnt out and tired of the same crap from players like you can't step away to a new generation of leaders, they simply aren't there.
  10. I don't want to change the history, I want to see change in the future, something no one has the desire to do any longer.
  11. Wow, even if our complete lack of interests here on Bob, we've somehow come to tick this guy off. What annoys me is that for some reason people think those Valhallan fools deserve to be on top of us, pshhh, they wish. PS: The jig is up, looks like yall will have to destroy us for these atrocities.
  12. I added a OP nation who looked like he could put up a solid fight, if yall get pissed at me I'll take on another OP guy to level the field if you prefer, but I think this rouge dude won't be retaliating, which leaves Aggie as my only competition if I didn't hit someone at least semi-challenging. Enjoy the end of the round folks, hell week hath cometh.
  13. This has been a long time coming guys, just wish you had chosen a better color when we last spoke
  14. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1291396416' post='2529154'] More Treaties [/quote] It is an upgrade of a long held ODP between us two. Glad to see this upgraded guys, we signed this awhile ago as friends, now I get to call you... friends with benefits Here's to continued fun together.
  15. I find it ironic I was ranked #13 before Duckroll hit me and I'll max at #13 in casualties. Kudos for the fight, I'm fried.
  16. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1290631406' post='2522357'] Bingo. I'm enjoying the fight (heh, isn't often that I get to fight against what were the #1, #2, and #4 nations in TE without going rogue) and certainly don't have any regrets that DR brought it to our doorstep (I was the first nation to break 100k casualties this round!), but as a flag-running exercise it's a complete and utter failure...DR not only shot their wad attacking an alliance that wasn't even flag-running, but managed to get their flag-runners caught in the crossfire. Strategically, not a strong decision. [/quote] I have to agree with Schad here, the obvious purpose of this round couldn't have been anything but flag running due to the late first war, so for a flag runner's attempt at winning, this was a mess for DR it appears. Their only hope is to have a nation or two survive the onslaught too far out of reach of the surrounding competition, which if our warrior status is worth anything, won't happen. Couple that with what appears to be a really weak follow-through post blitz, and I don't see Duckroll winning the round anymore. You can't infra hug, then not hug, and claim both prizes unless you're Nordic Ballers baby For the record Confusion, any bragging attempt you make here, still dwarfs in comparison to when we won the flag outright obliterating all other competition. I wouldn't mind seeing what would hopefully be a Valhallan flag up, but it'll be a cold day in hell before you are part of a successful flag run. What was it TO said... "Maybe I'm just bad luck?" yeah... Confusion and Terrel Owens, I like that comparison more than I realized I would as I am writing it.
  17. Nice hit guys, wish real life wasn't gonna keep me from nightly meetings. Welp, I'll fight til I got nothing left, may your nukes detonate in their factories and your planes crash upon takeoff! I've got some green glowy goodness to dole out before I drop under 5%.
  18. So this is where I place my generic disapproval of treaties and say these alliances are ruining the game for perpetuating the treaty web. ™
  19. [quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1289935122' post='2514887'] Team colors? Tricky but I would never suggest black was a bad color . One of the safest colors imo. [/quote] Can you explain then why I have the worst time finding trade partners on the black sphere? Sanctions were understandable when 2-3x the players were in the game and it was just an inconvenience to replace lost trades, now you either move your entire circle off that sphere to get it back (thereby ruining the point of your sanction besides for that one update strike) or it completely destabilizes 5 other people's trades for the entire round. Not to mention the fact you sanctioned a guy with [i]native[/i] uranium, so it wasn't even an attempt to block access to nukes. If it's the safest, it can't be because you guys sanction at least (note: at least = a minimum of 1) per round? I have to convince my partners that we'll remove their sanction once the minimum time limit is up for them not to just delete their nations, and with how scarce trades are getting, you're making it impossible for me to even keep a circle. I'd like to specifically thank the Warrior's nation Sickosmurfs for covering me until we can remove such sanctions you guys placed on my partner.
  20. I'm not even involved in this war, but I'm really getting tired of LE sanctioning my trade partners. It's getting impossible to have people go to black for my circles when you sanction them mid-round.
  21. [quote name='JudgeX' timestamp='1289288299' post='2507676'] The only ones? My feelings are a little hurt. [/quote] You're not even in range of their nations.
  22. Shame, I was hoping yall would try Duckroll out since you're the only ones smaller than them with a shot.
  23. Gladiator must be really hurting from that last war to of been able to jump past me in strength mid-war. Too bad he has no nukes, it coulda been interesting. Happy to share some though!
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