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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Jiggly was my size when I hit him and at 14 days inactive, he's a justified target and then some. But some people will always complain no matter the circumstances, especially end of round when people come and ruins the plans.
  2. Fear my mighty powers of persuasion. For I control all of Steve with these hands. I can make nations rise, and nations fall.
  3. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1286601581' post='2479442'] It's just to bad you had to bring it with Infinite Citadel It is what it is. Confusion. [/quote] Funny thing... he attacked me first. But good warriors know when you work together rather than against eachother. Not my fault your guy sucked at defending his nation.
  4. I'm surprised you guys never countered me... ever. I have to bring the fun everytime.
  5. [quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1285913033' post='2470829'] Gonna get my butt whupped on this one. LOL [/quote] I like fighting besides Stryke for once, the wolves unite.
  6. Thanks for doing this before I left on vacation at least, I got to put my shots in. Sorry to any opponents I let down, but being on at update won't be a priority for a few days Good luck to both of ya, we've been hoping you'd attack for a week now.
  7. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1285527167' post='2465320'] I'd keep the OADPs with Umbrella, Asgaard, and the Sandwich Confederation, and drop everything else. [/quote] I see what you did thar... And to those who say ODAPs are useless, you've never met the right alliances to have them with.
  8. It's been pinned on our forums for several days now and is quite appreciated, thanks!
  9. 5000 is very easy, you can do that in 20 days time. I don't foresee this changing the amount of active players anytime soon though, if you were looking to try and boost that somehow Admin. All this is now is an added way of bringing in a bunch of friends, having them make nations, sell some tech, delete, then start over again. Nations 1000+ or more days old with large repositories of infra or tech will now be able to get a much larger benefit than before.
  10. 5,000 is how the game is processing it now, 10,000 is the old way (just got the in-game bonus)
  11. [quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1285318533' post='2463174'] Just as well I suppose. But they did not win the flag did they? I have Mutain Padin as round winner but don't recognise him as a PS nation. [/quote] Yes, we did. As shown by the Asgaard flag on display in-game now.
  12. [quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285207113' post='2461656'] I'm pretty sure Jim was the one who aided Methrage, hence starting this. No secret aid, no reason to spy, no potential for war. Nice try though. [/quote] Seriously? Are you guys going to spy everyone with secret aid from now on then with the "I'm pretty sure" line?
  13. Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him. Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?
  14. Have fun Jim, I suppose this is as good as any reason to fight someone these days.
  15. [quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1285097387' post='2460183'] True, donations do not promise a win but they sure go a long way to ensure it. At round end it is possible to buy the flag with timing and help. Nations that have won without donations, ? Many would infer more than one but I would settle for one example. [/quote] Last round no one from Pork Shrimp donated.
  16. It's this way in SE too, unlikely to change. Also, Taeper, you can't buy a flag. Donations don't promise a win, many have won without them.
  17. Looking good guys, but you'll never go anywhere with that Diomede character around. He's holding you all back.
  18. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1284659180' post='2455877'] The wording isn't particularly great, but "expose the sender of a secret foreign aid agreement and who [b]they[/b] send secret foreign aid to" means if you spy the sender. The last time secret aid was an issue for us we verified this fact with a mod. [/quote] Hmmm, thanks. Then my points from before would no longer be valid. Happy trails.
  19. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1284623912' post='2455667'] Two facts about secret aid: 1) Spying on the nation that received the aid does not reveal its source. 2) The aid screen of the sending nation does not show any "???" aid history. Based on these two things, it's easy to know the recipient of secret aid, but difficult to find the sender. [/quote] 1) I'll admit, I had to read the in-game help screen for this the first time. "Successful 'Gather Intelligence' spy operations can expose the sender of a secret foreign aid agreement and who they send secret foreign aid to." Am I missing something where someone did actually try this out and it never worked? Because it appears by this text spying either the sender or receiving nation will reveal the opposite. 2) Good point, I did not think about that.
  20. Asgaard, Norwegian area, Iceland/Greenland secondary choice.
  21. [quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1284614632' post='2455569'] While this is a viable suggestion, the problem is that it uses an opportunity for a spy operation which might be better used sending agents to attack the military command, logistical support base or other institutions of the nation at war (OOC: change DefCon, destroy money, etc.). [/quote] You're innocent until proven guilty, I don't believe spying my members is righteous proof and would tell any alliance requesting that those very same instructions. If the aid sent is so important to you and you would rather find out than just destroy it yourself, you'll gather intel on that nation. Not to mention it's impossible to prove aid was not sent from the rogue nation instead of to the rogue nation without gathering intel.
  22. You should spy the person who received the hidden aid, not running around wild pointing fingers at people who could have sent the foreign aid, no matter how plausible the aid package could be.
  23. Gopher, would you mind doing a top 80 of aid slot usage one time? I haven't had the time to bugger my IA guy to find our latest numbers and I'm curious how some of the top 80 alliances stack among the top 40.
  24. Do you calculate only accepted slots, curiously?
  25. No wonder the best fighting alliances are on other spheres.
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