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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Join an alliance that will protect you and actually can. Otherwise grow your alliance, get a protectorate, or stay in peace mode. You're tiny, the damages done are easily reversible.
  2. [quote name='Black Jack' timestamp='1282519351' post='2427013'] now thats not very nice. [/quote] Well you can't expect me to actually believe anyone will survive and flourish on a sphere that has been dominated by one alliance solely for the past 2-3 years and has caused the destruction of multiple alliances along the way and assisted in the destruction of the former FIRE, right? Regardless, I do recognize that you have the potential to stay together, I just find red more of a difficult sphere to survive on than pink, at least pink has no one on it.
  3. What a small round. I remember the days when MHA/TPF/RE had 600 or more combined members.
  4. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1282357534' post='2425286'] I can't help but this is another heat of the moment alliance where people rush on the AA because it's the "cool thing to do" and slowly it fades into obscurity because it's not meant to keep going without such accommodations made for them. When I see good alliances made from scratch I look at Gondor or UINE that started from little yet worked its way to where it is through purely hard work. But another, "let's get as much NS and members into an AA" alliances tend to die out quickly. So good luck with that, because you fit the second category of alliances above quite nicely. [/quote] Asgaard was 1mil NS within our first three weeks of existence and yet we're still standing strong. Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions just because they grew quickly. While I do tend to agree this announcement was useless on the whole since a bigger alliance merged or disbanded into them almost instantly, it doesn't mean they can't thrive if everyone comes together right. Although I still make it a rule of thumb that any alliance DoE'ing on Red is destine to fail.
  5. Whether you're sanctioned or not, all alliances deal with ghosts. You should simply embrace sanction and keep a detailed log of ghosts to be destroyed if you don't like them. It's less hassle than moving members all the time because you want to avoid getting close to 200.
  6. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1282417031' post='2425854'] @lonewolf, ever build a lego castle or any of the such just to wreck it? If you didnt then you didnt have a fun childhood building it is half the fun of destroying it [/quote] I have no problem wrecking what I create, but I wouldn't make a ritual out of doing it every day or two (if you compared the time it takes to make a lego castle to a nation) All I'm saying is that no matter what we do, there will be people complaining the war has been too long, or peace has been too long. And I personally believe that longer wars are more boring than longer times of peace (of course, there is a limit to peace)
  7. I play TE for my monthly war satisfaction, if there was war every month or two months in SE we'd be bored with that just as quickly as we are with peace. Whether you realize it or not, prolonged wars in SE are more boring than prolonged periods of peace and prosperity, because all you do is watch your creation get destroyed and try and find a way to get on at update and destroy someone else's creation constantly. You lose sleep, time, and part of your life to that, and you quickly become tired of putting the effort through.
  8. Contact [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=285159&Extended=1]Nickmagus[/url] in-game and he can arrange some aid to be sent to whoever you have open from Asgaard. Experienced sellers preferred, but so long as you back up all deals we're game.
  9. I'd quit. Regular war is boring enough.
  10. If anyone from my alliance is ever recruited away, I'll chalk that up as a win for Asgaard because it means one less member I cannot depend on. However, if anyone ever actively tries to take my members beyond a friend speaking to a friend, I will also consider that a threat to my alliance. Recruitment letters that cause poaching are like propaganda during cold wars, if you send the letters to people unfamiliar with your ways then you could cause a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Some letters might cause people to create a false reality about how things work around here and based on how each alliance runs it can be more harmful than others.
  11. [center][img]http://s638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/JackShepardLostIsland/NBflag.gif[/img][/center] We're saying farewell this round, but we will be in everyone's hearts for the entire round. For the first time in Steve history an alliance has done the work of Admin the Almighty. Nordic Ballers have issued out so many nuclear devices in the final days of a round that they have caused an influx of nuclear nations at the very basis of their design. Just mere minutes ago 16% of Steve contained the resource Uranium, minutes later, 18%! It is by my watch that Nordic Ballers may possibly go down in the history books as the most powerful alliance to have ever existed. That is all, good night, good day, have a good breakfast, let's play ball.
  12. Jack, you've been an incredible ally and friend since we crossed paths in TE almost a year back. I honestly can't say how amazing the ride has been together my friend. My best rounds of TE has been when I've worked with Pork Shrimp or when we developed Nordic Ballers together. If anyone deserves a break, it is you. And your supporting staff is far more qualified than anyone here will ever expect. We'll have a toast of mead together after all the dust settles and the cleaning crews finish wiping our mess off the floors of Steve. Here's to many more years as friends and thanks for the ride. And to this I say I am very anxious for how Pork Shrimp will play out this round as a member with you guys (again)
  13. Fair enough, I'll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for the quick response!
  14. There is a 14% rate to which all nations are acquiring Aluminum this round. It seems one in every 3 for the people I am talking to, but globally it is 14% and climbing by all appearances. Can this be changed asap? Or am I jumping to conclusions on an early strange coincidence. Thanks!
  15. Uggg, forgot it was 12am, not 12pm. Oh well, good luck everyone.
  16. Any chance I could get a ruling on this asap? The TE round ends shortly and I'd like this knowledge to make an informed decision regarding uploading of a flag
  17. Quick question, once a flag is uploaded from TE, does admin have a problem with updating it at a later date? I know he has updated sanctioned alliance flags in the past, so I figured it would be no problem updating an alliance's flag if it was uploaded via TE or sanction.
  18. I'd prolly talk to Fish, Jim. He's gonna be able to answer that best.
  19. Sturm, you know as well as I do that we love our nukes There is no way around nuclear strikes, while the principle is true (not to use them on raiding, and in some cases limited wars without their use for fun) but they are simply a staple of military exchanges now. There is not harsh enough penalties to warrant being non-nuclear in conflicts, and there is no reason to impose artificial tariffs on nuclear strikes because it will put you at a disadvantage.
  20. Barring a nation leaving someone before update or joining IAA, they will be the losers tonight. Asgaard is down a pair of points due to a deletion though, sucks we get penalized for improving our average almost 700 NS.
  21. Thanks, I'll see what I come up with when work is over tomorrow
  22. Keep dropping score guys, we're losing a tiny nation tomorrow and I don't want to be on the bottom over our smallest nation deleting (finally)
  23. How about Mythos? I'd be inclined to get involved if I could get something Norse in there with our gods, etc.
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