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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='King Puffington' timestamp='1281314407' post='2405553'] That worked fine when some unknowing member was tricked into aiding a Vox Populi nation or something, but what about if NPO said "If you aid this nation, it will be considered an act of war", and then an alliance specifically went and aided that nation? Would they still be so lenient? Would you? [/quote] I understand the situation, I just still find it a very thin line. I most likely would have attacked the nation in question who aided them rather than declared war, and waited for NSO to come to the tables one more time. But the difference is I don't know how it all went behind the scenes. I still remain skeptical, and I'm not saying this war is unjust, but I'm just not liking the potential for this to set a precedent for the future in that regards. Oh well, guess we'll see the results of this in a few months.
  2. NSO may have been idiots aiding them... but I really don't like the thought of setting the precedent that war can be started for aiding a rogue when you've been told not to. I may not like NPO, but their decision of having 3x the aid sent to their nations for this very type of situation is much more appropriate than declaring war.
  3. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1281285030' post='2404578'] People, when you make an alliance make sure you're willing to put in the effort to make it last longer then two months. If you're not going to do it at least make sure someone else can. :/ [/quote] He put in some effort to make better forums than some of the stronger alliances around here though, so in that sense he did try. Good luck Feig, sorry you couldn't make TGO everything you had hoped it would be.
  4. Asgaard claims the territories of Iceland, Greenland and the western most coastly area of Norway. Color code: #151515 E: If you round up, we get 16 places, 15 if you round down (17k NS) Which is all of Greenland + Iceland (8 spots) and another 7 or 8 places within Norway.
  5. [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/8/bumped_by_god.gif[/img]
  6. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281198031' post='2403761'] Yes but only one of those alliances signed a document that says... ...and then refuses to let in members who do not want to make that pledge, even as they violate it themselves. [/quote] One member from an alliance raids someone and suddenly MFO are bad guys? You tell me, as wise as you are, can you control every member of yours in all situations? Maybe if MFO declared more than one you'd have a point, but all alliances are entitled to a mistake. Let MFO handle it on their own without your seemingly wise comments.
  7. I can see LE/OP saying it now, "Three's a Crowd"
  8. Good time for us to get rid of that little ghost then, had two folk watching out for us.
  9. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1281048834' post='2402088'] A highly impressive arsenal to be sure, but why so light on tech? [/quote] We're still pretty young as well, a lot of the alliances whom are so much more fortified than us have had at least an extra year to address their tech situation compared to us. But hey, point me to an alliance in need to a large amount of funds and is tech selling and we're there...
  10. Domain change for Asgaard. [code] Color: Black [url="http://forum.cn-asgaard.com/"]Asgaard[/url] (ASG) - #Asgaard [/code] Also, A.I.S.B., The Austro-Hungarian Empire, California, The Last Concord, Military Order of Capitalist Republics, Nomadic Caspia, The Prussian Empire, Ninja Soup Alliance, Troy, Sanctuary, Underworld, Ultimate Alliance, War Torn do not appear in-game any longer and remain on your list for black, whether you remove alliances or not this should help.
  11. Now who would like to be the lucky dance partner for our 1000 nuke tango? Spicy meataballas, come get your spicy meataballas! In all seriousness, one of the newest folk are ghosting us, he didn't know to go to the applicant AA and not the main one. All good though
  12. Ugg, confused guy wanting to apply joined the AA and he's a new nation, you guys leapfrogged us in ANS now. We will be seeing eachother again very shortly...
  13. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1280891198' post='2400329'] It's not a protectorate, it's a standard MDP. [/quote] Ah, you caught me! Oh well, you're allied to the right people for it
  14. This looks cool, and you're protected by the right people for it. Good luck.
  15. [quote name='Diomede' timestamp='1280844746' post='2399455'] As long as we beat Asgaard I don't mind with Survivor. Hi LW, Thrawn. [/quote] Bite me We have our own nation who just went nuclear and will be moving, so hah!
  16. Looking forward to what MHA comes up with now.
  17. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' timestamp='1280628726' post='2396593'] As TOP Emperor, I claim the following 34 provinces as TOP's (in the dark orange #FF8C00). And warn the others that all the surroundings Scandinavian territories not yet claimed are in TOP sphere of interest. [IMG]http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z231/ROMMEL_HSQ/TOPclaim2.jpg[/IMG] big one: http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z231/ROMMEL_HSQ/TOPclaim.jpg [/quote] You're cutting into our lands there, this will not end well for one of us.
  18. Asgaard lays claim to as much of the Western area of Norway as possible, using our 15 territories. Something a bit lighter than pure black... #222 I suppose
  19. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1280576862' post='2395899'] Most of their treaties are with other large alliances. If you smashed the treaty web at the top the smaller alliances would suddenly be very important to large alliances. This in turn would lead to a multitude of sides and lots of excitement. [/quote] I hate agreeing with you, so I'll just say you might be on to something here...
  20. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1280552518' post='2395747'] Bad comparison. Situations have virtually nothing to do with eachother, as UPN was indeed required to both defend ODN and support Invicta. Sparta was not obliged to enact an oA clause and much less to use it to declare on NPO. Sparta was only obliged to counter any DoWs on GOD or any other of their chaining MDoAPs. And those weren't done by NPO. [/quote] Really? UPN decided to not defend ODN right away when attacked, Invicta was hit later. Sparta decided to defend their friends when the war began and finally put in motion the separation they had been considering for so long a time, rather than sit on the sidelines and partake in yet another war that they did not intend on being a part of. Everyone seems to forget how easily that being outside of NPO's sphere of influence meant you were going to be attacked or isolated and destroyed eventually. I don't see anyone getting mad at the other alliances which canceled on NPO leading up to the war, Sparta was just among the last to cancel their individual treaties. Sometimes people make mistakes, Sparta felt the made a mistake staying close to NPO for so long, and the moment their friends got hit, the mistake rang true. So they had to either cancel on NPO and defend their friends, or sit out. If they sat out, right now there would be a discussion about how they were too afraid to go to war. Instead they went to war, just on the people they perceived as the real enemy. UPN, they sat out, and they are a huge joke for doing that to their allies, right? If they had canceled on Invicta and fought, they'd be Sparta right? Because down the line I think the UPN-Invicta friendship died anyways and instead UPN just abandoned a bunch of allies and did nothing overall. Anyways... my two cents, because I think Sparta was damned if they did or damned if they didn't and people are just jumping on them now for a PR mess that occurred earlier.
  21. Hey, we're on something now, cool. And thanks for the responses everyone.
  22. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1280551524' post='2395729'] I am not really sure you're getting what I am saying. NPO, your friends, attacked some friends of your friends. Your friends, as consequence, attacked NPO. You decided to attack your friends along with your other friends when you had the option not to - which any reasonable person would take because they were, duh, your friends. What does that make of you? [/quote] For the record, UPN tried this, and how well did it turn out for them?
  23. This doesn't bode well for Silence I take it. Good luck.
  24. Was it Sky or Davian who made the first one? Davian is the one who PM'd me about winning before.
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