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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. You guys earned it, now keep going. Honored to have all of ya as friends and allies.
  2. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1279480620' post='2377580'] link me to the nations they hit? [/quote] 2 of them went to war if I recall, and to tell you now, we asked them not to fight. If they had fought, it woulda been a curbstomp rather than Abyss just not putting up a solid war. Being called cowards for being the second wave (as we fully intended on needing them, since Abyss was requesting for backup in this war and kept calling them out, hard to protect them off Nordic Ballers) Peace was arranged because it was deemed Abyss wasn't putting up a big enough fight and with the new nations in NB/LE the stats were unfair despite most of them not fighting.
  3. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 03:07 PM' timestamp='1279480044' post='2377556'] we were working together earlier in the round, what are friends for? but this has nothing to do with him, though i have nothing to disprove that and i can see why you would think that, regardless i'm not sure it matters, also, i;m well aware of how my nation ends up at then end of this fight, i'm not looking to win this, i just figure i may as well go out with a bang [/quote] I can drink to that (thanks Clash) so long as we're all on the same page here now, then I'll say good luck and a good fight to you. Although for the record, if I were in your shoes roguing this early is quite boring, I remember back in the day when we had real cowards who didn't fight the entire round as an alliance... those were the ones to rogue. I wonder if King Adam is out there anywhere reading this, cause he's certainly not playing or he's just too smart for me to catch him anymore, I remember our fight once upon a time. Oooh, that was the round I had a WRC too... Someone wake me up from nostalgia land. Before long I'll be expecting Tibs to come in here and tell me I'm doing everything wrong, I might freak out if he did that. Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  4. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 02:50 PM' timestamp='1279479016' post='2377509'] :/ i think you misread that i'm saying that i don't think NB as a whole are cowards, just the ones who avoided war EDIT: who are you refering to in that second paragraph? [/quote] You were not the one who attacked the nuke rogue on Marcus? Must have misread your name then... ah well. And no, I didn't misread it. Everyone in Nordic Ballers besides Freudenschade (if he didn't leave yet?) is Nordic Baller, and has been acting upon our request. So if you think Betamax are cowards, you'll find they are very much warriors to the core that have been acting by their government's requests this round. Cowards are the people who are afraid to fight, not the people who follow orders. Does the Assassin get called a coward for not going to war and choosing his targets ever so carefully based on what is asked of him? Poor analogy possibly (usually people counter with that at least) but it's what I thought of first. All I'm getting at is you think they are cowards, and that other people are, when all that is going on is you'll drop 5 nukes, you'll end your round, and they'll get the war we've been holding back from them. So we all win.
  5. Hmmm, I think I'm impressed, but not used to seeing that from IRON. Congrats, let's see where this takes you in the future though?
  6. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 02:47 PM' timestamp='1279478819' post='2377495'] i doubt that seeing as the cowards refers to a specific group of nations, i don't think that of all of NB [/quote] We are all NB. E: For the record, I have no problem with you hitting us, my only problem is that you have a misguided opinion that replaces strategy with cowardice. And the simple fact that Confusion ignored you publicly when I know for a fact you've been acting on behalf of him this round (feel free to disprove me though) based on you attacking the guy who hit him for Confusion spying the guy's nuke. Pretty lame to attack someone for defending himself from a spy.
  7. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 02:23 PM' timestamp='1279477419' post='2377419'] well i do love me some confusion, also i don't think there'll be much playing, you seem to be talking instead of hitting the "declare war" button, but then what would i expect, cowardice on your part is my reason for doing this in the first place, ask the nations i'm fighting how that "run from war" policy is working out for them will you? [/quote] Why would I hit the declare war button? My nation would be like fuel for the fire when we've got plenty of people to handle you... don't worry, you'll be attacked before long by us cowards.
  8. [quote name='Confusion' date='18 July 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1279476475' post='2377397'] I have nothing to do with whatever you're talking about, but if you think I had something to do with it, I guess it can't be that bad Anyways, Congrats on peace, I'd like to Congratulate all my opponents from LE, I had fun. [/quote] Don't worry, I won't let your secret get out!
  9. Awww, Confusion got so mad he got killed he sent a friend to play with us. Thank You
  10. I have to pick Omni #1, if only because he's our beachead in GATO prior to the hostile takeover Personally, I'm pretty satisfied with most of our departments, I suppose though that the loss of one of our original Vanirs who handled IA is still being felt but that's also the issue we're taking the most effort in correcting.
  11. Now there is someone who gets it! If no one noticed, we offered up to answer any Q&A you might have, so feel free to ask us questions to get to know us.
  12. Take care TCI, was a pleasure fighting beside you.
  13. There is only a moderate possibility that if it was an IPS hosted community you could contact them to see if they kept records of the forums. Otherwise the data is lost assuming DFD himself does not have a backup somewhere for his own collection or another former root admin. Those forums went offline about a year ago if I remember correctly, and they were IPB. http://www.invisionpower.com/company/contact.php Feel free to contact them and give them all the information you remember of the forums to see if they can help you. My guess would be no, if I remember correctly they put [i]all[/i] the burden on the owner to store proper backups of their forums, but I think that would be a bit foolish from an owner's standpoint (of IPS) to not have backup databases somewhere collected automatically. Hope this helps at all.
  14. [center][img]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/littlejimmy904/asgaardcrest2.png[/img] [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/CN/Asgaard3mil.jpg[/IMG][/center] Though the three great winters have not yet begun, the frost still strikes us to the bone. Despite these hardships we have weathered these storms and as the All Father was made stronger through his trials so has Asgaard prospered under their own. Today I'd like to inform all denizens of the Planet known as Bob that Asgaard stands not only 3 Million Nation Strength strong but also one year wiser. Through our time as an alliance we have grown by leaps and bounds together, we have been tested on the field of battle and we have been tested as a community of friends. The realms of the Asgaard are vast encompassing many, But as Yggdrasil has more than one branch, Asgaard has not remained isolated with it's doors closed and it's eyes cast inward. Many new brothers and sisters from lands far abroad have feasted with us, and shared in our shield walls. The Asgaard have traversed the many fjords and plains of this world and have aligned ourselves with the Women of the Mighty River(AzN), The Elite Spearmen of the Southern Isles(Sparta), the Confederate Imperials of the Shadow(TSCE), The Knights of the Holy City(TTK), The Martial Artisans who Enjoy Throwing Rubber Balls at Hoops(BN),The Knights of the Darkened Flower(OBR), The Wolves of the Northern Stepp(Wolfpack), the Northern Tribes of the New World(NAC), The Reborn Republicans of America (AR2.0), The Dark People of NOIR, and those who are known only by the goathorns (\m/) and many others. While our existence has been relatively unknown to much of the community at large, for the first time since declaring our birth unto Bob we'd like to open up for questions. [u]If you have questions for Asgaard please do not refrain from asking us anything.[/u] Our Government as of today, 7/17 Lonewolfe2015, Tyr of Asgaard Gambona, Loki of Asgaard Mustakrakish II, Magni of Asgaard Commander Thrawn, Vanir Nickmagus, Vanir Thaisport, Vanir Constantine94, Vanir
  15. He's back and in action, great to have ya!
  16. [quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 July 2010 - 09:39 AM' timestamp='1279287581' post='2374407'] A few other alliances lost theirs aswell. This is a pretty horrible move by IPBfree tbh. [/quote] Not their fault, too many airheads hosted forums with content that got them shut down by some agency. If you guys haven't changed yet, and need a free forum, I'm pretty partial to Zetaboards. Lot's of support, mods, skins, and they have the internal shoutbox free now. Plus the Portal is a pretty decent way of doing alliance information.
  17. I'd say my fondest wars were either the Breakfast War with RE/TPF or the OP war I had. However, that last round where I fought almost two dozen opponents including an angry LE member who wouldn't let it go that I defended myself from a raid, and I think at least one guy from 1/2 of the sanctioned alliances... that was interesting.
  18. [quote name='Haflinger' date='15 July 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1279170857' post='2372360'] [b]Yes, this helps.[/b] Considering what Valhalla gave up for you guys, this goes some way to making it seem like you actually care about them after all. [/quote] Since when are you a member of Valhalla? Glad to see relations mended between two alliances I consider friends. And so... life moves on.
  19. Feel free to PM to talk if you feel you've been mistreated in anyway.
  20. Donations are pointless. As for a double update, it will resolve to nations reaching incredible NS heights and being outside the declaration range of virtually anyone. Not a good plan if you ask me. Variable update for each nation, let the nation choose their nation's timezone for instance, and midnight that timezone is your update. Say I chose something +12 hours on Central, well then my update goes from 1am to 1pm and other nations can still quad me at their time, but then I can quad them back at mine. War would be a lot less about who is on at update to who is the better fighter, able to manipulate themselves to the better troop levels and be better prepared for war.
  21. [quote name='Yuri Armstrong' date='13 July 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1279054364' post='2369633'] That is indeed wise advice. I was hoping for more of a game that focused on actual nations and diplomacy between individual countries instead of massive empires. Still though, this game looks good so I think I will check the alliances that are available. [/quote] Cybernations has much to offer to someone willing to take the time to learn. As for the "massive empires" approach, in reality, that is [i]exactly[/i] what happens. For a nation simulation game, we do a pretty good job simulating real life where individual countries tend to fight in groups. Consider yourself one state, the US your alliance, and the Allies of WWII your side for a war here. Good luck in finding your alliance.
  22. Are they impersonating government officials, or claiming to be government officials? Bit of a difference there, but my regards in cleaning up their mess.
  23. I thought that once upon a time too Yuri, so kudos to you for being independent. But after two months of playing the game I found myself bored, there isn't a lot to be offered without alliances. They provide a place to talk to your fellow allies and members, a place to learn game mechanics, and a place to be safe. When you're unaligned you won't be protected unless you're smart and sell to an alliance which protects you. You won't be trained or given access to guides the sameway you would within an alliance, and primarily, you'll just find the game mechanics slow and monotonous without people to shoot the breeze with. So look at it like this, if the message you get you don't like, ignore them. Find your own alliance here - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=24 Talk to the leaders, gov officials, get to know them before making a decision on your own, an informed one. Many such I've met have done exactly that and find themselves happier having chosen their alliance based on what they learned than just feeling like another recruit for some big alliance.
  24. A long time ago in a Galaxy Far Far away... upon a planet named Steve. A challenge was issued. [img]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/JackShepardLostIsland/Dow1.gif[/img] I am here to inform you that said challenge was answered. [img]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/JackShepardLostIsland/DoW2.gif[/img] Oh ya... LE says Tock.
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