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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Upset or not Mayzie, you have to admit at first glance Aztec is a very good assumption to make. You guys have minimal casualties, maximum infra/tech, are on blue and hold the senator despite ghosting issues. While he was wrong, you do have that initial smell of something's up.
  2. I love catching the recruits who fall off of these competitions because you guys spam them so badly they want an alliance which doesn't PM them. Usually tend to be quality members too.
  3. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' date='06 June 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1275861120' post='2326794'] I don't know much about the alliance itself (stats and whatnot), but I consistently see members of that alliance behaving obnoxiously on the OWF. Can't think of the particular place off of the top of my head, but generally my impression is that Asgaard people are antagonistic. [/quote] All things considered, I'll take that as a compliment really. I've seen far worse, but to see someone remember us is worth the hate. Truth be told though, would love to see some of this antagonistic behavior or obnoxious behavior. I make a note to notice where most of my guys post (can't see it all) and from what I've seen of the people who do post we mostly congratulate our allies, defend our allies, or talk a bit of trash where it's due.
  4. I'm able to view them now without Chrome freaking out, whether that means anything or not I'm unsure, figured I'd put that out there.
  5. [quote name='Haflinger' date='06 June 2010 - 03:14 PM' timestamp='1275851679' post='2326573'] There are also a lot of people - yourself included - who seem to think this downgrade is the result of UPN's wartime decisions. It's not. [/quote] The only way this is true (what you say) is if you are also able to comeback on here, reply to this statement, and say that the treaty would not have been downgraded if UPN had come to your aid in the war.
  6. [quote name='Adrian LaCroix' date='06 June 2010 - 11:18 AM' timestamp='1275837463' post='2326303'] We can't have a war, it's not finals week. [/quote] Don't jynx this, I have them all this week.
  7. I argued for the ability to aggressively attack top nations even from a disadvantageous NS, that would help hurt you if someone had a nuke rogue outside of your range.
  8. Meh, just got home and have no time to do this. Good luck to everyone, I see some great sigs.
  9. [quote name='President Gunn' date='05 June 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1275787773' post='2325494'] I haven't read the rest of the thread yet. But really no Purple Unity? That makes me sad [/quote] Sorry man, when I go on insane rants and then leave for the day many times over to deal with real life stuff someone is bound to get passed over. You know I love you guys, helped me out big time this round. We had a blast with JR and PU did well when I was around. Unfortunately, this retirement business has some symptoms associated with it - memory loss, temporary blindness, hallucinations, compulsive behavior, and restless leg syndrome.
  10. Clash, Respectfully I'd like to tell you several reasons you're wrong. Confusion abused the leadership given to him by Thai, Myself and Hisk. When we had no time to lead anymore and we had him under our wing for a round or two, he seemed [i]ok[/i]. Now he used all of the connections that were created through our efforts and has taken charge to attack people he thinks would be a threat. Yes, some of these people needed to get into a war, and part of Harmful's credence has always been that we were willing to do what no one else would for the benefit of the game, be it stop a large bloc at our own risk, take the blunt of attacks to help clear someone else's path, or be the villain in people's eyes. But throughout that and over the course of leadership we created ties to Fark, ones forged as former enemies. We created ties with LE that I fear have now been destroyed by incompetence. We created ties with DF, Vault, CDT, AoD and others no longer with us. These connections were made off our reputations and friendships, and they remained as TE has gone so far down the drain no one thinks for themselves anymore and jumps at the word war. WAPA and TFK were once friends on our too. Hell, under my leadership MHA and TPF almost resolved our disgust with eachother. The sad thing is that it has all been thrown away for nothing, these things are what hurt TE just as much as people who think they can dictate the game (TPC and RE with their disdain towards more than nation building and fighting once they have the size advantage) So Clash, before you label MHA like that, remember where we came from and why MHA has fallen on hard times. Real life takes its toll and the more active people within our ranks have been poached or were tired of constantly being involved in the politics of TE where we always tried to play police.
  11. Funny, TE has changed and largely TPF/TPC has done nothing to help it for the past several rounds, don't play coy Jonboy, you have/had some great members but TPF has always been an alliance out for its own interests and if that meant hurting TE in the long run then you would do it and did.
  12. Marcus, I'm sorry I got busy with real life and had to vacant leadership in Harmful, but this is not how you be a leader in MHA. To the current members of MHA, I'm sorry you had to deal with this. This is pathetic, and you know that. Didn't you even tell me to my face you wouldn't have Pork Shrimp attacked so long as I was in it? You could avoid lying if you were going to backstab me. You don't even know who we were helping this round and let me give you a hint, it wasn't someone you attacked. For the record, 2 wars in 2 weeks must mean we're really that menacing and scary... If you don't quit next round, I will make sure you have no power in MHA again. /end communication
  13. Good luck UPN, would like to see you return to your former glory and put all of this mess behind you, idiots trying to remove you included. There is no place in an alliance for people who think they can force themselves into power.
  14. The upgrade to IPB 3.1 (which is what is being used at the moment) has some style differences that need to be edited in the skins. Do you guys have a test forum set up to streamline the changes into the live community, curiously?
  15. Good luck Quantum, pretty impressive young alliance here.
  16. [quote name='Haflinger' date='05 June 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1275710880' post='2324142'] We had been MADP partners since 2007. [/quote] Really? I thought it was MDoAP and then you upgraded within the past year. Was that a reposting of the same treaty at the time or am I thinking of someone else entirely?
  17. Has a MADP ever dropped to a ODP quicker than the one between these two?
  18. You guys should be focusing on helping OO as you still have much to do internally before you should be helping someone else.
  19. A bump for the nation of [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=408578]Looking Glass Land[/url] Per request
  20. No... it did fit into the subject at hand. Because you can survive a quad attack if you are aware of the attack coming. Because with the wonder Hime suggested you'd be aware of the attack coming. The only time you have to worry about the quad attack scenario is when you could be declared on at a moment's notice. And even then being properly prepared won't affect you very severely because you could avoid anarchy (I have avoided a triple quad attack's anarchy effects before) While yes, there are aspects of the game to be changed, arguing about quadding in here will do nothing, rarely does a mod do much about TE suggestions, the chance to fix quads would be if you had a solution and presented it in the SE suggestion box and had admin test the theory in TE. Trust me on that one.
  21. Admin has said on numerous occasions the game is not designed to be entirely realistic, something like quadding will not go away without the addition of a wonder Hime Themis suggested that would allow for a time delay between any and all military attacks once declaring, even then you can quad after the delay if you time it right. Quads are not as devastating if you are aware of the attacks coming too.
  22. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='04 June 2010 - 12:23 AM' timestamp='1275625391' post='2323111'] Planet Bob is many things...a place of learning with regard to leadership, organizational behavior, communications, and essential management skills...if you are only willing to absorb the material presented to you. [/quote] This is very true, even to this day I'm still learning useful things to further help Asgaard when my time permits. (OOC: It has taught me how to use forums, basic CSS and HTML as well as using IRC)
  23. What you're looking to do is create a temp trading ring, because there is no singular circle which can maximize your profit without going about 20 day cycles of swapping for bill reducing bonuses to further increase your profit beyond the income of a standard circle.
  24. It would be disallowed, references to any moderation issues in signatures is grounds for a warning.
  25. How much longer do I have to submit an entry?
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