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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. We have a top 5% of nations somewhere around here don't we? I'd be more interested in seeing the statistical changes in that, seeing as iirc TOP/Cit nations were dominating that game at one point in time.
  2. [quote name='PrinceArutha' date='09 May 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1273386614' post='2292257'] wait, what? you DO realize who you are talking about here? I cant say TBB and I are the best of buds and our alliances have been at odds off and on for a long time but I can also say there isnt too many people on planet bob that I love to hate as much as this man. Despite it all he is a stand up guy and fights for what he believes in with a passion.... (even if in the past it has been against me and my allies). likening TBB to a 3rd grade school girl is inappropriate and unfounded... though I have heard rumor he looks great in the school girl outfits. also, me/ glares at TBB all shifty eyed like.... just for old times sake. on a side note, TBB, pop into #NV when you get a chance sometime soon. Im for bed tonight but We should chat sometime and catch up. o/ TBB for standing up for what you believe in. [/quote] No, I likened the intelligence this thread will garner to the amount a 3rd grade school girl would have. As for him (and this goes to TBB as well) no, I do not care to follow all of the rulers here who all have egos the size of Manhattan, it would be a waste of my time and yours. I just find it funny that so many people (such as TBB in this instance) feel they need to make a big stink about situations in more places than one to draw attention to their cause. There are more ways than creating a mess in the Alliance Announcements to help do what you feel is right. E: Hal, who is he tying up exactly? He hit 3 nations with IRON already on them and in no offensive wars.
  3. I have to say, as much as I don't like this war going on, you joining the opposition in this fashion really smells of glory hound material. Pretty much echoing what Marx said, but why do you have to make it known to everyone here? Why not just join IRON and do what you feel is right without more of these threads that will just enable more whirlwind debates that never end and hold about as much intelligence in them as a 3rd grade schoolgirl (Not to be mean to any 3rd grade schoolgirls out there, of course).
  4. It's not that it's 3 days, 3 days is more than enough, it's that you have 3 days to decide on the type of sig, find the material, and make it work around your own schedule. Not to mention get it approved if you do anything beyond a cookie cutter idea to that style. Just my two cents, I don't care. I generally won't do the SOTW unless I have an idea I like or a topic that is fun. Not good enough to come up with something for every category.
  5. I'm just wondering if by your logic a superhero is thus annoying? Because a majority of those choices for option 3 are all people I'd hate to have to depend on to save my life.
  6. Why don't you decide the next week's SOTW early so that some of us can think of the entry before hand or when we get some time, that way it better suits the style of the SOTW at that time. I feel part of the problem here is that there isn't much entry time to come up with something when it's a bit more difficult of a category. Because, Abstract is really not a very detailed definition or style, Abstract can really be anything that doesn't look like a standard style or that deviates from a style in certain ways.
  7. [quote name='Mathias' date='07 May 2010 - 03:49 PM' timestamp='1273261749' post='2290531'] I guess they didn't really need the protection if you've been protecting them for a year without anyone knowing about them. [/quote] Something tells me the recent raids proved otherwise.
  8. Clash, having witnessed this civil war first hand, these guys are some of the best fighters I have ever been a part of. I have never fought anyone this good on Bob or Steve in the near 2 years I've played. It's fun, but hard when you're busy. Schad, I'll get you Shrimpers back eventually for blindsiding me during a busy part of school!
  9. Not sure if I'll edit it or not later, if so I'll just edit the direct link used here. [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/Sigs/AsgSig3.jpg[/IMG] [code]Lonewolfe2015 - [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/Sigs/AsgSig3.jpg[/IMG][/code]
  10. Oooh... I hope I have time for this one, it would be fun. Submission period is based on server time I take it?
  11. This bump brought to you by your local contributors of Vikingo's Dungeon, stop on by for a cold corona on me! [img]http://api.ning.com/files/4DsvlrkVwX*Qn0gWvHt9xTMpf*KcNK6T*nLk0hulx5Cwj350vLt2EAaXwdIFl8a*RgvibHl-vXkgCve8Iwn4RFkWG9BeN9XN/vikingosflyerwednesday1copy.jpg[/img]
  12. No support for you! I didn't even get a PM, sheesh.
  13. Erm... so it's a competition of who has facebook, is the most addicted to facebook, and is willing to combine CN with facebook? I'll be more curious which alliance wins than actually interested in winning.
  14. [quote name='Davian Thule' date='04 May 2010 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1273025234' post='2287138'] It's become very apparant that CN isn't really an art community, people just vote for whoever's popular in politics or whatever is funny. So I've kinda given up on any hope of winning another SOTW no matter how good my stuff it. [/quote] I sense a high level of smug coming from this one.
  15. Too much has been said for me to successfully comment on, but I need to mention one thing. Being NPO's allies meant what exactly? Destroying alliances for flimsy reasons, eternal wars, getting to be a big boy at the dinner table? Preying on the smaller alliances? Sparta stopped being allied to them at an opportune moment, we get that already. But if you were Sparta and you canceled before hand you become a target of theirs, no other alliance was willing to do this, let alone Sparta. So don't blame them for looking out for themselves and not tipping NPO to the plays being put forth. As someone who has been in a very similar situation, canceling of treaties is not something you always know you need to do, remember the phrase "hindsight is 20/20" most of you have no idea what led to the cancellation or the timing of it. I seem to recall at the time that Sparta was one of the last people to cancel? Also one of the alliances people were not as sure of what they would do? Sometime's you get thrown into a situation where you are forced to make a decision on the spot, they made theirs. Many of you would have made the same decision given a similar or identical set of cards. Some of you can say you would have done it sooner. Almost none of you can say that you would have made the situation any less drama inducing. This is a typical argument against Sparta, all of you are making very sketchy issues and blowing them up ten fold to try and draw out the peanut gallery to support your rage on them. E: [quote name='Mr Damsky' date='04 May 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1273013248' post='2286871'] What? Yes the attack on OV was bad but it doesn't even begin to compare with some of the things they (NPO) did in the past that [b]you[/b] helped them to do.[/quote] I never did understand this argument very well. If Sparta stopped helping NPO do bad things and instead realized what they were doing and who their real friends were, is that a bad thing? Would you have rathered they stay allied to NPO, got destroyed and then found out afterwords that NPO were bad allies? Don't answer that, because you probably would have, but they didn't want to take the fall for NPO, an alliance who had they of not been allies, would have made them targets.
  16. Thanks for posting this, I knew there was an embassy I needed to recover somewhere.
  17. [quote name='Ian Dox' date='04 May 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1272946808' post='2286045'] I demand a 13th page. It will amuse me. Oh, incase you're just checking in, here's the summary: ODN & Sparta signed a MDoAP, which, of course, we'll cancel the moment ODN is on the "losing" side. Rebel Virginia is always right; everyone else who argues with him is automatically wrong. Sparta is canceling on the Asgaard; sorry guys, love ya, but you're just not "in power" enough for us. Call us back when you're dominating Planet Bob, and I'm sure we'll reinstate our MDoAP with ya. Wilhelm the Demented wants everyone to visit [url="http://www.cnsparta.com"]Sparta[/url] if you're serious about knowing about Sparta. If you're not serious, then prepare for more abuse. Olaf is very I, on the other hand, am very and am enjoying the entire show. Now, dance, puppets, dance! [/quote] You should have put this as the first post following the treaty, because obviously this thread would devolve into such shens! Thanks Ian for making me laugh this morning, even if you guys are ruthless cowards incapable of defending an ally and incompetent enough to let someone worse than RV into your throne chair, I still love ya! RV, Thanks for the debate last night, if you can call it that (usually a debate involves someone conceding to the fact that they did not know aspects pointed out to them and agreeing at least in part the other party had something to refute) it was actually interesting. I can only wonder how you really feel, because if you're smart enough to play this ego then you probably aren't that bad when you give it a rest.
  18. Very well Rebel Virginia, I can see there is no argument to be had here, as you have it deadset in your mind that a perfectly good alliance is your enemy. It is possible for the mind to conceive of a false reality in which it is centered as the main voice of reason, I believe you either are truly enjoying the role you play and do not actually support it, or you are entirely deluded in thinking that there is a grand conspiracy in everything. Wilhelm, can I have my treaty back? You guys deceived me into thinking you were actually decent people. For shame, the dogs you are makes me realize the error in my ways! Oh wo is me.
  19. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='03 May 2010 - 11:17 PM' timestamp='1272943037' post='2285923'] [color="#0000FF"]If I act like I am better than some individuals, well, quite frankly it is because I am. And as for them being kind and respectful. Depends on who you are. If you're the power that is, or one of them at least, count on a friend in Sparta. If you're a friend of the power, count of Sparta also being a friend. Lapdog solidarity and all. But if you are an enemy of the power, or a critic, well, you will know no fiercer wrath than that of Sparta, who is always quick to defend its master. Until of course you become the power. Then you will be amazed to see how quickly Sparta can do a 180. As for your last question, of course I believe someone I disagree with to be in the wrong. Why else would I be disagreeing with them if I didn't know I was right?[/color] [/quote] These are the only two I can really criticize, the others were more just to understand why you act how you do. Myself and Asgaard were never a power that be or an alliance squarely in someone's circle or even near Sparta's circle at the time. Yet, we showed them respect, they showed us respect and over the course of several months we became good friends. We went in to help them during a war with Legion that they needed us in, and subsequently MASH went to attack us. We needed help, as an alliance our size was not about to handle MASH solely and the Legion's we were engaged with and not have problems. Sparta supported us, helped shift fighters with us, and found a solution in engaging MASH with their friends in Umbrella. You tell me they will turn tail and not help their allies, I tell you they will defend their allies because they have character. You cling to a past I have no knowledge of nor any need to understand because the Sparta that stands before me today is one I am willing to bank on as being my friend and ally and was willing to return that respect by engaging on their behalf. In regards to the last statement, why does someone have to be wrong if you don't agree with them? It just means you have a differing of opinion, not that one of you is 100% right and the other 100% wrong, in many situations there is a grey area or common ground, you cannot tell me that because someone disagrees with you they are instantly wrong. If you think you a deserved reputation, why do you throw it away with these senseless posts? You are not, and never will be the all knowing factor on Bob, nor will I, or anyone else for that matter, so acting like it makes no sense beyond trying to draw attention to yourself. Would you even answer me if I asked why you like the attention?
  20. [quote name='Haflinger' date='03 May 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1272942367' post='2285896'] This is the military purpose of a meatshield. [/quote] Hello, I'm over here, I posted too but you ignored me, so I'll pick this one thing you said and wonder how effective Invicta's meat shield scale can be considered between 1-10, I'll be generous and give you guys a 7 for the damage toll but because of how much you guys whined during the war it can't be any higher. See what I did there Haf?
  21. [quote name='Haflinger' date='03 May 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1272941193' post='2285861'] If you guys thought C&G was going to get rolled, you were really pretty dumb all along. Not that you wouldn't have company in that area. A whole lot of company. Let me put it this way. Once upon a time, there was a war where C&G did in fact get rolled. Not long before the war, Sparta had an MADP with an alliance that happened to be on your side. Have you already forgotten what they did then? [/quote] Where is your disgust with UPN Haf? They didn't help you guys because of their ties to the otherside too, but you aren't as angry with them because you know UPN aren't really that bad when you get down to it. Neither are Sparta. Every alliance faces tough decisions in their history, Invicta's is no more pure than that of Sparta's, had you been in Sparta's shoes and your allies were the ones leading the steamroller would it then be fair to question if you will always choose the winning side? The accusations being brought against them are ridiculous, they've done very little wrong recently so people have to really reach to find problems with them. For the record: Hindsight is 20/20, the war TOP initiated on CnG did not look as 1-sided at the onstart as the war turned out, pure numbers were still hazy, it could have gone either way. Not to mention the previous blue balls war in which the numbers were even more even but Sparta still had chosen a side. Haf, I used to respect you when I was a young leader, but you constantly bring up these arguments that don't hold any significant ground and beat them to death. Everyone needs to stop trying to demonize another alliance full of good people, you don't have to hate someone to fight them in the future if it came to that.
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='03 May 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1272939830' post='2285803'] [color="#0000FF"]I may be a controversial figure, but I have never left an alliance while at war. In fact, I have followed my friends into war even when I had no obligations to do so. Note the actions of FAIL in the last war in support of the NSO. So do understand, I know I am a reliable friend. That is not true for Sparta. Also, purges mean nothing. Internal affairs mean nothing. It may get rid of ghosts and dead weight members but it does little to change the character of an alliance. And Sparta's character is its own survival. If that means ditching CnG when they need Sparta the most, so be it. Also, I do know quite a bit about Sparta. As I you, I have a history with them. I also am a very perceptive man, and I have been watching them for years. I know Sparta better than it knows itself.[/color] [/quote] If you wish people to take you seriously you would not act like you're above them. But I have a feeling you know this and just think it's funny to cause controversy. For someone who pretends to understand and know so much, what have you accomplished? Do you have a resume that can actually lead credence to your posts? All I have ever seen is what can be amounted to a lump sum of personal attacks against people that I know are good, you attack them here but don't get to know who they are through other means. How can you say purges and internal affairs mean nothing? Those members lost and the changes internally can change how an alliance operates. How it can function militarily, and also how united they are. Sparta has shown immense respect towards people and alliances that have deserved it or have come to them with respect. I'm curious, but do you believe that when someone does something you disagree with, that they are then wrong?
  23. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='03 May 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1272938939' post='2285771'] [color="#0000FF"]So because you did it in the past it is irrelevant because you might not do it again? I am sorry, but your alliance was founded by members bailing on OIN during GWIII, and then you survived by playing it safe until Polar allied with you. Then you bail on Polar in noCB, and Pacifica in Karma. I don't know about you, but I think I see a pattern, and as far as I am concerned the pattern is valid until it is broken. With your history why should ODN or CnG count on your support when the going gets rough? Tell me. And please do so with something other than "you're irrelevant."[/color] [/quote] Why should RIA count on your support as a member when you have been known to leave an alliance to do your own thing numerous times? RV, for once show some sense in these rants of yours... Sparta has had 2-3 purges in the past several months, a more recent one causing their strongest nation to be ejected. They have had several reforms internally and they have proven in the past war that they are good allies willing to help out their friends when in need. Whether you believe any of this or not is irrelevant because you will still attack anyone you can gain peanut gallery support against. That's all you ever do is pick targets you think you can get a following against. You talk as if you know anything about them but you couldn't be farther from the truth. You came in this treaty announcement denouncing parts of their history, why should they have to treat that disrespect with a smile on their faces? For someone claiming to be intelligent you certainly show little of it with these attacks that never go anywhere.
  24. Obviously you don't know Sparta too well Rebel Virginia, I suggest you spend the next 2 months studying them so you can put your findings of their alliance over here and we can all learn how you [i]really[/i] feel about them. Just don't drink their koolaid and you should be ok, last time I did... well let's not go there.
  25. [quote name='Davian Thule' date='02 May 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1272847930' post='2284420'] I'd love to see some of the stock images you guys used for these. [/quote] Can I see yours?
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