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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Someone should sticky this in the TE area, but if you're logged into the system 30 minutes before update (the amount of time it takes to automatically log out) when update occurs and your nation is removed you must wait an additional 30 minutes (generally speaking) until it recognizes you as logged out. It's a weird glitch in the system, but if you're patient and/or don't log in before update then the problem never occurs. It's been this way for the last 4-5 rounds that I can remember or longer. Whether it has something to do with you changing your name or not I am unsure of, as I haven't used the same name in awhile.
  2. Did he really win again? I saw a nice large following of nations without many casualties at the top last time I logged in. Shameful really, what's the point of a tournament where you can't fight worth a lick?
  3. Who needs a hand when you have me up your arses telling you to announce 1 year for over 2 weeks! Congrats guys, but not that Vesalius person up there, he brings your whole alliance down.
  4. I tried to keep the Asgaard one up, but lack of posting by Athens and not moving it to the proper color upon request... go ahead and delete it.
  5. [quote name='New Frontier' date='21 April 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1271898350' post='2269933'] That sounds like a lot of work and I'm not sure how effective it would be. I'd be more interested in having a list of forty or so smaller alliances to be rated. I can do this at a later date or someone else can, it would likely be completely subjective. [/quote] Yeah, I can't wrap my head around a universal fair way of going about that personally. If you made a list of lower 40 alliances based off of people's suggestions it would perhaps work, it wouldn't be perfect, but then again this list of top 40 isn't perfect either if you're looking for the best of the best.
  6. Wow, not seeing Altheus at the helm is very different. Good luck man, you lead for a long time. Wonder if UPN will take this change of leadership to determine their political standing more clearly? Good luck nonetheless.
  7. [quote name='Smacky' date='21 April 2010 - 07:55 PM' timestamp='1271894111' post='2269833'] Rating 250 alliances would be a hell of a lot of work, top 40 isn't perfect but it's a good number and contains most of the notable alliances. [/quote] I'd rather have some sort of poll placed up where we narrow it down to a top 50 of the current alliances somehow. I know if we did 250 like this style it'd be pointless. Point is that doing the top 40 is just kind of boring, there are alliances outside the top 40 I'd consider more influential and more capable than top 40 alliances.
  8. Chey, would you like to hold a proper vote on this? I'm kind of tired of seeing smaller alliances held out of votes simply because their score isn't large enough to garner comments. Not a shot at you, but a simple statement that I'd like to see people comment and create a real who's who on the current political spheres of Bob in the 2nd quarter of 2010.
  9. [quote name='Rafael Nadal' date='21 April 2010 - 06:29 PM' timestamp='1271888962' post='2269702'] Aircastle told me during/after the war that most would be leaving after the war, and the only reason they would wait was because they were fighting TOP. [/quote] Indeed, kinda funny some haven't caught on yet.
  10. [quote name='ironchef' date='21 April 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1271876737' post='2269370'] Well this is a great PM. I think this makes it clear that aid to gRAMlins is a big no no and IRON and DAWN have a CB on any alliance that feels a need to keep sending aid to gRAM. [b]Best part is because of Athens they can sit on it for 6 months and use it when they are good and ready to do so.[/b] [/quote] You want to explain why this makes sense rather than simply making blind statements?
  11. They are bored and quitting, looks like they all decided to go rather than just the ones that are done.
  12. Clever Bilrow, create a situation out of nothing where everyone brings up something to whine about which has an equally pointless answer to it. Guys, if you don't like someone tech dealing to the alliance, go talk to them, pretty easy. That's what was done during the big war, no reason not to now. This "CBs never expire" is a clever spin to poke jabs at alliances when everyone here knows perfectly well it serves no point in a discussion unless the committed act is still going on. Save your bickering for a topic actually worth it... which isn't very many.
  13. Dang infra huggers stealingz my casualties with their massive armies.
  14. [quote name='Vespassianus' date='19 April 2010 - 05:54 PM' timestamp='1271714061' post='2266808'] I wonder what would happen if donations would be disallowed for one round in TE, it's a bit boring to see the same guys leading. [/quote] You do realize a lot of us don't donate, right?
  15. Anyone wanna post some of the other options?
  16. Anyone who doubts they are doing this on their own accords makes me laugh... we've already seen how little they care to conform to other people's wishes.
  17. And sitting firmly at #7 is little ol me. Someone who has fought 3 of the top 6 nations above me and am still kicking!
  18. It has been attempted many times before, I think you dug up the forums you could find quite a few good passages to begin your quest. You'd need to make sure the leaders you get information from take as many steps to be as objective as possible, and you'd want to verify facts via the wiki. Good luck, I'm not nearly as old as some of these fossils to be of any use.
  19. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='18 April 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1271629607' post='2265399'] Go Capitalist, that is the best one. Get an 8BR, look at the trading harbor part of the forums. The bonuses are Steel, Fine Jewerly, Automobiles, Construction, Aphsal(lol spelling), Microship and radiation cleanup. You need a 90% literature rate for the scholars resource, though. Also, always always ALWAYS keep 15 tech with you so you can keep all the resources. Get rid of at least 30-40 of your planes, you don't need that many. "When it comes to nuclear weapons Big Mac Land has no definite position and is therefore considered opposed to them. Big Mac Land has no definite position on drug use in the country at this time" Go to goverment posistion and change those to We sign the treaty and military is arresting drug dealers at crossings. For the immigration put they must become citizens first. That is all I can tell you. [/quote] Capitalist is correct, but with your trades get a Fast Food, Beer, Construction trade circle. 8BR is the worst you can do as far as trade circles come, specifically the one listed here. Sell technology to your alliance, Mushroom Kingdom will certainly have the people to aid you. Be active and ask questions at Mushroom Kingdom, they have excellent people who can answer any nation building questions like you have here. Specifically your warchest? Well that is due to your age and infrastructure, spend some time growing and you'll begin to see the fruit of your labor.
  20. [quote name='Ronald McDonald' date='18 April 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1271623964' post='2265282'] I was trying to post a question in the question center, and there is no place to put a title. Then i tried to submit it anyway and it said you must enter a title of at least 2 characters. [/quote] That's a browser issue, almost 100% certainty. Try using another browser than the current one you have up or try updating your browser.
  21. Great read Impero, considering all you did during the war effort and your continued communications with many alliances I think you came out with a very good representation of alliance's fighting abilities to the best of my understandings of the war. Just a shame we're forced to rate the top 40ish alliances, when if you look at the greater side of things, it's the bottom 40-60 alliances that when in a great war can change the balance of it (as partially evidenced in this past one)
  22. [quote name='Imploding Diarrhea' date='17 April 2010 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1271485899' post='2263702'] P.S. The WRC counts for nothing in TE except maybe those 2 nuke purchases [/quote] I disagree, I loved my WRC the round I got it.
  23. [quote name='JimKongIl' date='18 April 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1271574396' post='2264719'] I think they just went to bed early. I fully expect them to keep fighting in the AM. You do have me in terms of attacking casualties at present I'll admit, but total casualties I've still got you. I'm still far away from NeoGandalf's record but if I finish top casualties again I will still be happy. Kinda strange celebrating soldier casualties but I guess that's the beauty of playing with pixels. [/quote] Not turtling, just unlucky. 2 air raids got neglected somehow. Yeah, I didn't come on for update last night either tonight will be different if I can get a good shot off on em Jim also still has the edge in everything, if I hadn't fought OP this round we'd have been more evenly matched, but that isn't the case.
  24. [quote name='bigwoody' date='18 April 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1271614118' post='2265065'] But where do you draw the line? This gives me an idea though... [/quote] Personally? I'd rather if we want a real military ranking, we take a nice series of votes to add 12 alliances from the bottom 40 into this mix, the 12 with the most votes get added into a pool to make 52, then two conferences of 26 each. E: Otherwise I really am not sure how you'd wanna go about voting out top 40 and in bottom 40 alliances.
  25. There are alliances outside the top 40 that deserve to make it on these lists over top 40 alliances.
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