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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I'd rather see a real tournament system in place where 1st, 2nd and 3rd get a prize of sorts. Be it a donation, badge/award, flag, etc. The flag at the end of the round in SE is an issue in the sense that it is all some people do. But the other problem with participation is squarely placed on the alliances that lead the game. We've seen a declining participation with the reigning alliances as RE/TP(F/C) for the past rounds. The game will only grow with change, change creates interest. If admin is not changing it, we as players need to change.
  2. Every weapon you can use is a tool towards winning. No single military item will cause an instant win. And even then if your target has a greater warchest you don't really ever win.
  3. [quote name='scytale' date='16 April 2010 - 08:33 AM' timestamp='1271421188' post='2262738'] Go for a three way brawl and post daily results here so we all can enjoy. [/quote] If Jon wants that, I am fine with it. But contributing the stats is something for someone with the time to do, the best I can do is PM the results to someone to compile since I am busy with college. This round has been relatively boring with the exclusion of my fight with OP, (shoutout to Paul, Bruce and Temuj for being 3 good opponents among my wars) If you want any idea of how easy it is to do 2 tournaments in a single TE round, this nation I have now was rebuilt from 70 infra at around day 30-35. I had a HNMS but deleted it to save money on the bills, probably foolish looking back. I had a warchest of about 3.3mil when I attacked OP and we wared for roughly 5 or 6 days and had a leftover chest of 850k to rebuild with, including paying my 3 days of bills before dumping it into infra and waiting on nuke anarchy to go away. I fought 3 opponents with stronger stats than me and 2 with weaker. Should help you if you want to make that tournament you once spoke of Scytale, as I think we could turn it into a 2-time per round thing if properly administered and using skilled builders/fighters. Good Luck Jon and Jim, I'll be launching battles once I feel like going through the ropes and I get a solid answer if Jon will be involved or not so as not to stop him from declaring on Jim if he wants in. E: I also feel compelled to say I am going into this with a 2.5mil warchest this time because I had to buy my MP and my bills are only around 250k at this moment in time. You guys can post any other relevant information you feel is needed. I'm not against posting my warchest send the round is over and I have no spies with which to hide it, one of the benefits of fighting a mid-round war with good opponents is being unable to buy spies.
  4. I challenged you both, one war is not ever as fun as it sounds, and I wanted the casualties associated with it. Thank you for accepting Jon and I'm looking forward to seeing what you both have. Jim is already in other fights so he's more occupied than you. E: If you think this is not the spirit of a pure 'duel' you are welcome to attack Jim as well and turn this into a 3-way fight where he can peace out his Pork Shrimp opponents before we both are in nuclear anarchy for the round.
  5. I'd rather lower the nation strength associated with them and keep the levels. It is the one strategic advantage you can actually get in TE that is of the non-nuclear sort which does any good and doesn't overly inflate your bills.
  6. What the heck Tulak?! I demand you visit us every once and awhile because Sethly's striptease is the least of your worries if you don't. I'll send that blue-skinned freak after you and he isn't as nurturing as Sethly might be. Good luck man, retirement sounds like a good place to be.
  7. You wouldn't happen to use AT&T? They have long been known as an evil corporation looking to stop all people playing Cybernations... In all seriousness, they recycle IPs so it can happen where you come across with other people's even if you are nowhere near each other, you shouldn't fear as it's a common enough issue if that's the case that the mods can tell what is going on. If you don't use them, perhaps someone else who does the same IP recycling is possible.
  8. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='14 April 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1271289443' post='2260626'] No I didn't flex TPC's muscles at whatever alliance Furosto belongs to. He has two posts, so I don't even know who he is. We lacked the gall to engage in war? Until the last few days, TPC members have been on the stats page for most casualties. TPF has been involved in two wars this round (just like most other AA's) one of them against RE who we thought would be a bigger challenge because of their numbers. Who else would you expect us to attack? I must say though, perhaps MHA could have given us more of a challenge. The members who came to TPC from OLC have been in three wars this round. That's more than the average alliance. I'm not real sure what the issue is. [/quote] You pretended to fight RE first of all, and the other wars have been little tiny guys at the end of the round. MHA actually fought OP who had a higher average than us, so when the dust settled we both faced some good damages. Perhaps if you hadn't had a slap fight with RE you could have earned the respect you think you deserve.
  9. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='13 April 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1271141558' post='2258460'] Weapons? Like our 458 nukes? Perhaps our +775K NS? How about our 3,078 aircraft, 678,379 soldiers, 43,274 tanks, 242 CM's, or 673 ships? Yes, we at TPC enjoy diplomacy, myself especially, but we also enjoy kicking booty and taking our spoils. Don't knock TPC about having a lot of treaties because that will change. When TPF and Ozland became TPC this round we decided to honor the treaties that both alliances had for the rest of this round, like honorable people should (directed toward RnR). Next round will be different. **edit: and yes, the RnR treaty was placed on the peak of RnR just before we sent our first nuke that way. [/quote] Did you really just flex your muscles at an alliance immensely smaller than you? You have all of that stuff because you lacked the gall to engage in a real war this round with anyone worth a damn. The reset will be real interesting to watch, I sure hope TPC decides that you don't have to ignore warfare to be a good friend. I'd say the best friends you find on Steve are forged through the bonds of war and while riding on the battle field.. LE and Fark come to mind when I say this and they are two of MHA's greatest friends through TE's history. You also might wish to take notes on something BG, as a friend or protector, or treaty partner, or whatever you wish to be called, you do not have to attack the person who declares war on them when it's a relatively even war nor do you have to come in acting high and mighty. If you guys keep this up, you just have to look at the history books for what will come.
  10. [quote name='Kirke' date='12 April 2010 - 10:30 PM' timestamp='1271125839' post='2258171'] I already have a backup for korlath Just waiting for confirmation [/quote] Korlath dropped out of one of my circles, any idea what's going on around here Kirke?
  11. Once upon a time I remember when an alliance like this would have flourished, wonder if the same holds true to today. Good luck.
  12. Flag reminds me of another flag I can't quite place my finger on... anyone else get that opinion?
  13. Sweet, two shoutouts from ACF and Asgaard. Keep up the success CRAP, it's been one long time on the john so far.
  14. [quote name='arcticllama' date='12 April 2010 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1271103524' post='2257626'] what say you MHA? shall we explain the need for war dec's? [/quote] Not really, war declarations are getting overrated. You declared on CDT and hit us so that's good proof to my point Also, I can't wait for your guys to get out of anarchy so we can have a larger party... Just would you mind selling some infra to have a 1 on 1 llama?
  15. [quote name='The fox' date='12 April 2010 - 03:27 AM' timestamp='1271057219' post='2257203'] Rather sad that MHA is not interested in a fair and fun fight, rather they have to have people with a thousand more in infra attack someone. Good going there. [/quote] You attacked our people, so we responded with someone that was active. I'm sorry you don't feel you can handle someone bigger than you and you constantly have to fight weaker opponents yourself. It's really not that difficult to fight someone larger than yourself, OP and I had quite the fireworks display doing so and even though I was tinier I still put up a big enough fight. We'll relish the war, but I must say, who is left to fight TPC? Usually we're the pest control service of TE but we're a tad busy now it would seem.
  16. You can add Asgaard as a member of NOIR, we did not announce it.
  17. Why repair the relationship when there is no issue? War does not mean you hate someone... I don't understand why people can't accept that in TE.
  18. [quote name='dogbite' date='11 April 2010 - 11:49 AM' timestamp='1271000928' post='2256372'] You just making a point or is that our warning? [/quote] I don't control MHA anymore dogbite, you know that. What I say is merely my opinion, and I haven't been on irc as much lately to even ask Hisk what we're doing. My point was just that I saw RD as your biggest threat that wasn't at war yet or hadn't been ravaged by war (not considering the weak fight RE put up with you guys that was more like a lovefest than a war) so seeing them hit someone weaker when they could have had a real TE war with you guys and still have retained a friendship disappoints me. We've been around the block long enough to know and have seen that friends are capable of fighting eachother and not hating eachother in the end. MHA and TPF when I was around weren't on great terms, but BG and I buried the problems for a little while before it flared back up, and you could consider it a friendly war. MHA and Fark, enemies who became good friends by the way of warfare. MHA and LE, friends who never needed a treaty to help eachother out against unsurmountable odds and who have fought eachother in the past as well. Obviously I'm bias thinking of MHA, as I don't know other alliance's history as strongly off the top of my head, but I am certain other alliances have and you could think of times TPF in the past did the same very thing. I had some respect for llama, and as such I had placed hope he would make TE interesting (along with Stryke) to end the round, instead TPC is basically given a free pass to win. Is that what you guys wanted? I would have assumed all this build up and no war is boring to you guys.
  19. llama, you don't have to ally them, and being an ally does not mean you can't fight them. "Hey TPC, we're attacking you in 24 hours, let's make this clean and have some fun" That is a perfectly acceptable warning to an ally when you have no other alliance to fight and want to keep it clean. And it has been done countless times.
  20. Poor show, you guys definitely could have made a bigger and better bang or at least fought someone more evenly matched. Looks like Cobras get a free pass this round from anyone fighting them.
  21. If Cyphon disappears for good whose doorsteps will I show up to late at night?
  22. We have all the same friends, we must be doing somethin right
  23. [quote name='Blind Murder v2' date='09 April 2010 - 01:56 PM' timestamp='1270835797' post='2254447'] Wolf Boy [/quote] You're welcome to give me a suggestion ya know.
  24. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='08 April 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1270779566' post='2253750'] I want to join, but that link for applying rules doesn't work... [/quote] You must have an account first All of the other information regarding us is public, but we wish to keep such things like the application halls a bit more private from the guest's eye. E: Also, old front post... I need to edit it before long.
  25. Sethly's sigs are horrible, nobody vote for him.
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