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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Which one is GOON's flag? I don't see it (IAA is my last selection option)
  2. Zenith was a fine alliance, not gonna be the same seeing some of yall elsewhere.
  3. [quote name='magicmountain' date='22 May 2010 - 10:46 AM' timestamp='1274539545' post='2307971'] Man, everyone gives us a 4, 5, or 6 saying "well I like you guys and you're funny". Are we really so bad that being well liked only brings us up into mediocrity? [/quote] How many people really know you guys beyond your OWF presence though? That's my problem, I only know you from your posts and topics, so the best I can do is give you a slightly better than neutral rating. Most people were in the same voting design and gave a 1 or 2 point bonus to people they didn't really know based on either policies, posts or other things.
  4. Who has said they are some devastating military machine?
  5. I love me some Falcon CRAP, now don't you? Congrats guys, pretty good protectors there Falcon.
  6. Look, have issues all you want with them, but stop bringing it to the peanut gallery. The debate is tireless, pointless, and frankly reflecting poorly on TOP for their apparent whining over a long past war. I don't care if you think Aircastle was a bunch of creampuffs or a single creampuff, but why do you need to continue a debate on an alliance now gone? Do we put up discussions on other alliances which go the way of the dodo bird, or should I be expecting TOP to in the future? If you won't put up any sort of stats or a few clips of stats, that's fine, but don't expect us to care or believe you at face value. As for the "Leaders speak for their alliances in all manners" thrown into this thread, why? When I speak for Asgaard, I say I am, as do many other leaders. When we're speaking personally, objectively or putting our opinions out we shouldn't have to emphasize that every single time.
  7. Thanks for the clarification guys, I didn't know the exact wording or anything but read that and it struck a question. Carry on.
  8. [quote name='Haflinger' date='21 May 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1274453089' post='2306925'] Do you really think all these treaties were negotiated in the last two days? [/quote] I'm not looking to start a conflict or drawn lines or roll out the 'he haz a war reason' humor that is going around, but I would like to know if for the record, this [i]could[/i] be considered a breach of terms, discussing a treaty when I believe(?) treaties were forbidden by the terms laid out. Just a simple, yes or no would do for me. Thanks.
  9. Dark Fist coordinated with more than Jon. And yes, have you ever heard of Basketball Ninjas? Have you ever looked at their nations? They coordinate in a [i]very[/i] similar manner but have more nations and more room for error. Let it also be noted that not all of Aircastle deleted at once, so you could see, 9 remained so obviously no one was perfect in the communication of "let's move on guys" This is definitely the place to get into arguments over their records, because a simple compiling of their attack strategies, dates, activity and other menial stats that show their unity will confirm they were a highly coordinated alliance. You tell me, is it possible to do an update strike among 25+ nations in the same moments [i]without[/i] being highly coordinated? I really don't get why you guys can't let this go.
  10. [quote name='DogeWilliam' date='21 May 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1274473393' post='2307205'] As to the latter you miss the joke. As to the former; yea right. [/quote] Well you guys fought them, why don't you compile evidence of their fighting ability for all of us to see then? There are other alliances which have similar growth, build and guides and do everything unified and are not doing anything wrong as you appear to trying to smear their name further. Come on, get your war records and prove to us once and for all the claims TOP has been laying down. I'm tired of seeing you guys bring up threads about a dead alliance and further trying to hurt their already dead reputation. It's not right.
  11. They got bored, they did their job, so they left. From what I was told they were a group of organized "pro" gamers, in the sense they did a lot of stuff together. Any accusations that TOP killed them or they weren't good enough to cut it here is just pointless.
  12. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='20 May 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1274403292' post='2306149'] Also what is this. We have an average above 6. [/quote] Both our averages are pretty large and close, you thinking what I'm thinking?
  13. [quote name='Unspeakable Evil' date='20 May 2010 - 03:26 PM' timestamp='1274383596' post='2305546'] I tried to explain my system on two non-consecutive occasions to people who aren't me. The first gave up after an evening, the second put in several days work before needing a month or two to recoup in a sanitarium before trying again. He got it half working before deciding it would be easier to invent his own language, teach it to some particularly adept turtles and then strap the turtles to rockets which would be fired at my location, all the while slandering me in this new tongue. Also the rockets were fueled by some kind of hatred. [/quote] Admin have mercy on those poor turtles...
  14. Unfortunately, no. Because the moment I clicked to the page Chrome went all doomsday on me and put that screenshot up.
  15. You should have someone else help out for a little while if it is at all possible.
  16. Got hit by it again at this link: [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86171&st=40]Link[/url] - 3rd page of recent NPO announcement. Any idea what Chrome is picking up on?
  17. Hit me up in-game if you can use a Pigs/Water combo for a 3BR F+U, the guy needs a circle but I may find him one elsewhere in the meantime since you seem full.
  18. [quote name='darkfox' date='19 May 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1274307765' post='2303775'] Nuke rankings TPE: 640 tR: 551 Suddenly I feel very optimistic. [/quote] Don't worry, I'll rain on your parade DF tR has the member advantage, therefore the best chance of sprouting nukes within 30 days, TPE basically has 30-45 days to win or tR could pull the lead. A race to 1000 woulda been more interesting, since TPE is so close about 2-3 recruits with nukes will seal the victory for them (not that hard). I see what, 3 more nuke candidates beyond anyone with a HNMS or full nukes yet for the next 110?
  19. Strange, happened immediately when I returned to page 1490 of the Sanction Race Thread. ([url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&st=29780]Linky[/url]) [img]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/2239/29944800.png[/img] Sporting an updated Chrome currently. E: Also, this [u]only[/u] happens on that page, the one before and after it never occurs on.
  20. I have a member with Gold/Gems who would join the 2nd circle, but you would need to put uranium in it (removing Iron) Let me know in-game if you're cool with that. E: Make that two, another with Silver/Wheat. Both need uranium though.
  21. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='19 May 2010 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1274303444' post='2303690'] Asgaard is really sorta kinda like god, 'cept asgaard knows more. [/quote] I am your god, now bow down.
  22. [quote name='Straylight' date='19 May 2010 - 04:42 PM' timestamp='1274301712' post='2303666'] Oh my TFD, oh my. Congrats on the merger [/quote] I'm kind of disappointed in the fact they were gloating about it before it even happened... do they really care it was their allies who merged or are they just interested in jumping up in the sanction race? There's a been a bit of a merger bug lately that has resulted in people not giving much credit to their former friends or allies.
  23. Bold moves towards carving a new future, good luck.
  24. [quote name='Tarikmo' date='17 May 2010 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1274138409' post='2301623'] SkyGreenChick is second in line for sigs and is tied with me for 1 vote. [/quote] They are more spread out than usual which is good to see, but you're beating her this time
  25. [quote name='PrinceArutha' date='17 May 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1274137567' post='2301599'] why would you hide members? unless a pending war would be coming up.... in which case lists have already been made anyways.... [/quote] Because they don't wish to be sanctioned.
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