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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I'll leave things be, I spoke to you in query BMv, you know how I feel about this. Might as well stop because it doesn't matter anymore anyways.
  2. [quote name='Jrenster' date='15 June 2010 - 03:16 PM' timestamp='1276629351' post='2338515'] I think it's because they like us better. How are you going to argue against that? [/quote] I like you guys better too, Sethly makes the entire Black Sphere smell... like something brown Also, why did you guys apply to NOIR if you were going to change to Brown?
  3. Phe Phi Pho Phumph, I smell the blood of a new recruit
  4. Has LE declared war on my nation yet? I peaced out the first raider, attacked the second raider back, and now a third raider hits me while I'm on Pork Shrimp.
  5. [quote name='Great Lord Moth' date='12 June 2010 - 07:14 AM' timestamp='1276341280' post='2334837'] A Greenlight is when a topic is given recognition on the main page of Fark.com, IIRC. @.@ In the context of CN, this means a huge advertisement to join Fark. Brings in a ton of brand new players. ;>.> To one of the finest alliances in the game. [/quote] Yeah, Fark's members occasionally write entries for Fark.com, when one gets accepted and displayed it's a "greenlight" and the number of people trafficing Fark.com is quite enough to garner large influxes of members. The question has always been what percentage they could harvest. They also are pretty good about not flooding the website with advertisements iirc, so when they do get one through it's a little more deliberate than pure luck.
  6. Greenlight 4.0 by the looks of things, set a new forum record for members at a single time. Congrats guys.
  7. [quote name='Ironfist' date='11 June 2010 - 07:54 AM' timestamp='1276257248' post='2333145'] You need ~350mil, depending on what wonders/improvements you have. I can get the 2k infra for about 332mil. 500 is ridiculously excessive. [/quote] 285mil is all you need, anyone active who has a 3BR or 5BR (the two main circles) just needs a temp trade for a missing infra combo, add 5 factories and the IS (which you should have by 6k infra) and you're fine. Regardless, question was answered, but I wanted to clarify what banned member posted. E: Why is Jazz-y autochanged? Jazzy95...
  8. [quote name='Christopher XIII' date='10 June 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1276206314' post='2332133'] That would only be 10 nukes, but here goes anyway: GRL is based on the # of nations hit by nukes, not the # of nukes fired, so if we assume that each of the 10 nukes hits a different nation, the GRL would increase by a measly 0.12[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img] If 0.1% of the total nukes on Bob (100 nukes) were fired, the GRL would increase by 1.2, and 1000 nukes would increase it by 12 Hey! its a pattern![img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img] I will leave you to extrapolate - I've done enough math for today... [/quote] You rock. Now imagine if just 10% were fired on different nations...
  9. [quote name='Krausberg' date='10 June 2010 - 01:16 AM' timestamp='1276146965' post='2331340'] 500mil will be enough to get u to 7999.99 [/quote] About half that will be enough...
  10. Thats not an error limited to phones, I've faced it before on my computer. It goes away eventually.
  11. Why are more nations built on Tuesdays than any other day? Why have you not called or written in so long WB? Lastly, if 1% of 1% of the total nukes on Bob were fired right now, what would be the net effect on our lovely GRL?
  12. [quote name='Prozenz' date='09 June 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1276138883' post='2331118'] Yes, Clash is right. It keeps declining. The first 3 round was the best round ever for TE. Maybe its all about motivation. Most of us at Fark are withdraw from TE couple rounds ago because we lost the interest in TE, we don't need the flag plus TE suppose to be a war game and not politic. [/quote] I saw a large drop when TE changed to 2 month rounds, was this a coincidence for Fark as well as TE as a whole, or a cause-effect of the change to 2 month rounds?
  13. http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=North%20American%20Confederacy North American Confederacy, good guys. PM this person in game to talk to them: [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=257034]Shavar[/url]
  14. When you're looking at a nation or your own nation, and you leave the page up past the automatic timeout which logs you off, if you click the 'Alliance Stats' page it will still work, while logged out. You can view everything, but when you go to click another link it will then kick you out. I've experienced it a few times and only reported it now because I thought something was wrong at first and this wasn't a bug. But you can indeed view the stats page when logged out. This can replicated very easily, just copy the link to alliance stats like so... http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Asgaard Logout of your account. Paste the link into your url, and presto, you're viewing the in-game stats while logged out.
  15. [quote name='Clash' date='09 June 2010 - 12:15 PM' timestamp='1276100105' post='2330235'] The flag war is indeed always fun to watch. I love the last second jumps. How can y'all in PS be bored though? Didn't you just get out of a war with Catharsis, then get hit by the bloc? You guys have got like 14 pages of wars! Sheesh, Mr. Low Attention Span. Now now, can't we fight AND complain? Why it gotta be one or the other? All of the above counts too. We are warring at any rate, TW has six pages of wars, not bad for 20 nations. WTG US! We've debated on what we think is the problem with TE before. I think by forming my own alliance with the themes and policies we're tried to implement, even when not completely successful, I've at least tried. I see you complain about this a lot - what are going to actually DO about it, besides talk about it? Well, besides come up with new things for admin to do, of course lol [/quote] I was working on it before College started back up, if you remember at all when I was MHA's leader I pretty much had a minimum of 2 large wars a round. One of them was usually defacto RE because Tiberius wanted a piece of me... often... it was more than a one night stand with him As for next round, I'll be out of College again, so you'll be seeing some more of me barring real life picking me back up again. I have some plans underway as we speak... just need to finish finals this week, work on em next week and then spring into action. I do appreciate you as one of the few who has stuck to his word around here, even when you were TPF you weren't as two-faced as the others. But I haven't really seen your work as being effective, partially due to just having no time at all to devote to TE besides being a mentor the past few rounds. This round I went to have some fun with my friends in Pork Shrimp. And fun it was... we've had 3 large scale wars now, including the recent back-back wars. Pork Shrimp are the best fighters I've ever fought, and then fought with. I've had 15 different dance partners this round. 5 from PS, 5 from Catharsis, 2 from RE, 2 from LE and 1 from RD. This is my 2nd nation this round, unfortunately didn't make it nuclear because of Cat (I had a set up where I coulda made it by now if left undisturbed) I've only faced anarchy by the PS guys from the initial blitz... Casualties totaling roughly 45k due to the low size of my two nations. And about 2-3 weeks of peace this round. If anyone was curious what it was like being a member of theirs this round, that's pretty much the jist of it.
  16. Children... why don't you just declare this round over and stop whining? TE has been going downhill, prepare for next round and watch as the infra huggers go for their flag run. It's like a snail race to see who wins when you have this many days of being bored doing nothing in TE. Also, I get the privilege of warring an idiot LE raider, so at least I won't be bored fighting you lot who do nothing but complain. At least make the attempt to fix things before you complain.
  17. MHA has fallen on hard times, Confusion will not be leading next round, Thai has been convinced to return to the helm for a last hoorah, we'll see how it goes there. People should be less concerned about MHA this round than in the past since they really didn't do much unfortunately.
  18. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' date='07 June 2010 - 11:35 PM' timestamp='1275968100' post='2328511'] Then perhaps I am wrong, but I am not your ally In response to the person who said that I rated you below GGA-- I gave my own alliance a 5. What are you going to say? [/quote] That you keep ignoring my questions.
  19. [quote name='jerdge' date='07 June 2010 - 07:29 PM' timestamp='1275953361' post='2328296'] Apparently a couple of mid sized Nations joined us (it was about 120k NS). Funny how we went above Polaris again, although I think we won't stay 3rd for long. [/quote] You passed them some of your green herb didn't you? That usually gets them...
  20. [quote name='Mr Damsky' date='07 June 2010 - 09:42 PM' timestamp='1275961351' post='2328411'] Furthermore, I think it's funny how NOIR's members seem to have to take care of Iunctus' affairs for them. Unless you wish to damage the relations between NOIR and UINE I don't see why the aggressive behavior is necessary. [/quote] I think you and others are blowing this out of proportion. A few allies/friends of theirs voice their disapproval of not removing the ghost sooner and it causing a situation. So we speak up a little bit. UINE's friends/allies speaking up in their favor also begins happening, and yet it's only NOIR being aggressive here. Both sides had mistakes which sparked a situation. One being a member who took this OWF (rookie mistake) and the other being UINE not removing someone who was a known problem (or at the very least attempting to) in most situations this would be up for reparations consideration, but with how small the nation is it really isn't anything a couple tech deals can't fix. But by all means, continue with the peanut gallery "Oh my, the Black Sphere is coming down on all of you with their intense ODP-Economic bonds through NOIR"
  21. [quote name='JimKongIl' date='07 June 2010 - 11:40 AM' timestamp='1275925237' post='2327834'] I thought WethePeople was Denniswerf beforehand but now I don't know as if that was the case I would be surprised. [/quote] After that round he got bumped from #1 he told me he wasn't playing again. But he also told me he would rogue me if he knew who I was at the time. So I really never knew what to believe.
  22. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='07 June 2010 - 11:50 AM' timestamp='1275925802' post='2327842'] You might want to word this better. You're saying you don't care about the rating (his perception of you), yet are saying it means something to you. [/quote] Checking carefully, I meant what I said. I don't care about the rating given, but how other people perceive us I do care about. Meaning rate us as low as appropriate, but explain and show why you did so I can understand that if you're going to claim we're a bottom feeder.
  23. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' date='07 June 2010 - 08:38 AM' timestamp='1275914282' post='2327721'] They weren't on the list. I have tolerance for a lot of things, but I do not have much tolerance for people who lack tact. [/quote] [i]a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.[/i] We lack the ability to deal with difficult and delicate situations? Or we lake the sense to avoid giving people offense? Because the second one about everyone can be considered devoid of. And the first, well you don't know us so I don't see how you could believe that. Bear in mind, I don't care about your rating, rating us below GGA means nothing to me, but learning how other people perceive us, yes that does mean something to me. It is impossible to be a good leader without recognizing the light in which your shadow is cast.
  24. Not saying that, just pointing out that if Jim is pissed someone hit him, suspecting Aztec is a reasonable group at first. Considering there are only 3 alliances I would suspect of this out of TFD which are doing their usual, "Let me hide the entire round, build up day 59 at hour 23.5 and then gloat if we win a third" credo, that's about it.
  25. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='07 June 2010 - 06:29 AM' timestamp='1275906563' post='2327656'] UINE [u]will[/u] be paying reps for this, correct? [/quote] Would love to find out about that last line right there.
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