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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Have you guys improved your ability to fight in a war since Karma?
  2. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='03 June 2010 - 09:27 AM' timestamp='1275571603' post='2322039'] [b]Traits of a Bad Leader[/b] * [i]Dishonesty[/i] - Displays a lack of sincerity, integrity, and candor. * [i]Incompetence[/i] - Acts are based upon on childlike emotional desires or feelings rather than on reason and moral principles. * [i]Myopia[/i] - Lacks goals and has no vision for the future. Picks priorities based on impulse or emotion rather than their basic values. * [i]Uninspiring[/i] - Fails to display confidence in all that they do. Lacking in endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina. Fails to take charge when necessary. * [i]Unintelligent[/i] - Seeks out the easiest assignments. Fails to become a student of the subject matter for which they are responsible. * [i]Prejudice[/i] - Shows preferential treatment to others based on what someone is rather than who someone is. Displays a lack of empathy about the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others. * [i]Narrow-minded[/i] - Seeks out agreeable or like-minded individuals to the exclusion of others. * [i]Cowardly[/i] - Lacks the perseverance to accomplish a goal, even when faced with obstacles. Displays panic and or fear openly when under stress. * [i]Equivocal[/i] - Fails to demonstrate sound judgment resulting in the making of bad decisions at the wrong time. * [i]Unimaginative[/i] - Slow to make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans, and methods. Fails to show creativity through repetitive goals, ideas, or solutions to problems. Lacking in innovation. [i]OOC: Based upon "Traits of a Good Leader", Compiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group[/i] [/quote] I like this list very much, and I think if we were to ever compile a "How to Successfully lead an alliance on Bob" thread, it should go in there. However Hal, I think you're missing one key point. And that is that many if not all of us have never lead anything remotely similar to the alliances on Bob before we arrived here. There is a learning curve, steeper for some than others. But in the end, all of us if we take the steps towards becoming leaders and we continue in the journey, can be successful. It largely depends on your attitude towards the job, your willingness to spend the time required to be successful, and also who you surround yourself with. Many young leaders have the potential to be the next major political figures on Bob, but one mistake according to the current leading body can cause your political career to be shot dead in the water early on and it takes great strides to restart. Rookie mistakes are just steps in learning, so in that statement, the only failures as leaders are the ones who do not take strides to correct their mistakes, learn from their losses and continue on towards success.
  3. To fail as a leader is just to take a step towards learning to be a better one in the future. The only 'failures' as you're looking to have answered, are the ones who give up after making mistakes and don't take steps to right their wrongs and improve upon what they have learned through their misgivings.
  4. I have located one of these deadly ninjas... [img]http://thelittlecriminal.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/ninja-0011.jpg[/img] I now fear for my life.
  5. The same culture, but we're the ones with the motto of dining in the halls of valhalla Also, Valhalla is within the kingdom of Asgaard, We're still awaiting our one true savior in Odin however.
  6. Looking good NAC, you need to get rid of Rattle if you ever seek to go far though. That guy... I hear he puts away so many beers in one night that you'll send the entire alliance into a depression. Keep up the solid effort guys, you're doing very well. We'll always be there if ya need us.
  7. [quote name='mrcalkin' date='01 June 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1275415094' post='2319336'] The score takes into account a lot of factors. Take IRON for instance: NS wise my alliance (Umbrella) beats them (but not by a terrible lot) however they have over 4 times as many members as we do, so their score is higher [i]but only slightly[/i]. If having a ton of small members was the most important thing to alliance score their score would be two or three times ours at the very least. [/quote] Fair point, I suppose it could be weighted worse. Besides, you can always compare alliances one on one pretty easily with the host of other stats involved. How about nukes? I've always wondered how much they affect the score for an alliance? Is it merely the NS added to the nations, or when ranking them does the score also get a boost for total in the alliance?
  8. I keep asking if you guys are getting bored yet... fighting at these tiny levels is what I like to recall as when Folger and I laughed cause I told him it was as if we were "standing on the other side of eachother's fence just lobbing paintballs at eachother" there is no real damage but you keep taking hits wondering when it will end...
  9. [quote name='Banksy' date='31 May 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1275333791' post='2318033'] Losing low NS members doesn't affect your score very much. That's why "ODN applicant" has a score of, like, 2 despite having 120 members. The NS of an alliance is far more important for the score calculation. [/quote] Really? I've always wondered how the score allowed for alliances weaker in strength and nukes to be higher up on us in the score race and it is usually because they have 2-4x more members than us.
  10. [quote name='Davian Thule' date='01 June 2010 - 12:04 AM' timestamp='1275365075' post='2318627'] The former pip was orange instead of black IIRC. [/quote] Yeah, and it was a bit taller in the scroll part.
  11. Does someone have their previous pip saved? I'd like to compare their current and previous side by side... this one reminds me very much of their former pip but I can't remember how much.
  12. Use the Save Message function to have it longer
  13. Move move move, Cooldude is at 20 days inactive
  14. This is amazing, kudos to TB and PJ, you guys did great work here. If you need a packhorse to gather information next time just ask and I'll give it a run. Perhaps we can turn this into something done every month or so with purely the statistical breakdown and without the graphs to reduce workload?
  15. [quote name='Clash' date='30 May 2010 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1275249660' post='2316944'] I hope PS is having as much fun with the cross-war talk as we did [/quote] Kinda quiet on the radio waves...
  16. Honestly guys, if no one is fighting now and Gremlins decided to start the conflict back up in a couple months, what have you got to lose? You'll have allies at that point out to help destroy Gremlins if you really needed it (which you shouldn't) I think all of this complaining is making both sides look like children.
  17. Reroll, doesn't matter if they can fit into something. If you intend on sticking around then you want something that fits into the Fast Food, Beer, Construction, Fish/Uranium circles. There are few exceptions to that some people can get, and it's usually stemming if you land Uranium and something else.
  18. Welcome THL, good to have you guys with us. Do you do rentals on those planes? I've always wanted to fly a triplane.
  19. That's just the board not loading the full code. Refresh and it'll load all the stylesheets.
  20. The rookie with the moneyshot at the end! o/ Emcee
  21. [quote name='Clash' date='29 May 2010 - 01:56 PM' timestamp='1275155762' post='2315693'] Oh yeah, that was us Catharsis fought. [/quote] That would explain things a bit better.
  22. [quote name='Asa Phillips' date='29 May 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1275152319' post='2315636'] Who are you asking? Nothing about your profile suggests you are a member of either side in this topic, or even playing TE for that matter. Makes it kinda tough to figure out who you're talking to. [/quote] What you talking bout Willis?
  23. I'd caution against joining purely for trades as well, it's synonymous with joining for cash. (Something we wouldn't allow anyways if you applied to Asgaard) There are several alliances which can help you get trades, so choosing the one that is right for you based on your activity and knowledge of the game is important.
  24. [quote name='Asa Phillips' date='29 May 2010 - 12:53 PM' timestamp='1275152003' post='2315629'] Doing something to do away with the quad attack update advantage is a good step in the right direction I think if you want to take a military aspect of improvement, and doing away with donations or lessening their impact is one when you take a non military aspect. Lets be honest, people are competitive by nature. Some keep track of casualties, some keep track of nations put into anarchy, some keep track of how their alliance does, some keep track of tech and land raided... but the majority keep track of how they stack up compared to everyone else. Someone who may suck at the game, only need to donate once and they have a respectable set up, donate twice and they're bad $@! compared to nearly all of the players who don't. What do those non-donating players have to look forward to? doing well in the non-donators bracket?? No, sooner rather that later they're going to figure out they can't compete in the way they want to and they stop playing. The first round of TE ever had a tremendous amount of players, something like 6k I believe, and there was no donations. [/quote] Well, quadding is a tool that should stay. But the problem is in the fact that update is really inconvenient for the majority of TE's player base. In SE it's not so bad because wars happen less often so you may be willing to rough it out for a little while. As for donations, it is very possible to overcome them, I've never donated in TE and have been a top 10 nation a few rounds, top 5% majority of the rounds I played actively. The problem comes when a nation donates who actually knows what they are doing in building, as there are probably 5-10 in TE currently who know how to use donations and could effectively build up such a huge disparity in ranges that you can't attack them. There was one round where the OP nation nearly managed to do that but they couldn't anarchy me to keep me from hitting him. Point is, I think TE needs to have a variable update if you want to increase the number of participants so that they don't have such a huge disadvantage of being quadded and likely anarchied and destroyed within 2-3 days, once you're dead in TE once, the fun is usually gone for the entire round unless you're really prepared for the fight, or aren't looking to be among the top nations.
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