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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling (since this happened to me) it involves them clicking the reply button on your post and then deleting the text. Not positive, but worth checking out.
  2. [quote name='Ardus' date='10 July 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1278782223' post='2365927'] While EZI skirts the line and is indeed reprehensible, this charges clear across the border like Usain Bolt. [/quote] This isn't a laughing matter I realize... but I just about died after reading that. Well played Sir.
  3. You aren't good enough to join Asgaard. Yeah, I meant you maggot.
  4. Great treaty, two good groups of people here. Though I fear my Ninja friends here might have already outsmarted you all, they got their sandwich and they get to eat it.
  5. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' date='06 July 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1278472724' post='2362052'] That is the way it should be, but not the actual way it is. [/quote] Do you have any proof? Because I've used nukes in TE, they've been blocked by SDIs, and I've lost the nukes.
  6. For every nuke you fire, you lose said nuke. So your approach is wrong.
  7. lmcfalcon rings a bell for some reason... did we fight you directly in the last war possibly?
  8. [quote name='bunnet' date='06 July 2010 - 03:49 PM' timestamp='1278445770' post='2361361'] This war has got a wee bit silly but it's only some people who head big alliances throwing their weight around. The wee alliances don't really give one as its a game on a computer with imaginary money tech and infra. It's easy to play if your not european as we need to drag ourselves out of bed to play it properly. I like the game but question myself why I need to get up at 5am to go on irc then go and do a 12hr shift My good lady doesn't understand and thinks I'm having an affair [/quote] Honestly, I'd rather live over in Europe to play, 5am isn't nearly as bad (when I end up working regular shifts before long that's just getting up an hour earlier) as having to stay on until 1am. If you're busy the next day or studying for an exam... yeah well consider your nation toasted. [quote name='Clash' date='06 July 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1278446107' post='2361370'] The usual words of wisdon from lonewolf. That especially and emphatically. Wars truly are just more straight-up fun that way [/quote] Much appreciated And yes, we're having a mini-revival here in TE with the emphasis on new and fresh ideas, I think Steve will have a chance to save himself now with another one of the originals out of the way (MHA) to continue the upwards change.
  9. I love propaganda wars. The war was close-ish to even when the TPC/SF war broke out, about as close as it could be short of them having the advantage on the blitz and RE/SF having been the best potential matchup. No one from the attacking parties (TPC formerly TPF and RE) complained when it was MHA getting the brunt of these hits... I seem to recall when this was standard procedure in TE and people just said "Well, who else are we supposed to fight?" I'd say TPC is holding their own well, but no one is really winning their wars yet, too early to tell. And with RE jumping it's now like TPC + RE versus SF since no one hit RE, but the good news is I haven't seen RE have an effective war machine for several rounds so that should even things out depending how well SF can do. Hopefully we keep these things from being global every time someone wants to fight, skirmishes and duels are more fun.
  10. Soooo... I'm not sure where this thread has gone to and back, but I have to ask. Why isn't this war over yet? And why are the people in charge still keeping their thumbs up their $@! to the point of letting it drag on? IRON has had the advantage for months now, and they clearly have the strength advantage at this point. Gremlins could have declared all out war by now but they haven't, and it looks like any member in war has effectively given up. I don't see why this has to keep going on, it's ended the careers of some brilliant people that were in Gremlins, and more before that who gave up.
  11. The numbers fluctuate at all times, we were at 27,000 not long ago if I recall correctly. What matters is the number of active participants and I feel personally like that has gone up.
  12. [quote name='USOFAA' date='02 July 2010 - 11:34 AM' timestamp='1278084823' post='2357723'] Yes for the most part. Other then the fact i am a somewhat [b]low NS nations with Nukes[/b]. [/quote] Not really, we've got 3 of you in Asgaard alone. Other alliances have nukes in the 5-10k range. Yours is actually pretty normal now.
  13. Sweet Jebus, it was like an alcohol addict going dry for 2 months and then getting his first shot and loving it oh so much.
  14. [quote name='Carden VonDraken' date='02 July 2010 - 03:11 AM' timestamp='1278054654' post='2357536'] i'm responsible for the "hideous thing". it's only there because i had no knowledge of zetaboards having an internal shoutbox. please do tell, as i'm getting pissed off at it. [/quote] Just go to your ACP and check below within 'Board Customization' should be your bottom link. Choose to display it on 'The Board Index' and allow links/bbcode. Then choose your permissions and you're set. There's some mods out there that will perform ajax auto refresh and throw an emoticon link into the shoutbox as well.
  15. [quote name='Lusitan' date='02 July 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1278051243' post='2357509'] The treaty was inspired in the day (OOC: 42nd birthday of the non-nuke proliferation treaty). Then again, we're not THAT bad in nuke counts. [/quote] Ah, I see. That makes more sense, and no you're not that bad, but just not that great either was all.
  16. Not a very fitting treaty title based on the inefficiency of nuclear capable nations between the two of ya, but CIA have some good folk in them so I'll congratulate this.
  17. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' date='19 July 2009 - 10:55 PM' timestamp='1248058512' post='1704164'] [center][url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100405220056/cybernations/images/6/69/BWAsgaardFlag-1.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"]Asgaard Forums[/url][/center] [b]Where are we?[/b] Well, the forum links are all over this post... but here is the specific link. [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"]http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/[/url] We are also located at #Asgaard on the coldfront server for irc. [b]Who are we?[/b] Asgaard is a Black Team alliance made up of many experienced players and friends alike who came together to create an alliance dedicated to a strong community and that place among their highest goals the choice to enjoy CN while playing with honor and dignity. Asgaard is built upon a fluid government system, one which has a democratically elected Vanir council, whom make up the main alliance affairs but serve under the Aesir, of which I'm proudly part of. The Gods take the title of a Norse God from mythology and the number of Gods is never set in stone in order to grow and change with the alliance's needs. For a view at our Charter, please click [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=custompages&do=show&pageId=2"]Here[/url] [b]How do you Join?[/b] In order to apply to become a member of Asgaard, we ask that you both register an account and fill out an application. Rules for such applications can be found [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/864-prospective-members/"]Here[/url] including information on applying. You will be asked to change your Alliance Affiliation to "Asgaard Applicant" and we will put you into a slot for interviewing, from there questions will be asked and if you check out we will give you a trial period to display your dedication and interest in Asgaard! When applying, please have all wars peaced out, please refrain from applying if on a ZI list and we will not accept anyone that is found to hold outstanding debts to their former alliance that have not been handled properly. [center][url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"][img]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/Sigs/Asgaardsig1.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Why Join Us?[/b] Asgaard is looking to build a strong community and in doing so looks to have both experienced and inexperienced members join it's ranks. We have extensive programs under works and are capable of providing everything any size or age nation may need. We respect the experience that is provided by the eldest of nations, and understand the value they serve to an alliance by rewarding you with a rich environment to participate in and enjoy. As an alliance we are built upon the strength of veteran nations and we grow through the efforts of the youngest players. Asgaard offers a home to all whom are willing to take on the experience and enjoy it. We pride ourselves on having a strong military approach to playing while offering lucrative economics opportunities to any member. We have a dedicated staff in Asgaard that has both the experience and the connections to succeed within CN, but we can't do it alone. Each and every member of Asgaard is like family, and we look out for eachother. You aren't just joining another alliance, you are joining a community with which you can call [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"]home[/url]. So why don't you come down and drink some Mead with the Gods of Asgaard? We are Asgaard. We are the [url="http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/"]home[/url] of Gods. If you have any questions feel free to contact either [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=263220"]Gambona[/url] or [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=333128"]Lonewolfe2015[/url] we can answer any questions that you may have... any B) [/quote]
  18. Quick Marx, to War! Oh wait, wrong thread. Congrats you two.
  19. [quote name='Omniscient1' date='30 June 2010 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1277949946' post='2356086'] Also, I thought the TSCE treaty was canceled. [/quote] I'm pretty sure it was too Omni.
  20. You guys know Zetaboards has an internal shoutbox that will use bbcode and your forums emoticons instead of that hideous thing at the top right?
  21. Grats guys. Where are you keeping Shakyr locked up? I haven't seen him in ages.
  22. [quote name='TOLWYN' date='29 June 2010 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1277845607' post='2354333'] LIKE I SAID, ONCE ME AND THE OTHER TWO DARK LORDS ARE ELECTED TO THE BLACK TEAM SENATE WE WILL MAKE CHANGES. INCLUDING THE DEMAND FOR MORE TEAM MESSAGES. [/quote] You have a long time until you're big enough.
  23. Got a new one for ya with Furs/Gold - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=412815 Not the greatest resources but he wants to keep em.
  24. If we lose the awesome GATO pip I will be very saddened.
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