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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I haven't been exporting anything from the nation of Cheech and Chong to the Roman Empire lately, so what are you smoking? You guys got a flag by doing nothing, you've made a reputation on doing nothing, the last great thing to happen to RE was the MHA rivalry, which isn't there anymore either. Oh well, I'd love to debate with a sleeping man, but perhaps Tibs can come out and say something inspiring and rally the troops. Tibs, you really should lead RE again, it's really not that hard to lead in TE versus SE, even with minimal time you could start returning RE to someone half-respectable.
  2. [quote name='ColonelTom' timestamp='1281843594' post='2416290'] Well all of us would be more impressed if the 160+ members of RE were the top 160+ ranked nation on Planet Steve. But the bottom line is this: we get it done. . and the problem is: when you're this good, (really this good) everyone wants to be a part. I'm sure you've heard that everyone follows a leader! Before any other "legion envied" alliances out there get the wrong impression. I am not so cocky as to say that we can take things for granted. I'm just saying, we're #1 and confusion wishes he was. [/quote] #1 in ghosts, I am not afraid to say that had NB turned its full attention on RE we would have wiped the floor with you. And how do I know this? I used to lead MHA.
  3. [quote name='Overlord Wes' timestamp='1281675436' post='2413956'] [b]Today's Commentary[/b] [color="#000000"][b]Nordic Ballers[/b][/color] steal everyone's score [/quote] Nordic Ballers: Stealing your score while kicking your $@!!
  4. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1001751 I'll give you both my chocolate and my infra if you give me your nukes! Pleaseeeeee. Someone who wants to fight me actively, anyone. These RD guys haven't been on at update ever, and only come on to nuke me or attempt air raids.
  5. [quote name='CubaQuerida' timestamp='1281759029' post='2415353'] Proposed changes never seem to get looked at by the admins, but I would not be the first to suggest a nerf of the nuclear penalty. It's not that nations can't handle multiple nuclear wars and still recover, it's the fact that it only takes one person half your NS with one nuke on the 55th day to ruin 10% of your nations' collect (which accounts for probably 20% of your total). I'm not attacking anyone's play through the first month and a half, it's just sad that it always seems to come down to this. [/quote] Oh, right. So saying we hide for 50 days and then fight isn't attacking us for the previous days of the round? Come on man, you made this thread because you're getting your butt whooped since you couldn't properly hide yourself to win the flag, or you couldn't properly survive a war to win the flag. And since you devoted your round to trying to win the flag, you didn't have any fun with wars before hand. But newsflash, we actually did fight before, and we're the ones bringing the fights now. So no matter what happens this round, we're having fun and enjoying the game. I know a lot of the people that are fighting against us, with us, or in other wars sparked from this, are having fun too. It's people like you who do nothing for the entire round, then complain because you got attacked, that cause the game to shrink and die, because all you do is expect to be in your own little neutral alliance and then pull some sorta stunt at the end that someone just happened to be more prepared for than you because you weren't able to be cunning enough to pull it off. Don't blame us, blame yourself for failing this round and try again next round a different way. Or better yet, attack us sooner next round claiming we're flag running and have your fun then.
  6. [quote name='CubaQuerida' timestamp='1281758328' post='2415340'] Like I said, you can call yourselves warriors and try to bash other AA's for trying to be successful, but the rogue antics are pretty much [b]the reason TE loses 25% of its players each round[/b]. You cannot deny the numbers. [i]TE used to have 3000+ players, then 2500, then 2000 and now barely 1500[/i]. People do NOT want to play all round and work hard to build their nation only to have their efforts bashed by some person whose only order was [u]"go nuke this person"[/u]. As far as my personal nation, I have been #1 in total casualties twice now going into the final week and I'm not even going to entertain question about the ferocity of RD's war capabilities. I'm just sad that TE always has to end with [b]shenanigans[/b] and [b]fake alliances[/b] and [b]rogueish suicide bombing[/b]. [/quote] So what do you propose, oh wise one? Btw, TE was big was it was longer, you seem like someone woefully uninformed.
  7. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1281751564' post='2415224'] Thats why we, at OP, don't care about the flag, we just war with other AAs, which is what TE is supposed to be about. [/quote] Don't throw that stuff around, you guys have flag chased.
  8. 22,923 Attacking + 22,255 Defending = 45,178 Casualties I don't have much of a chance to catch up, most of the people I've fought have barely put up a fight this round. And the RD guys I'm fighting either aren't attacking back or aren't winning battles. Now Jim, there is a fine line to attacking early and casualties. I fought all but 3 weeks last round and my casualties didn't get any higher than I'm at now. Nukes are just too devastating in TE to do much after eating a few, and fighting at low levels causes you to get too few casualties and die too quickly to really do much.
  9. Say what... we're all pretty active and fighting back hard if we attacked. I think you're the one hurt here that RD hid all round and will now fail, seeing as we fought earlier this round too. Also, you honestly believe if we hadn't of hit you, that no one else woulda? Lastly, don't lump us in with those TFD guys, we're fighting, creating war, doing more than most alliances were, you guys at RD picked a weak target to hit so you could fake a war, pretend you're involved, and then just skate on by trying to win. BTW, mind telling us who you are in TE? On second thought, I'd like to also add that if you don't like fighting, don't play TE.
  10. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1281737160' post='2414901'] LoneWolfe, if you wanna sell some infra you can come down to my level and we can have some real fun . -Tiberius [/quote] Why would I sell infra when you just need to grow 25 NS and I'm in your range?
  11. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281722822' post='2414559'] ugh..where are my manners? i almost forgot to wish you good luck.. so yea good luck NB, [/quote] Best of luck to you guys as well, let's try and not make this a reoccurring festivity like my old buddy Tibs and I did though, ok? I like you guys, but I don't like like you guys. PS: I'm serious on someone hitting me, I don't care what alliance you are. I'm bored, and while I will be taking heavy damages from nukes and the occasional bombing run that slips by (akato, how the heck did you unescorted bomb me while I had fighters up?!) I could stand to add another friend to the fight.
  12. If anyone feels like partying, feel free to drop a Missile over at the nation of Cheech and Chong, we'll probably be unable to take a message at this time due to being greener than anyone has in the history of Steve, we smoked some of our nukes and then ate one courtesy of the nation of Rathouse. But our soldiers are quite bored sitting at the borders waiting for a bombing run or a nuclear missile to claim their lives. And they happen to be quite rich they don't know what to do with themselves.
  13. [center][img]http://s638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/JackShepardLostIsland/NBflag.gif[/img] War with Rome is good for the Ballin' soul. Pew Pew Pew?[/center]
  14. [quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1281669261' post='2413771'] Wait wait what? So when MHA cancels a treaty, they can switch their images around, but when MK gets sanctioned, we can't get a flag? I hope this isn't true. [/quote] This makes no sense, pips and flags are allowed to be updated, MK didn't get a flag because their flag was already there. Similar to how when a sanctioned alliance becomes sanctioned again they don't get a second flag.
  15. We told you that trying to survive on your own isn't gonna work. Join someone who will defend you...
  16. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1281592195' post='2412356'] Those be fighting words!!!! You obviously have not sampled the following. [center][IMG]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn2/grimboldUC/ROK/skullsplitter.png[/IMG][/center] For more info regarding Ragnarok Alcohol brands, feel free to PM me. Or inquire at www.ragnarokalliance.com You know what? I think i shall leverage my position as the Ragnarok Director of Drunk, to send across assorted cases and barrels to you both, to aid in the celebrations of this treaty. [/quote] Feel free to visit our dedicated brewery at http://www.asgaard.de/ Of course, to comply with the rules of the heaven I must translate this into your language: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.asgaard.de/&sl=es&tl=en
  17. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1281590627' post='2412327'] For the love of god, change that font. 'grats [/quote] Can you be more specific which of us gods? There are quite a few in our kingdom.
  18. This is full of awesome stuff. Glad to take this up to the next level. But please, stop raiding our mead fridge when we aren't looking! I know Asgaard makes the better mead... but we don't mind sharing.
  19. Voted Puppets, best real sig among them all.
  20. [img]http://www.fredoneverything.net/HartViking.jpg[/img] Odin smilies on the successes of Valhalla and Asgaard so far.
  21. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281334035' post='2406786'] Gotta spoil all the fun huh. Hey, uh, can I get with you some time on that "paint fill" option test thing? I've never heard of that. It sounds cool. [b]I think you might be referring to the pixelation around the letters of an original vs. the fake?[/b] Anyway, back to the issue at hand here, sure, you could call it cowardice. But there's other things you can call it as well. I don't want to rain on ya'lls propaganda or anything, but truly, someone has to step in and present another side. Otherwise the lot of us will go cross-eyed. Please continue.... [/quote] Indeed, more often than not, faked screenshots have a pixelation distortion compared to a real screenshot unless you're really crafty
  22. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281332506' post='2406694'] [img]http://www.blackstonecommission.com/fakescreenie.png[/img] Please? [/quote] Well, for one, you're clicking the "sent messages" button, and two, you forgot the toolbar on there. Third, if you did make a real fake screenshot, then we could test it using the paint fill in option.
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