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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1283304280' post='2437676'] None of this in any way addresses Blue's argument. I'll ask you, do you think that any alliance pre-war could have defeated TOP one on one? If the answer is no then they're the best military alliance of 2010 is what Blue is saying. [/quote] If we're talking all of 2010, from January 1st to today, then TOP is clearly not the best, whether anyone could have beaten you guys 1 on 1 or not at your 'height' is irrelevant to how I view the purpose of this thread. You guys hit the greatest military height, if that's what you're asking for, at least in terms of stats. I do believe MK could have put up a very impressive fight 1 on 1 though (if you factored in their current nations w/ Vanguard) and it wouldn't have been this one sided stomp you guys believe it to be. This is due to the aftermath of your war and how you guys look with those same very nations and their downtrodden stats. Feanor, I want you guys to look the part if you're going to claim you deserve to be the number one military alliance of 2010. Because right now you're definitely not the best, whether you were at any given point in the year matters very little in my opinion if what you're doing now is sitting and mooching off protection from terms. So yes, [i]I[/i] lonewolfe2015, Tyr of Asgaard, am telling TOP to purchase nukes.
  2. [quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1283302446' post='2437642'] They didn't have the same stats though, that's the point. We had about 200 members to their 120 or something and our average strength and average tech was still higher than theirs. Warchests were on similar levels from what I gathered of their's and we again had an advantage in terms of military wonders. These things didn't just happen by luck or by accident, it's called preparation. You can have a thousand of the best fighters in CN but if their nations are all at 10 NS then what use are they as a military? Stats are so important in CN, often too important for my liking, that the best military would be the alliance with the best nations. I appreciate what you're saying, but I don't see how you can call someone the best military alliance without taking the statistics into account, when the statistics are by far the biggest factor in determining who wins and who loses. [/quote] You seem to be quite upset that any alliance is considered for the better military than your "prestigious" TOP. Perhaps if TOP had come out of the war showing the same bravado, at least NpO rebuilt their militaries and by all appearances seem to be a strong military force again (and a lot quicker post-war) Almost 25% of your top 40 nations don't even hold nukes right now, because you're relying on your terms to keep you protected. You've barely been able to stay afloat with sanction due to the constant flux in members which was never a trait of TOP, and you're holding in total 200 more nukes with 3x the membership of my alliance. Your stats are washed up, as warriors you put all your cards into play the first fight and showed no tactic and a lackluster ability to regroup post-prolonged war. MK on the other hand, despite facing heavy losses as well, and not in a situation to mooch protection, has rebuilt their military to grander heights than before. Whether you had the numbers then or not, you clearly lacked follow through with those numbers, and anyone can you tell you that the saying goes, "It's not how big you are, but how you use it" which would quite easily apply here.
  3. [quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1283301484' post='2437626'] I will have to ask that OB stay out of the TPC/LE war. Things seem fair to me and i would like to keep it that way. [/quote] OB is a little preoccupied anyways.
  4. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283287296' post='2437371'] There's quite a big difference from "We know he's a rogue and if you want to hit him our allies will back us up" (what Kronos did) and "We're investigating to see if he's actually a rogue and could you please not attack him until we're done our investigation" (what NSO did). [/quote] Seems to me you're just bias'd to your allies and not realizing that Kronos doesn't support rogues, their individual members may tech raid rogues (legal) and they may accept rogues [i]after[/i] they've done their roguery, but they don't openly allow members to rogue. Cause that would be an act of war, not rogue actions.
  5. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283268109' post='2437079'] Most nuclear rogues are not leaving Planet Bob. Peace mode is how they get into their next alliance; they find one of the alliances [b]like Kronos[/b] that takes in rogues and dare the attacked alliance to launch wars on them once they come out of dove. [/quote] Your allies in NSO do this very thing, I hope you preach to them just as much with your disappointment in said practice as you're doing to Kronos and others here.
  6. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1283270662' post='2437113'] Pay up, buddy, I'm hungry. [/quote] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/106/9/5/95bbe8b3c90460c4c0799ecd62bca06d.gif[/img] Order up!
  7. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1283265706' post='2437045'] To comment on this, there was a two week period where [b]none of Sparta's government was available.[/b] Otherwise I agree completely with everything you've said. RnR was completely broke within only a week or two, which was completely infuriating when we needed alliances to redeploy to help other failures. Truly terrible. WAPA I knew about because we've fought them twice. MHA, in my view, is largely responsible for so much of IRON being able to hit peace mode. I was hoping such an enormous alliance would be able to put out a three figure number of declarations throughout the entire war. [/quote] There was? I guess being a direct ally I just knew who to get ahold of, but between Link, Wilhelm, Hyp, Sethly and Tulak I'm pretty sure I always could find someone. But Asgaard also entered in the later stages of defense since we weren't a primary alliance, so it's possible you're referring to that time period.
  8. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1283257950' post='2436972'] Despite all that, your performances have been absolutely terrible. I can only think of one other alliance that was as hard to reach as you guys in terms of ensuring staggers and target coordination. And this is saying something considering you guys had the 2nd-most nations on our side. Your performance was even worse in Karma. One of the large nations you had in the minority that was willing to fight made a non-nuclear agreement with a TOP member. (yeah it's just one nation but I don't exactly have a lot to base your upper tier on considering how many of them were actually willing to fight). Get over yourself. This poll isn't great in terms of setup but if you're beating out alliances like Legion, MHA, and UPN you need to take the hint that your alliance is pretty awful at war. You would likely still be winning your side of the poll if everybody listed in the 'best military' category was also listed in the 'worst military category'. There's no way you can try and convince anyone that you're even close to average. [/quote] I have to respectfully say you're wrong. I found numerous alliances harder to work with than Sparta on staggers, perhaps in the past Sparta was not much to be wreckon with, but about 50% of those alliances listed on the worst military alliances are judged entirely by past rep, when I know for a fact some have made strides, even if I still think it won't work. Sparta in specific had a very simple to reach government to help Asgaard when we needed someone during our war against Legion to defend them. Hell, when Asgaard was about 80% in nuclear anarchy and unable to engage in round two with Legion, Sparta and friends picked up our slack for us. They've ejected nations unwilling to fight, they're refining their military, and I believe next war we can judge fairly if the recent waves of expulsions, efforts to improve, and their new programs have made an impact or not. Until then I respectfully reserve the right to laugh at anyone making claims that Sparta is the worst when there are alliances out there like UPN who avoid wars, Legion who have a group of good fighters but then a significant drop in education after that first probably 50 people, especially with the MASH merger, and NADC who didn't even nuke me in Karma despite facing 3 nuclear nations and having no SDI back then. I'd say Sparta is just so voted in here because that the opposing political side has seen enough shens on the forums in the past two months that they have their new punching bag for the forums, and many of them probably don't even know Sparta's fighting ability first hand, just assuming. The ironic thing here, is that a large majority of those listed as "worst fighters" were also on the losing side of the previous conflict, leading to the assumption that losing a war somehow labels you as the worst fighters, and since those alliances majorily were on the same side and lost together, they would pick someone the group/front fought against to try and feel better about themselves and pretend someone is worse than they potentially are. If you've read or followed this wall of text, I will give you a slice of pie. E: To be quite honest Sandwich, I was most baffled by WAPA and R&R's performances in the last war of all alliances. But I think I just blocked out MHA since they fought GGA and that was boring.
  9. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1283228153' post='2436596'] Argent racks up another statistic. 'Twas a good game. If Asgaard hadn't lost a member, I think it would have been us two in the final. [/quote] You woulda gotten a red dot on that day cause we gained 0.02 and you gained 0.01
  10. Good luck RE, so far my dates haven't warmed up to dancing with me, but I'm sure after I give them a little shrimp cocktail and fruit punch they will want to
  11. Not bad for the rare occasion we lose someone. Good to see an ally and a friend up at the top of this friend. Good luck to ya both.
  12. [quote name='HisK Owns You' timestamp='1283176912' post='2435755'] Does Yew Gate still hug his infra? He did two years ago when I was in Sparta. [/quote] He was kicked out of Sparta for failing to fight in every major war they had ever been in. So the precedent is there to believe he will continue to be another hippy playing cowboy.
  13. Have a friend from home log in, someone who doesn't play the game and could nation sit locally for you.
  14. [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283114290' post='2434927'] As mentioned in the OP, Asgaard has never really fought and shown themselves as great fighters, so no one really knows you guys well enough. Also, Argent performed very poorly last war, I didn't add them in for great reason. [/quote] I can understand the lack of being known, but we didn't make the top 5 list of wars per nation last war for no reason at all, and we have more WRCs than some of those on the list and the design of a fighting alliance. The very least you should of done is make a discussion thread before hand or listed some alliances in an 'honorable mentions' category, because Argent did fight pretty well to anyone who faced them. You can't purely base an alliance's fighting ability on their most recent war.
  15. [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283114092' post='2434920'] Stats don't make an alliance a military prowess... Organization, knowledge of turtling and staggering, overall knowledge of what government type is best for wartime, what order to launch your attacks in (with regards to CMs, Aircraft, etc.) and also to ensure that military wonders are bought in a timely manner, warchests, etc. etc. These are ALL factors to consider when choosing an alliance that is the best or worst. Also, discrediting IRON and DAWN on a true military victory against Gramlins is truly pathetic, no joke. I personally saw them crush Gramlins bit by bit, they planned it perfectly and had near perfect staggers. Some of you guys are really ignorant of the facts and very inexperienced in CN as I can see. Oh well. [/quote] You're a fool if you are trying to argue against Umbrella being the best military force on Bob. Ask anyone who has ever fought against or alongside of them, the best you can do is make a claim that MK and Umbrella are equals because of their various alliance types and styles. But saying anyone is better than Umbrella...
  16. Are we seriously so under the radar that we don't even get mentioned on this list? Hell, you even forgot Argent. Please don't make military polls ever again. E: The lack of NADC on the worst list is also beyond my comprehension.
  17. Ah well, we were bound to fall eventually, not enough members to hold up forever and losing one gave us a stumble. Good race yall
  18. Or they simply lost interest at the end of a backcollection... but no one ever considers that AT ALL, because no alliance puts backcollections as part of nation guides... right? Seriously, the guy in this blog is right, we need updates. Admin knows it, the Mods know it. They just don't know how to implement it without a whole ton of whining and complaining from every player that these numbers are off or those additions suck, or we need this, not that.
  19. 11 or 12k guy is still enough to get eliminated from
  20. Looks like WF will be saying goodbye tonight. In 3 days Valhalla loses a guy to deletion they'll have to overcome. Also, shame Asgaard lost our member, cause we woulda gained 0.2 score and Argent would have gotten the red dot. I call a conspiracy by NpO to help Argent!
  21. [quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1282677352' post='2429684'] Looks like it'll be one or the other tonight. [/quote] It'll be us, we lost a 50k guy. Rarely do we lose members, but good news is we still have an extra slot.
  22. That's all I needed to know, thank you Admin. If Asgaard ever looks to modify our flag for RP reasons it is good to know we have a little leeway with the in-game representation now. And a last shoutout to my friends in BN for helping us get it too Much appreciated for putting the flag up for us too Admin.
  23. Is there anyone able to answer about my update question and why we haven't gotten the flag uploaded yet?
  24. Competition is getting a little thinner now. Let's see who can survive longer between us two Argent, huh? Battle between the two with the least members left in the survivor race and to start out with!
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