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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1282100459' post='2421021'] You're suggesting \m/ and its allies could beat STA and its allies if it came to blows? (Perhaps a bit of an over assumption but that's what I think you're getting at.) If it is, that's absolutely ridiculous. [/quote] Erm, do you remember what happened last time someone more powerful than STA gave a swing at \m/?
  2. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say by not backing Merrie \m/ just saved STA.
  3. Interesting note: If the current sizes remain true or go lower, this will be the first time since round 4 that the top 30 nations were not all above 10k NS.
  4. [quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1282078475' post='2420217'] I can't accept an aid offer from my tech seller. He's sent me 50.00 tech, he has 50.00 tech on hand. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=416533 That's his nation, it tells me he doesn't have enough tech to accept the offer. [/quote] Have him buy 0.5 tech.
  5. [quote name='Robony' timestamp='1282038924' post='2419374'] This might be off topic, but since we're talkin about killin TE AND after waking up to 27 new msg's, I'll point to the oft offered reason TE is "dying". Simply; server update. Just my .02 [/quote] Quad 10-4 Robony, I agree 100% there. If anyone is to blame, update is. If update was changed to be a new time and test accordingly, I bet we'd triple the userbase.
  6. I call shens, there's no way you can follow through.
  7. Bama, you're gonna have to step up your game to make this list today. There's quite some resentment built up around all of us.
  8. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282016845' post='2418623'] I'd like to thank the Academy in advance [/quote] Marcus is beating us both in the generalized field
  9. Pick your poison ladies and gents. You can blame Tibs for this topic. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282015894' post='2418604'] Make a poll . [/quote]
  10. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282001745' post='2418379'] [u][b]-Tiberius12[/b][/u], Founder and Emperor Emeritus of the Roman Empire, Ruler of the Empire of Rome, [b]Self-Proclaimed Most-Hated Man in Tournament Edition History[/b] but All-Around Nice Guy, That Guy Who Did Stuff (See Sig for Details). [/quote] I take offense to that. As seen [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=68701]here[/url] I put a real effort into proving I was worse than you. As noted by my most excellent signature [quote]TheWolf, Current Leader of Mostly Harmful Alliance, definitely not its founder, and destroyer of WOLF. I think I can reach most hated if I try. [/quote]
  11. This is hilarious, our score is riding up and down faster than a two dollar whore.
  12. [quote name='scytale' timestamp='1281891132' post='2416740'] Oh shoot. You guys beat me to it. I released DF members to do what they will a few days ago. Wasn’t going to post anything official right away to see how each alliance reacts. OP’s reaction has been the best so far. Hey, I have an idea. How about we have a full out TE brawl? Everyone on everyone! [/quote] A little late to the party Scy? That's what NB is doing
  13. You guys are running 3.0.3, it is an upgrade feature for IPB 3.1.0 and further on. There is an additional hook which enables more notifications for things like topic moves and locks on top of the base notifications feature however. E: Vivi
  14. From what I've seen/been told. 14-15k infra is the height for profit on average, but I've never seen the data for a perfect temp trade circle at that size. But also, I've seen that the difference between 11-14k infra is nowhere near worth the purchase cost unless you're buying wonders.
  15. I feel you l2eaper, I did that one round where I started out at the top, but when you lose so much of your nation's start it's hard to catch up in infra and get that soldier number high enough for more casualties.
  16. Asgaard is searching for Cattle/Uranium and Fish/Marble for two separate 3BR Fish/Uraniums feel free to join the spreadsheet or contact me directly to join them and finish them.
  17. [quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281892275' post='2416758'] Yes, it must take a lot of planning to push one button to nuke nations, and another one to sanction. My, just think about all that brain power it takes, astounding isn't it? [/quote] You're naive if you think this took no skill whatsoever. Or you're doing a poor attempt at trying to push our buttons over it. However, in order to give a glimpse into the strategy required to both war and win a flag, check it out. First, you plan what you'll do for the round early on, and pick several nations who have great resources to give it a go. You tell them that their main goal is a flag if they can get it, but that their alliance will be warring so if they get hit, not to worry because we can always modify plans as we go. Next you make sure you have uranium temp trades (that's me btw) for the buckling circles that occur over the round, and of course you pick a sphere where you won't have to worry about being sanctioned when possible. You engage in a war, you try to make it as fair as possible of course but sometimes plans get changed on the fly (like when we had to move Betamax over due to Abyss' incessant ranting on them) and it caused the war to end early. Because well, war is important and fun. If you can't win a flag in a round while going to war once or twice, why win the flag at all? It's not our fault that we did too well for all of our nations capable of winning the flag to get destroyed. (Kudos to the couple rogues smart enough to catch a few of them or that we failed to anarchy) Now, this end of round wars, oh hell yes, we went out to destroy everyone we possibly could, not only did it improve our chances for a flag, but it caused everyone to have fun. Except me, my RD opponents aren't any fun. Along the way? You gather intelligence on every possible nation you can in a coordinated effort. You take off nukes (which we saw several people do to us as well) and you gather charts of all possible runners or rogues. Once you've got that data, you make sure your guys know to get nukes and HNMS and spies and a warchest. You tell everyone, "Ok, let's hit them before they hit us. If we don't win the flag, then at least we're having fun." So, assuming you ignored all of that, multiple times I've said that if the flag isn't won, it isn't the end of the world. I'm quite content with having done a whole hell of a lot of damage to everyone possible and done it alongside some of my best friends in SE. This round started out as a joint venture to team up and see what our alliances could do together in a conflict. We aren't ruining anyone's round besides those people who dedicated their round to trying to win the flag and never took the time to stop and smell the nukes. Anyone who was playing TE for the war, which is what you should get into TE for in the first place, got everything they could have asked for if they were prepared properly.
  18. [quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281889130' post='2416711'] You know, I could take the time to explain myself and everything as such, but knowing the people on here it would just be a waste to be quite frank. I enjoy wars, clean wars, obviously everyone on here is incapable of such, which is sad. [/quote] What's a clean war? And do please explain yourself, it might make sense out of why you seem to have some mistaken sense of understanding about TE.
  19. Why do you whine so much? If you can't handle a little war then you don't belong in TE in the first place.
  20. Carpatus, you seem like a good guy, but to be honest, you don't have what it takes to lead in TE. Perhaps you can learn it along the way, I know I started out in a similar fashion (trying to lead with honor, yadda yadda) It's taken over a year now, but I do truly appreciate the bitter rivalry I had with Tiberius at the height of the MHA-RE conflict, it was entertaining. But the truth is, great alliances war in TE and do good at warring. The very best alliances are the ones which can combine warring with entertainment and excitement, while also causing their enemies to enjoy the war.
  21. I just found out why! Two of my RD opponents are in BILL LOCK. Come on guys, can anyone help me out? This is mind numbingly boring.
  22. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281848548' post='2416382'] I'm not bragging about anything, i am only pointing something out. EDIT You're right about Aragorn, i will give you that. [/quote] Damn straight, you guys have down declared and chosen your targets too, so sending a few people to attack some active folks so they actually enjoy their round isn't so far from being fair. Christ, I haven't had a message to my nation for 32 hours besides for temp trading.
  23. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1281848139' post='2416372'] also NB it takes HUGE BALLS OF STEEL to send a 7K nation after a 4K nation, you are gods of war, no way around it. [/quote] http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000078&Extended=0 This is your former flag runner, and he could have helped out RE nations. Instead he attacked smaller people uninvolved in wars already. Don't call us out for something you've done yourselves. Not to mention you bragging you're beating a nation in a 6 on 1 is hilarious. There's no way around it ADude, you guys suck at war. Don't believe me? Send some nations after me and see how well they do, or if you can even get people to attack me.
  24. I wish my opponents would talk. Can you attack me? Can someone attack me? I haven't even seen a missile over the skies of Cheech and Chong today, we're beginning to think peace is on the horizon! For the sake of the white dove, someone send some troops my way! My RD opponents have 12 nukes, not a single one of them fired at me today, two of them I hit 1 on 1.
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