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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Let me clarify, you want 900 tech per 25 dollar donation? And if that's the case... wow
  2. I'm going to enjoy watching this fight. Good luck to both sides.
  3. Few questions which fit the trend. [list] [*]What's the three fastest alliances to achieve sanction who were founded in 2007 or later and how long did it take roughly? [*]What are all the alliances to have ever held #1? [*]Has a sanctioned alliance ever disbanded or merged? [/list] Hope someone who knows this stuff might be able to answer them.
  4. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1280428795' post='2394183'] The first is counter-intuitive in regards to today's mentality. You can thank Citadel and their "Quality over Quantity" policies for the model that was later adopted by several alliances from all quarters of CN. Still, there are those mass alliances such as MHA or Sparta who will add any members they can, but according to Corinan's model they're supposed to disband, so I am not sure who would be left to take all the nations that don't fit the requirements of most "quality" alliances. Unless they all joined the NSO of course. Beyond that point comes what is logistically doable. Large, massive alliances tend to become white elephants with little capacity to move around (check MHA). Sure their brute power will increase, but their capacity to express any rate of it will drop dramatically. Well, after all, the trend of "Quality over Quantity" came about for some reason. This doesn't figure as a good option and doubtfully will make the game more interesting - other than add a crapload of deadweight to some alliances who will become largely inefective due to that. [/quote] I disagree with your view that quality over quantity is a bad decision, because you're over simplifying a very important aspect of the design. Anyone can become a quality member, the idea is that you don't go out and let just anyone join you, you make sure it is someone who fits into your community, so long as they fit, and are active enough to be taught they become a very important part of Cybernations. Without checking them for the 'quality' gene if you would thrill me with that, then all you get is a bunch of dead weight which hurts the overall group of young nations you strive to train. By slimming the herd down to just players who don't intend on merely logging in and collecting taxes then logging out, you produce an environment which is stronger at the base and core, and able to branch out openly without collapsing. We create players which tend to stay in the game longer, learn about the game better and become more active than those cattle. E: Read Mixoux's post, sorry if I mis-interpreted you.
  5. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280424900' post='2394091'] Just because something can grow does not mean it makes a positive contribution. Cancer can grow inside a living organism, but it certainly does not contribute to the organisms good health in any way. Quite the opposite, left unchecked and untreated it can kill it. Alliances that do nothing more than grow and bloat and suck up otherwise good potential players are a cancer in that sense.[/quote] Here is where I disagree. Cancer was not prevalent in the stone age (so long as we're comparing real world things to CN) and only became prevalent when we as a society advanced and created intelligent communes. Therefore my conclusion would be that your problem with the game is that the mechanics and ability for players/alliances alike to manipulate it to serve their needs has not grown in proportion to their cunning and desire. Whereupon in the old days of CN mass wars were rampant, the game mechanics were still new and people were still learning how to war. Today the average nation can play TE to learn, and can be given a step by step guide to unleashing total destruction upon their enemy given enough support along the way. If anything is the cancer, it is the lack of change in the game to coincide with the change in politics. Because even a cancer, as you so put it, can be used to advance society, without such diseases we'd never need to research new cures or means of healing the body and accidentally stumble upon other beneficial things. [quote] I suppose it's possible that I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I've been playing this game for a long time. I can see where it's been and where it is now and what the difference is that made it get from A to B. Alliances breaking off into micro alliances, backroom lawyering, treaty whoring, and a general lack of boldness have gotten us to where we're at now. [/quote] If you've learned anything in all the time you've played, you would know that the length of time you've played does not equate to a proportional amount of knowledge at both the politics AND mechanics of the game. Also, if you're surrounded by such sights, why don't you get rid of them? Some alliances are not as you so claim, the micros, they grow to become your large alliances and without giving them adequate time they will never succeed, your plan would destroy change and enable large alliances to be larger, causing them to be much more susceptible to disbandment and internal strife, leading to those who have been in the game longer being on top, and those who are just starting out to be squandered and useless. The game would no longer grow, it would in fact regress at a further rate than you intended, and we would have a game full of old veterans refusing to let go surrounded by young, naive nations unable to reach the levels of their forefathers because they are being thrown into fire every two months by leaders who have no idea what they are doing and think they are almighty and know all. (Ring a bell?)
  6. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280421314' post='2394027'] Yes. Less alliances means less treaties which means more conflict and drama. The game was more interesting when there were more players jammed into less alliances. At one point I think this game had nearly 40,000 players and far less alliances than we have currently. We're now under 23,000 players and probably have more alliances now than we ever had. That seem healthy to you? [/quote] Quite so actually, alliances will take the natural run of life eventually if they are really meant to die. Look at GGA and MASH for instance. Obviously each alliance provides something if they grow and remain. [quote] What if I [i]do[/i] know what's best for other people and they're simply too stubborn to take the advice? [/quote] How do you know you're right though?
  7. [quote name='Alexander412' timestamp='1280420583' post='2394013'] That may seem easy to you but I can guarantee you, that in half a year it wont happen, this game honestly moves too slow. [/quote] Really? You can guarantee me? I've rerolled with more wonders and more strength than you. In 20 days you can be at 10k NS and 3k infra, in 3 months you can have two wonders and 4k infra and already be working on tech. In 6 months you can have a SSS, SM, MP, SDI and DRA with 5-6k infra, 2k tech and a full salvo of nukes, albeit a shoddy warchest which you have to work on for the next 1-2 months.
  8. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280419700' post='2394001'] Sure. If a players main interest in the game is growing their nation and serving an alliance then it shouldn't matter what alliance they grow and serve in. Move to an alliance that's actually interesting. An alliance that's actually a mover, a shaker. Your gaming experience will be enriched. [/quote] I think you're missing the point in that just because that's your opinion and how you wish to rule your nation, it doesn't mean it is other people's. Also, as far as movers and shakers go, there is never one alliance doing the moving and shaking, it changes based on numerous variables. Even the most insignificant alliance can and has created moments which would define them as such, and then gone on to do nothing ever again. I must also say, mdnss69 has a real point. Why do you feel bigger alliances are better? Because it "cleans" the treaty web or something? Come on... this whole plan is flawed. Let nature take its course and then take a machete and change things up like you used to do, this isn't a NSO thread causing drama, this is just someone thinking they know what's best for other people.
  9. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1280417643' post='2393981'] No, you sir, you are a narcissist. [/quote] No, he's someone pretending to be a narcissist.
  10. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280395370' post='2393768'] I'll tell you th e problem wit h all these !@#$@#$ alluances and here it is: Theyre all meatmarket generic turd alliances. Valhalla should disband or else Joe should give the new gnernation the keys. Bam, there ya go. These alliances that are all the same with some silly veneer trying to act unique but they are like a pathetic echo chamber. Val's Norn thing is cool but how often does it come into play? We need alliances with no SENSE OF SELF to give it up, and we need shortsighted rulers with primal des ires to grow spines and hit the fringe. [/quote] Schatt, why are you asking other people to do things that you could do too and aren't? To everyone, just because an alliance rests of a similar theme or plan to other alliances doesn't mean it's some cookie cut out carbon copy of an alliance. Have you ever considered the fact that if every alliance was so similar and that some alliances weren't actually doing things better there would be less? As much as I dislike some alliances, I'm not going to try and play god to disband them or say they are useless. The useless provide good cattle, an essential part of all societies. It's up to those with the vision they so believe to be right to mold the world in how they want it to be. I'm content right now, watching someone say Asgaard should disband as we're boring or nothing new, and so are many others about their alliance around here because its nothing bad. (Although, the list would need tweaks) but for the love of god, stop thinking that because you're an alliance which enjoys being "a drama machine" or "an internet bully" that you're somehow more useful than others. It takes much more skill as a leader and as a successful alliance to avoid being a laughing stock or the butt of all jokes or known to everyone as the equivalent of a teenage girl than to become those.
  11. They should have went to defcon 1 and maxed guerilla camps, then we could at least be having a lottery for who got to be the lucky target.
  12. Just reroll and get it over with, you could be stronger than you are now and have more wonders in half a year. If you're indeed in that bad of a situation, the only way you'll get out is selling everything anyways.
  13. Where do you propose we displaced citizens take refuge now?
  14. Make me proud Mydas and D Keep it up CRAP.
  15. Elbo, you're crazy as hell, this is quite funny, but everyone here would never take you seriously.
  16. Awesome announcement full of awesome people with an awesome theme. Too bad the existence of the Goa'uld has forced Asgaard's hands, we shall be declaring at update
  17. Can anyone tell me why NSO has the highest population of members who have been sentences to ZI? This is like the 6th time I've seen a ZI person join them during or shortly after ZI, and there's no doubt more than that.
  18. Good Luck Feigel, good getting to know you and TGO so far, have a bright future ahead.
  19. I'm waiting for the mod team to simply smite the entire War and Hate Bus from Steve. Any day now...
  20. As much as I dislike the Red Sphere and the long term moves Invicta has made (still respect Jorost though) anyone lumping NAC into some sort of lapdog category or labeling them off as the same as Invicta are sorely mistaken. I've known these guys for as long as they have existed, both times, NAC are quality friends who always there if you need them. I'd be worse off having not gotten to know Shavar and Rattle over my course of being on Bob.
  21. [quote name='Clash' timestamp='1280169888' post='2389900'] Ironically enough, the guy using the name "JonBoy16" is a damn good man. My opinion? Don't quit. Instead? You, Lonewolf, Thai, Beazy, Burning Glory, Tibs, Dogbite and a bunch of the other really old men from your geriatric TE group home should all get together and go bowling every Tuesday for "Up with the Rails" night over 3.2 beer while telling "remember when" stories. That's merely good, solid exercise for your varicose veins, as statistically recommended by three out of every four country doctors. Keep on takin' the ol' blood pressure meds, and you'll be fine. Before the end of session, I'll kill someone in your honor, old man. What are brothers for, eh? [/quote] Can I get a hot nurse to 'take care of me' as well? Cause then I'll be game. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1280170098' post='2389907'] hey Clash one problem, you forgot Gabryal and Folger cant have a good bowling party w/o plenty of booze can ya? [/quote] Don't worry, I'll drag Gabs with me if he'd actually respond to me
  22. Could you not have just given them permission to use RIA Applicant but never progressed them further?
  23. Unsurprising, with the declining population of Steve there is just nothing left here to be worthwhile going for.
  24. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280166186' post='2389817'] OFLC? [/quote] Order of the Four Leaf Clover
  25. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1280015865' post='2387796'] As he's in my trade circle, I'm very much wondering the same thing...figures, this is the longest consecutive stretch (40 days) that I've gone without someone doing something insane and/or disappearing entirely. [/quote] Scratch that, two former FAR, sorry.
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