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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I think I'm gonna sit this one out, nothing unique comes to mind and it is way too easy to simply find a propaganda poster and modify it ever so slightly. Good luck everyone, will be interesting to see what you all come up with.
  2. Before anyone jumps the gun (Omni ) we've been friends for a long time, our FA department appears to enjoy cycles. High activity at DoE... none, now high again. With that said, I couldn't be more pleased with Basketball Ninjas covering my back, these are some of the finest folk in all the lands and I can't believe how many people have never heard of em.
  3. How many names have you tried? I know I've had to request some names to be unbanned before to allow for me to use them in TE, but you shouldn't have a problem after 2-3 unless you were intentionally using banned names.
  4. [quote name='PotFace' date='27 April 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1272396635' post='2277500'] Everyone's got something to contribute - BMv2 is well suited to be our Provost Marshal. Very well suited. [/quote] Yeah, I'm sure he is... considering two weeks ago he vowed to be in Asgaard for awhile. That's the last you'll hear from me about this however.
  5. This reminds me of what happened when GOONs came back and look at where they are now... /b/ could make it, could be different than before or be the same... if they survive it will certainly give you folk something to argue about that's better than the recent situations at least.
  6. [quote name='Haflinger' date='27 April 2010 - 07:54 AM' timestamp='1272369243' post='2277245'] I would like to nominate [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=North%20American%20Confederacy"]the NAC.[/url] These guys have grown their alliance from basically two tiny nations doing nothing but tech selling - no aidfalls - and they are getting there, but it takes time. [/quote] Darn, you beat me to it. I've known them for almost 2 years now and they are great people that are persistent and wouldn't let it go to waste. Also are relatively peaceful so you wouldn't be supporting someone's war conquests or mishaps.
  7. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='26 April 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1272306494' post='2276195'] What? It wasn't about that until most of IRON's side – the Polar side in case anyone has forgotten where the whole war started – had already surrendered and even IRON was in surrender talks and believed the war was pretty much over. The alliances which are now bound by surrender talks surrendered because they didn't want to fight for a side that basically had no purpose even being at war after Polar bailed out on them, not because they didn't want to be able to defend IRON against demands for unconditional surrender, because such a thing hadn't even been thought of at that point. The fact that C&G and their hangers-on did agree to a separate peace indicates that it [i]is[/i] about 'how unfair it is for the Gremlins to seek their unconditional surrender terms' and that at least the governments of those alliances do not support it, which is why it seems so hypocritical that they are still protecting Grämlins from anyone helping IRON (at least that seems to be the case from the unclear statements we've had from them on the matter) and providing material support to them on the basis of a minor OWF disagreement over a pointless thread. [/quote] In some respects I see where I might have been confusing in what I said, because yes I agree it is not right to continue the war and that CnG left because it wasn't something they were interested in, but what I was trying to get at is that if it was so unfair why did their allies leave them behind and agree to peace arrangements with every alliance but the exception of Gremlins? I know it might have been confusing at the peace talks, I've seen first hand how confusing they can be. But if their alliances (IRON's) were so concerned, they should have held out until everyone got peace. Now weeks later we have a branch of the war where Gremlins want what they can't have and people are posting up threads to open up the aid transactions to Gremlins as war support? Why can't IRON ask those alliances to stop if they are so choked up about it? IRON is winning this fight by all outside appearances but we're still here debating a pointless topic and bringing up notions that are fabricated. TIFTDT or whatever the name was I forget got peace around the same time as a combined unit, IRON/Dawn - Gremlins was the only one that didn't. TOP appears just fine right now, why did they leave their ally in IRON to fight Gremlins? My point is that you can blame IRON's allies for leaving them to fight alone just as much as you can blame CnG for making neutrality part of the surrender terms and not letting them jump on Gremlins. Neutrality has been a part of surrenders for a long time, as long as I can remember, so why would it be any different now? Again, my point is why did IRON's allies leave them behind if this was a remote possibility, and why can't IRON fight their war that they appear to be winning and handle the aid going to Gremlins without an outrage from the community and the community fabricating notions such as grand conspiracies.
  8. [quote name='Vyper' date='26 April 2010 - 12:10 PM' timestamp='1272298238' post='2276067'] for all we know, as mentioned above, the original source could just be a picture with a photo filter and a few brushes. it would be cool to see the .psd file or prerendered file. but that's alright... good job guys. can't wait to see what you guys think of next [/quote] Not going to lie, but my sig is composed of two images beyond the text, the person and the background cityscape that I am a bit sad I darkened it a little bit too much. Beyond that, this was my first time ever using advanced brushes and so I put in the transparent fires to make the city look like it was burning and then the dark lines through the sky and the dim lighting to simulate a destructive city. It went well with the disintegrating guy in armor. I added some technical brushes/lines to the sig to give it a strong futuristic feel with the numbers and arches. Most of you guys have a lot more experience than me so if you have criticism I'd love to hear it to learn better, I've only been doing this stuff for around 2 months now and with a limited schedule. Thanks for the votes everyone
  9. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='26 April 2010 - 09:58 AM' timestamp='1272290287' post='2275962'] No, because only one side is being completely ridiculous. Aiding Grämlins is supporting unconditional surrender; aiding IRON/DAWN is supporting resistance to having that imposed upon you. Those two things are not morally equivalent. [/quote] It's not about being morally equivalent with the people crying in this thread though. It's about having something to poke a jab into the opponents they lost a war to. Whether you agree with the Gremlins choices or not there is an individual war going on and by everyone's opinions here you cannot aid parties at war, something that has been said to death. If this was about how unfair it is for the Gremlins to seek their unconditional surrender terms and the former war coalitions supporting it or opposing it don't you think that IRON's allies would not have surrendered and that IRON's enemies would still be fighting because they aren't going to leave someone behind? No, because very few alliances as a whole would rise up and defend IRON in this situation with military might if they knew the repercussions involved themselves getting attacked or destroyed further. Some may of course, but most wouldn't. Now tell me, what good is complaining about this doing anyone especially when the alliance many of you are so obviously saying has been wronged is winning this war?
  10. Why are you guys complaining about a war in which all points of interest show to Gremlins losing? Is there nothing better to do around here than call the other side evil and then proceed to get all your cronies lined up on the opposite sides of a line saying how stupid the other side is? We should all be equally as ashamed at the alliances aiding IRON's war efforts too, right? Because you can't point fingers at one side and not point fingers at the other. I've seen children with better common sense than to try and argue that anyone beyond the involved parties here are to blame for this war. IRON for not surrendering and Gremlins for giving them terms they wouldn't agree on. This is no different than if an alliance during the war asked for reps someone would not pay (ahem, TOP) and prolonged it on their own accords. The only difference between IRON is not going to let up on Gremlins and Gremlins do not have the numbers to effectively counter the mess they got themselves in.
  11. Awesome alliance, keep on doing well guys and bringing greasy goodness to the world.
  12. [quote name='Mansa Musa' date='25 April 2010 - 05:58 PM' timestamp='1272232720' post='2274867'] Thule's is pretty awesome, but I've always been a stickler on Signature Height being rather minimal. I voted for Lonewolfe's. [/quote] Much appreciated! That was my first signature experimenting with some of the tips you gave me.
  13. Chill Thrawn, you're making us look like some serious business is going on here, now our cover will be blown! Good to see this \m/, wonder how far the rabbit hole will go?
  14. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='24 April 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1272155311' post='2273550'] hmm...I never thought I would be in a position where I would be standing up for Hisk, but....bad call marcus/MHA. Ferier and Thai... You really thought trying marcus as leader would be a good idea? [size="1"]**/me wonders if marcus will be couped two rounds in a row..[/size] [/quote] He's co-leader and he can be removed at will, why?
  15. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='24 April 2010 - 10:31 AM' timestamp='1272119463' post='2272987'] Updated. [b]UCN[/b] fall out of the web because of their disbandment drama, and open up a place for [b]Amazon Nation[/b] – welcome to the web to you! I got your treaties from your Wiki page so please check that they're accurate. Another good update for [b]PC[/b] as well as for a resurgent [b]TOP[/b] who are piling the pounds back on by buying back infra. [b]Grämlins[/b] feel the heat of their political decisions by dropping several places. Otherwise, not much movement as everyone casts a beady eye over the political scene post war and sits quietly buying things. [/quote] Amazon Nation holds a MDoAP with Asgaard (check our wiki for details) and Asgaard is also a part of NOIR. Thanks for all you do here Bob.
  16. [quote name='The AUT' date='23 April 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1272079132' post='2272703'] You can't disband an alliance if the members refuse to leave. How many times have we seen this? [/quote] An alliance can be disbanded if by a legal act of its charter it is disbanded. It depends how the members take it for whether or not some will refuse to accept it. I've seen first hand how one or two frustrated members can feel after a situation like this (losing their alliance) and given enough time and discussion I'm sure everything will be worked out. This is not the place nor the time to start a discussion on the matter Aut, the former members of UCN will handle their business I'd like to assume.
  17. Good luck guys, gonna miss yall. Glad to see that some of UCN has already taken an endeavor to build a new home together however.
  18. [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='23 April 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1272063904' post='2272446'] I sure hope being moved or deleted is not in our future [/quote] I fixed it before you even posted, had to do a quick rearrange in my photobucket
  19. Hope this is acceptable. Not very good at making images. [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/Sigs/Constsig2.jpg[/IMG] [code]Lonewolfe2015 - [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/Sigs/Constsig2.jpg[/IMG][/code]
  20. [quote name='Seth Muscarella' date='23 April 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1271999827' post='2271716'] Attempts to troll an embassy cleanign thread? I hate you Asgaard, and this new neo-hegemony you represent [/quote] [img]http://www.ladyofthecake.com/mel/saddles/images/badges.jpg[/img] The sign up sheet is right here Sethly, you know you wanna.
  21. [quote name='Andre27' date='23 April 2010 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1272044307' post='2272142'] I see far too many "Don't know them" in combination with Phoenix Rising. This is a bit of a two edged sword: On one hand (the positive view) PhR has not messed up in such a way that it was noticed on a global scale, but the other side is we're not known yet. I'd like to invite all alliances who don't know us yet, to send over ambassadors. You might like what you find [/quote] Personally, I'd welcome it, like I am with some of the scores on Asgaard. Being in the spotlight means you did something wrong at some point.
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='22 April 2010 - 07:17 PM' timestamp='1271978242' post='2271251'] [color="#0000FF"]I have a great deal of respect for MrDamsky. As for cookie cutter, I am sure you can figure out what I mean. Unremarkable alliances unworthy of existence in my eyes. They should just disband. They contribute nothing to this world. Should they wish for a real leader, however, and earn their keep, I am always waiting. Also, I am glad that my opinion of your alliance matters so much to you that you have been triggered to ask this question. Since I know you're wondering, no, you still do not have my approval nor my blessing.[/color] [/quote] No, your approval is not what interests me, it's how you defined so many alliances cookie cutters without actually knowing any of them. Your opinion that an alliance provides nothing without even knowing them says all that I would need to know about you actually.
  23. Last round it was Lumber/Rubber, this round it is Iron/Oil. Needless to say, for some unknown reason the random coding in place for generating resources selects a pair and establishes that as the one people register with at an alarming rate. Any idea what is going on here Admin? http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_advanced_trades.asp?resources=%2BIron%2B&resources=%2BOil%2B&selectioncriteria=0&team=Any&Strength1=&Strength2=&B1=Search+Nations 54 people have said combination and it's only growing. E: Two hours later, it is growing at about a rate of 6-7 nations per every 100 that join roughly speaking.
  24. Glad to see this get signed and here's to a closer future between us OBR, took a little while on our end but it all came together eventually. Cheers.
  25. Rebel Virginia, define cookie cutter alliance if you would be so kind. I'd love to know what about FAR is so radically different than anyone else to have earned more than 1-2 points in your book besides Mr Damsky being there. I'll give my ratings once I have time to put some thought into it.
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