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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='elborrador' date='21 March 2010 - 03:02 PM' timestamp='1269198150' post='2232315'] Alliances are snapshots of their leaders. Thats why the REs and the MHAs and the TPFs all pretty much suck. Thats why Murder Inc. is innactive and decaying this round. Thats why the only truly quality alliance in this round is OP. You want the game to change, get people that know what they're doing into leadership positions for a change, get your thumbs out of your @#$% and do something. who cares if your alliance crumbles as a result? who cares if it burns? at least you would be able to say that you did something significant to progress the game, and that is a claim only a very select few individuals can make. [/quote] Basically just tried to pawn off me telling everyone to let new people rule as your own idea, congrats on pretending to be important anymore Elb. It is easy to say another alliance sucks, it's hard to make one that is actually good, and so you still cling to the nostalgia of a dead alliance and bring down the integrity of this game further. Let MI die and give it a rest. We all know what to expect from you and it's nothing new or entertaining. OP is only new alliance to come around lately that has sustained pressure, that is why they are good for the game. What they are bad for it about is they can build and build and build so that if they don't war during rounds then they can isolate themselves and go after the flag rather easily. There is so much wrong with Steve, but you are doing nothing to help it so if you won't submit good ideas or work towards bettering it, why do you even bother posting in here?
  2. You guys were eyeing our women too much. And you killed Goose. Dem der are fightin terms!
  3. [quote name='NationRuler' date='21 March 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1269152303' post='2231983'] After all the work you did for trades on maroon, you just give up? [/quote] The sentiment over trades on maroon is mutual, hard to keep doing something no one appreciates and we were given no help on. The fit for us on maroon just wasn't meant to last, we don't hold ill will or grudges but after what happened during the war we found black to be a better home. I do invite anyone to message me if they wish to discuss in private.
  4. [quote name='Owney OSullivan' date='21 March 2010 - 01:51 AM' timestamp='1269150699' post='2231971'] I recall, but I also recall this statement : "As I speak the best OP has done is declare on our inactive people..." That's what I was talking about, not the wars against darklink. [/quote] At the time of my edit, I count 8 or 9 attacks on MHA against nations without any wars on OP. This meaning you guys have done less to defend your people and more to pick easier targets for yourselves. That is what I was referring to, and it makes me annoyed to see someone gloating when that is the summation of the actions against us. E: Do understand one thing, I'm happy having a 1 on 1 war here, we were nearly dead even in everything despite the member advantage we had, which compared to you guys should be more active than us and had a better average it leveled things. This post reflects my disgust towards one particular member feeling he can gloat when he has nothing to gloat about yet.
  5. [quote name='Confusion' date='21 March 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1269150427' post='2231967'] No Worries, We Will. Also we're reffering to the 2 OP Nations who hit Darklink an inactive nation who hasn't even attacked... Do you re-call? [/quote] I have no problem with it until people say we're the ones that can't fight, for the record. It is war afterall, but if someone wants to tell me MHA can't fight because they picked a weaker target to fight back against and they actually expect people not have a life and be on TE tonight is beyond me. Find me on irc if you want to talk about this.
  6. [quote name='Remaliat' date='21 March 2010 - 01:24 AM' timestamp='1269149059' post='2231941'] He had open improvement slots (a lot of them) and yet didn't purchase anything besides a harbor, to me that is more disappointing further more prior to this evening all I had was a couple factories, banks, and a harbor. You could have caught me off guard. Also lol at the 300 ns difference from when I declared [/quote] You attacked someone smaller and ran your mouth off, you knew you were attacking someone not as good at fighting back, they are everywhere in this game. Don't act smug if you can't back it up, if you want to play with the big boys get a big boy nation. E: As I speak the best OP has done is declare on our inactive people... I guess I should hold my tongue on just you and wait to see if there is actually a point or if you guys just want to triple attack someone not even fighting back tonight.
  7. [quote name='Remaliat' date='21 March 2010 - 01:03 AM' timestamp='1269147807' post='2231921'] I look forward to our dance, don't disappoint now [/quote] You disappointed me by not being in my range.
  8. [center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/112/9/b/Harmful____by_wes0187.jpg[/img] Harmful marches to war, Let's light the fires and kick the tires! In related news, beloved movie sidesick and generally awesome dude, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, was killed in action during a routine spy ops over the Ordo Paradoxian borders approximately at 0100 hours on the evening of Friday, March 19th. R.I.P. Goose [img]https://www.danbradbury.com/topgun/images/superconference09/goose.jpg[/img] [img]http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/civil_war_maps/images/hotchkiss.jpg[/img] ~Chairman Thaisport looks on in disbelief, all he can say is simply, "O.P. you so fine, guess we got to blow your mind, go nukies ya ya go nukies " [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs26/300W/f/2008/075/c/4/Hisk_by_Evil_Weasel.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/363/a/3/Hisk_by_LigerZeroElaine.gif[/img] ~Resident Psychopath Hisk was recently photographed in a private setting preparing his newest dance routine, and with the photographic evidence shown before from his Highschool yearbook the evidence is undeniable in proving they are both one and the same. [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs41/300W/i/2009/034/8/9/Marcus_Fenix_by_ruspiee.jpg[/img] General Marcus looks on... at what we may never know. [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs7/300W/i/2005/203/b/f/Random_by_LoveTuli.png[/img] After searching the darkest deepest reaches of the internet we came out with one picture of a member of the enemy alliance... We cannot confirm their identity at this moment, but rest assured our best men are working on this as we determine just who the enemy agent is! [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/208/3/3/_paradox__by_rnx.gif[/img] Time Warp! You've been struck by a smooth criminal. [size=2]PS: This is a 1v1 no sanction warfare, back to the good old days of war. If you haven't figured it out, Ordo Paradoxia will be our partners for this dual. None of this - [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs20/f/2007/286/8/e/8e55965a6e874570.gif[/img][/size] PPS: We'll declare wars when we please, thank you very much![/center]
  9. Aw Beazy, you caved. I had liked the old sig too...
  10. I recall them being down at least twice in the past... I smell something fishy, and it's not just Hisk's cologne.
  11. Hey, We're black now? Oh right... Take care Maroon, was a wild ride while it lasted.
  12. [quote name='Believland' date='16 March 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1268791399' post='2227892'] Too be honest with you, I think your idea ruins the idea of TE. This was never a place for a tea party, so we need to stop acting like it. We need to break away from the cuurent norms of Stevian society. We need to encourage more shady dealings throughout the game. We need the "%^#" to take on more leadership and just run with it. I've been playing since, well I can't actually remember but, it's been a good time. But, Steve has been missing a vilian for awhile now. So someone please, take the lead. Trust me it's worth it. Forever asking you to bite the forbidden fruit, BEazy [/quote] What do you mean? Everything I just said was to encourage more war. Also, the Villain idea fails because everyone and their grandmothers are moralists these days. Anyone worth a damn doesn't have the time to properly villainize TE.
  13. Where to begin... I guess first to come to my mind - A massive Bob recruiting spree will only perpetuate things. People that come here need to want to be here to be frank. However, the problem continues (like mentioned) when one false step and you're done for the round, but this not at the really early days prior to popular belief, I've become top ten after warring the first few days and losing 1/3 of my infra, without donations mind you. 60 days becoming 90 again will make it worse unless we tweak a lot of things (see below), as it stands the ability for the lucky few to grow beyond declaration ranges makes it worse. I've had a couple suggestions in the past, namely to increase declaration ranges to be 200%/75% and to eliminate trades. One was actually implemented, but people are still creating immensely efficient nations (Jim ) pushing them out of war ranges. Last round, Dennis could have won since he was out of everyone but I believe 5 nation's ranges. Jim is almost out of my range and I'm in the top 40 right now. Tl/dr; Nation Building > Nation Warring, the ability to build is severely outweighing the ability to conduct war, and on a scale that would be favored. Suggestions? 90 day rounds, shorter wonders, nukes do half damage and don't instant anarchy allowing you to declare more wars, nukes in the top 10% and remove the Manhattan Project, SDI's bumped up to 75% efficiency (to accommodate the distinct failure they are on Steve) and I'm sure some more simple gameplay modifications, like perhaps 250% max declaration range. Increase offensive slots to become a max of 5. Give more incentive to play war, by allowing us to war longer while still building some. And lastly, BUILD A NATION CAP. No one should ever, EVER have a NS above 30,000. I don't care if you keep buying infra and should be 100,000 NS, cap it at 30,000 just give them the advantages of more. How do you determine the winner at that point? Tiebreaker goes to the higher casualty count. Yes, this is like a gameplay suggestions type situation but it perpetuated from good discussion. Now: Politically you have some big changes, first you can war without feeling the first war ends the round, that was a major benefit of a longer round previously. Second, you don't have to build like a fiend to keep up because they will become in your range after simply reaching 12,500 NS. Nukes no longer immobilize your armies either. The original goal of Steve was to be a Bob testing ground, so let's test some things! Experiment, shake up the rounds. Admin, we used to really enjoy this place but things are stagnate, trades are a pain, there's no incentive for players to be more than inactive slugs that turtle when they are hit to try and still win the flag. Heck, remove the flag if you have to or change how to get it. PS: Clash, you're wrong about Bob, I believe you're also one of the people who used to be exclusively in TE? If so, it's understandable. Find me sometime if you wanna discuss that part specifically.
  14. If only that were possible Scytale, unfortunately a lot of people would not go for it and if you got stuck with inactive fighters you'd be bored to death.
  15. I recall in my career (beginning end of Round 2) that wars for MHA were never quite so one sided, at least the ones I participated in actively as I grew into the game. MHA-Fark was perhaps one of the best rivalries I'll never forget, why? Well we kept a pretty good friendship going even now, and we traded 1st/2nd and we never let a grudge develop. The wars were also fairly split, not quite so much beatdowns. RE-MHA was close, but RE always liked coming in with a bit extra, but in TE how can you reallllly even things up? Even when it was 3 on 1 we still did fairly well, I can remember even having 2 nations competing for a flag that round we got ganged. So I guess my point is, why do we have such a cult following of Bob politics and agendas paving way on Steve? Bob policies dictate treaties chain and make massive global wars. Bob says to build up and prepare for one massive war. Steve isn't so set like that. My only real conclusion is that the goal of "Capture The Flag" admin has built into the rounds destroys the spirit of a Tournament, because you can win by simply doing nothing. I would like to see new leaders take the helm of their alliances, to change the way the Planet is run. PS: Kulo, I don't even think WOLF would have stopped this. There was simply nothing to prevent the inevitable Frostbite/Paradoxia domination effect that came about the next two rounds.
  16. [center][IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/RIPSTEVE.jpg[/IMG][/center] This has been a long time coming it appears. The past few rounds being slower than usual, Bob has moved over. Four Rounds ago there were a group of leaders, most specifically Myself, Thaisport, Gabryal and Tiberius. While there may have been two sides of a conflict there, we were not opposed to at least trying to talk on occasion. We all feared in our ability to keep the planet from succumbing to Bob's influence, but what was it that we could do? Gabryal and Tiberius tried to create a bloc, of course Thai and I destroyed it, but that was really the last of the pure battles. What has become of leaders today on Steve that war means global conflict? THIS IS NOT PLANET BOB. You can have a fight without calling your buddies to a fight. You can have 1 on 1, 2 on 2 and you can come out of the conflict laughing that you knocked your opponent's teeth out but he broke your ribs. Since the time I've been sitting back watching things I've noticed a larger cult of growth nations, heck, I was one of them myself last round. King of the Hill no longer has any meaning, it is all about Capturing the Almighty Flag of Steve to bring home the trophy (something I attribute to KingAdam) so what we do do about this? Some of us older folk have lead a charge for reduced treaties, but the younger generation appears to be repeating our mistakes. What do we do to fix this problem? How does Steve become [i]fun[/i] again. No Elb, you can't fix Steve by bringing back the same old dead alliance every round. No Tiberius, our rivalry will not rejuvenate Steve. A massive coalition will do nothing anymore, there is no monster to be destroyed, and we can't even pretend there is this time either (See Ordo Paradoxia Round 8?) No... it is time for the new leaders to get their chance to pave way onto Steve and create their own history. I send this challenge out to any 'Old Timers' out there, give up your seat of power to someone new and full of energy. End this round with a bang and level the playing field. Remove old grudges and let Steve die. When this round ends in a ball of fierce flames then we will have paved a clean slate fort right towards the future to have a new Steve. Until then... I will be wearing this sig, others are encouraged to join in. In hopes of a brighter future this sig may encourage a shake up of the blood lines... or maybe it's just a great way of showing Admin that there is or at least was a lot of support behind Tournament Edition. [b]I'd greatly appreciate a real discussion rather than simply people hating or hailing this.[/b] [code][IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/RIPSTEVESIG.jpg[/IMG][/code] [IMG]http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/lonewolfe2015/RIPSTEVESIG.jpg[/IMG]
  17. I understand, I just know I have some members who wouldn't want to register for something, perhaps would forget about it (and wouldn't use an e-mail they check often) or in general don't know what types of circles they need to go for. Just because someone isn't active and in the know doesn't mean they aren't valuable to trade circles, I've built long standing circles using members who are not incredibly active and understanding of the game but they are committed to playing long term and growing, which is all you really need in a circle partner. E: This also would allow for more coordinated trading within alliances first, and outside second. As I want as many of my own members trading together until there isn't any of us left to fill holes before I look for outside people.
  18. MHA was in the top 3 last round and two rounds ago. We were only briefly under (30-40 days) the top 3 last round if I recall correctly. Also, Mostly Harmful Alliance, we're not full of harm, we have plenty to be given out so we don't use two l's
  19. [quote name='Bionic redhead' date='14 March 2010 - 11:02 AM' timestamp='1268582854' post='2225358'] Can't really fight for fun when there's the risk of big brother stepping in ... [/quote] I agree with this statement. Steve has gone down the drain with the consistent efforts of larger alliances to uneven the fights.
  20. Can we create an admin/mod system for trade coordinators to put in members and create circles? I have several circles for instance, but they can't all sign up and organize it themselves.
  21. You do have to admit, they recruited for him a bunch of useless people, it's like an empty sense of security.
  22. You've got a mighty fine protectorate right there Rok, treat em as good as you once did me, and by that I mean rough
  23. Can I steal Helion for the same circle I am making?
  24. Hmmm, I know both of these people, must be a rocking treaty
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