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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='Burning Glory' date='17 February 2010 - 01:07 AM' timestamp='1266386839' post='2187197'] Hisk, your one of the most childish people playing TE. You have not only violated TS's agreement that MHA and TPF wouldn't war EVER....But you are also one of the weakest leaders in TE history. TPF has always been honorable, IN FACT, When you threatened LC for helping to defend TS I could have ordered TPF to destroy MHA and it would have been the easiest war TPF ever had and you know we would have killed you hence your running around to other AA's for help. I chose to give you respect as a new leader and work on getting this peaced as an agreement with thia to not hit MHA. You have dishonored MHA and resorted to bottom feeding. It no wonder you waited to hit us while we were waring with 3 other AA's and have long since exhausted our WC being in war for over 9 days now, while you guys plumped you self up, put on your big boy pants and pushed out your chest....No worries though, TPF remembers and what comes around goes around! BG. [/quote] I thought things had changed BG... ya know, when we used to talk when I was leading? You know as well as I do without proof there can be no agreement to abstain from war between alliances. TPF and MHA have historical had quarrels, but if a good friend of ours in Fark was in tough fight the last week of the round and we're sitting here bored off our rockers then who do we hit? The people hitting our friends... You were this PO'd when MHA declared on RE/TPF back during the days of WOLF despite the huge numbers advantage against us... so I guess nothing has really changed about how you feel about war. And please don't do this "what goes around comes around" karma speech, MHA hitting TPF is about the tamest thing you could see in TE, you guys weren't going to win or get the flag so enjoy the good fight you have on your hands instead of saying you'll get us back later. We've been through just about everything in TE short of disbanding.
  2. [quote name='Lord Tri' date='17 February 2010 - 03:41 PM' timestamp='1266439297' post='2187913'] Well that was before I came along. But you are right, that would have made sense. Honest mistake though. [/quote] Wait, am I missing something here? I thought Warbuck lead and made the decisions of ADI and all the guilt fell onto him for the decisions he made... but since you're here all that changes? Rok used to be my allies, and they were great allies and protectors that were willing to put their entire alliance on the line to defend their own (at the time I was ACF) over a little matter with another aqua alliance. Quite ironically, no action was taken then either. But what didn't happen was ACF never supported Rok's enemies in a matter they didn't want to get involved in. Quick history lesson, which I swear is hysterically similar to ADI in some regards. ACF had Echelon and Rok as protectors due to weird history, when the time came to grow up we didn't treaty either to preserve the peace but instead remained close to both as friends willing to help each other out to the best of our abilities. The future would have decided, after some time of stretching our legs on our own, which way we went. But we never smeared our allies name and we never betrayed the friendship they showed to us at our birth or during our life. I feel Warbuck made a cardinal sin with the protectorate agreement, he turned his back on his protector (MDoAP partner but former protector, not even a long time had passed so Rok didn't change during that time much if at all) after being boastful about standing with them. It's one thing to disagree, it's another thing to declare neutrality in a tough situation (which no one was stopping ADI) it's another thing to turn your back on your ally. If ADI had done this to anyone else it'd be the same situation if the alliance was of some significance. I'm not sure how better I can put this from a bystander's point of view, but simply Warbuck/ADI made a huge mistake, which all of ADI has to live with. And trying to act like a mistake was not made and going around trying to act high and mighty in the situation will only make it worse for a long time. Betrayal is something people don't take well.
  3. Seems they gave you fair warning, which is more than alliances used to do in the past. I seem to remember a 200,000 aid transaction which nearly had my entire alliance attacked once... Point is: During war neutral alliances stay NEUTRAL. Neutral means no form of aiding, waring or asylum with anyone outside of the alliance or unless other neutral parties. Failure to comply with that is breaking your own neutrality. You might as well be calling it aid to an ally because TOP nations do not need the money, the tech is the only thing of use to most of them. And any good tech buyer would tell their sellers to wait until after the war to not only save the tech to not be destroyed but to preserve the sovereignty and the safety of their sellers. I remember sending aid during a war once as an oblivious tech seller, the buyer was kind enough to inform me they were in a war and aiding them would be an act of war myself. Take this as a lesson to yourself and your alliance.
  4. [quote name='President Sitruk' date='16 February 2010 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1266371944' post='2186664'] CnG hasnt offered white peace to TORN's allies. [/quote] Ahh, so I see, if that is how all of TORN feels. Just find it funny that you'd offer white peace to people, some smaller alliances might take the white peace, but in the same right you'd not leave without your allies even if offered white peace from all the alliances you're fighting... seems a bit... strange? There's a better word but it's escaping me at the moment. I don't expect you to leave, but it seems odd you'd want to give white peace and not accept white peace from any alliances actually doing damage to you.
  5. [quote name='bigwoody' date='16 February 2010 - 12:29 AM' timestamp='1266298157' post='2184786'] Words are cheap. It wasn't long ago we didn't really expect terms at all. I'm not much for posturing, I will just fight until my allies are at peace and we have a peace agreement we can get behind. If that happens tomorrow, we stop fighting tomorrow. If it never happens, we never stop fighting. Easy, huh? [/quote] Just curious on your opinion of other alliances not accepting the offer of white peace, how do you feel about that then? From what I can tell people are quite PO'd that CnG hasn't offered white peace in the future but yet there are alliances on the other side of this conflict confident enough to not accept white peace when offered (no names of course)
  6. [quote name='Locke' date='15 February 2010 - 11:11 AM' timestamp='1266250283' post='2183029'] Ooooor you could just do whatever you want to the 20% that attacked you, seeing as how NCAAbbs has claimed no responsibility for their actions, neither have they sent anyone in their defense. Hell, PZI them if you're so inclined, but it's clear that NCAAbbs is going by a different set of rules than most alliances, and it's not that hard to see it. Trying to apply the same rules to them...well, you do it if you want, but it's rather silly. RiceDoc would give you no trouble for attacking Grendel, someone who is a legimate threat to you. [/quote] Sorry Locke, but this logic goes out the window during war when you can't logically trust someone whose AA members declared on you. Heck, MASH tried to convince us the nations that attacked early were merely rogues before their real DoW, I'm not faulting them for strategy but saying that Nordreich is doing what they feel sufficiently eliminates the threat and if this NCAAbbs alliance can't control their membership that is their fault and they put themselves at risk because of that. Nordreich gave them a means of not being punished for their membership's actions it appears, but that route was not taken. Unfortunately, all conventional means of handling these situations go out the window during war time, had this been a peace time attack I can understand the need for diplomacy and only handling the nations which declared.
  7. [quote name='Duncan King' date='15 February 2010 - 11:42 AM' timestamp='1266252154' post='2183066'] Wow, what are TFD feeding their soldiers to merit all of you all jumping on to them?! At least you get credit for actually following a treaty and not just bandwaggoning in. [/quote] I would like to point out that ROCK is now the only alliance I can think of which is fighting TFD solely. So while it might seem odd, with multiple fronts included you find yourself rather stretched out during a war, which I know you are aware of. ROCK are some good allies because everytime I see Rok at war it seems ROCK is not far away from the conflict. Good luck guys and welcome to the fray. PS: DK, there's a lot of alliances which find themselves declared on by what could be considered overkill if it was all those numbers against them, which is why this DoW means less about TFD's fighting ability and more about everyone else just being too tied up to hit them consistently enough.
  8. [quote name='John Warbuck' date='14 February 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1266126103' post='2180336'] Yeah, ADI has not fought for her allies in this war at all. That makes sense. /end sarcasm [/quote] There's a difference between fighting and fighting well... There's also a little factor that you seem to be oh so in love with canceling on good people and every time it's their fault?
  9. [quote name='sacramento' date='13 February 2010 - 11:22 PM' timestamp='1266121367' post='2180213'] hello [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y279/nsegura3/lue20_broken_promises.png[/IMG] [/quote] You just reminded me that I hate macs... was that the intent of this propaganda?
  10. Blaming WAPA for being so fortunate to lose a treaty that would never be dependable... You guys just made my day.
  11. [quote name='Mongrel' date='12 February 2010 - 10:47 PM' timestamp='1266032875' post='2178565'] Congrats Legion on not accepting peace even when your signatures were forged on the peace agreement. I suppose it's only a sign of Sparta's desperation that they have to stoop to such levels. [/quote] Enough of this. Sparta is not to fault, I am. I had been discussing peace for 48 hours between myself and all of the alliances at war with Asgaard and our friends and allies in this conflict. I lost power inbetween these talks and never realized the extent of damage the thought of peace had come within Legion. I continued with these discussions in hope that white peace would be the final nail in the coffin to end the wars between everyone and during all of the long discussions I had convinced myself sooner than I had realized Legion has finalized anything from their side more than what APPEARED to me as agreements to peace without knowing full and well how their system worked. I was not stopped by Legion, nor my allies because I encouraged what I thought was right. I'll be damned to see anyone blame my allies for a rash decision on my part over this. It's allies like Sparta which stick by you when you make a mistake like this which give me hope in this world still. Odds are the relations between myself, my alliance and that of my allies with Legion will never be anything but hostile because of my actions and I finally see what has twisted Bob so pathetically for mistakes to become something hung above people for their entire time here. I expect each and every person after this post to end with the senseless "Blame Sparta" comments I am reading, because they are some of the finest allies an alliance could ask for. When Asgaard was young many people wouldn't give us the time of the day, let alone offer help when it was needed. Sparta has helped us more than anyone could ask for, and we have honored their kindness by spilling blood on the field of battle with them. If that is not a testament, that an alliance is willing to enter and jump head over heels to defend their ally, to the quality of that alliance, then you are all truly blind and I pity you.
  12. [quote name='Lincongrad' date='11 February 2010 - 10:51 PM' timestamp='1265946672' post='2176380'] This is correct. I am saying that having talked to Hubb and seen the results of the various votes, I doubt he intended his statement of white peace as anything other than a presentation of a hypothetical situation. Misinterpretation, anyone? [/quote] Look, people can flame me all they want, but I spoke with him, he agreed to white peace, he had to go, he sent Imperial to finalize the document, we all put sigs on it, we posted it. That's exactly how it went. If anything the one mistake we did was post before he cameback online, but we got the ok from Legion and her allies prior to posting this. I fail to see how this is an issue unless Legion plans to overrule its leader.
  13. Look, I can dump logs too. [quote][20:37] <Hubb[Legion]> If it's white peace, then it's white peace. 01[20:38] <LW[Away]> It is white peace and you, MASH, Quantum cannot re-enter this war, nor aid your allies until afterwords 01[20:38] <LW[Away]> And if you don't take it tonight, this offer is gone [20:38] <Hubb[Legion]> Legion and allies have white peace with Sparta and allies. [20:38] <Hubb[Legion]> I understand that.[/quote] As per Legion's leader, peace has been agreed upon between all alliances. This is no joke, and we will begin closing out this conflict. Thank you for the good fight Legion, I commend you.
  14. Well played Legion, was an honor fighting you guys. See you on the other side MASH and Quantum [img]http://asgaard.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/Marine_Emote_by_budgieishere.gif[/img]
  15. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265482949' post='2164873'] I set out in my mind to make things like horrible terms being given out a thing of the past, disbandment abhorred against, a general sense of fun for all, and a way to make every action not born out of hate (yes I still get messages telling me to die and have seen others as well). I wanted a world where a small alliance could indeed mean something and it wasn't always a world of curbstomps. This had the possibility that last one, but instead politics have degenerated to a point where there is very little modicum of respect, control, or politics other then o/, spam, shared channel, treaty, opportunism. Essentially I went out to stand against all the heinous things that NPO and others had done, but we're all full circle now only without the interesting debate and discussion. [/quote] You may say you set out for these things, but I fail to see where you delivered on any of it. And you did nothing single-handledly, and even when you tried all you did was make things worse. CN is not a game for one man to try and make the difference you claimed to be making. I'd really appreciate if you stopped trying to act like this is the last stand for justice because everyone else happens to be just not as good as you.
  16. Good hunting Wolfpack, you guys are steadfast allies.
  17. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='05 February 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1265401055' post='2161966'] You've woken up to 30+ messages and yawned. [/quote] Tell me when you hit 70+, I'm starting to get worried I'll have withdrawals when this is over.
  18. Thank you Grievous, you guys are truly grand friends. May you show them whose boss!
  19. [quote name='Haflinger' date='07 February 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1265529179' post='2166527'] No, they expect you to lose. That's what tactics is about. Welcome to the fray, M*A*S*H. [/quote] I'd expect you to know tactics too Haf... since when does declaring on one of the alliances hitting your ally that's half your size equate to saving your ally? MASH woulda been better off going with their first botched blitz on us than waiting 24 hours for Umbrella to be ready.
  20. Supreme, I love ya, but seriously. We're already at war with Legion and Quantum, did you expect us to fight MASH by ourselves as well? Why no love for anyone else at war with Legion but just us?
  21. Wooo, more targets. Seriously guys, I want some of my defensive slots used here please. Break my pretty little nation and give it a nice new casualty count.
  22. [quote name='Lincongrad' date='05 February 2010 - 07:07 PM' timestamp='1265414874' post='2162340'] Very cool, but... aren't those dead vikings? [/quote] It's a battlefield moreso, and Legion can refer to mostly anything military or angelic I suppose too. So I figured it worked both ways. I mostly wanted to try and make a cool battle/war sig. Wasn't going for super propaganda against yall cause I'm not that developed at it nor had a good idea.
  23. Come on Hymenbreach, ya pick on them but you leave me bone dry? We bring more to the table than alliances almost two times our size.
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