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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. So next year 2nd place wins the award, right?
  2. Thanks, I wasn't sure if there was a plan regarding this in place or not yet.
  3. It's a trap! Honestly, if you have a license with IPB you probably have upgraded already. If you don't have a license and you umm... "borrowed" one, then let the security holes build I say!
  4. So what would you propose then? That if TFD/MK/FEAR/Kronos or another alliance I might not recall on hand becomes sanctioned, that they are given another flag option to upload for their alliance specifically, and then the TE flags that were won that were for them already do... what exactly? That's what I don't get.
  5. *high fives Jeb* Always bringing the hurt in TE.
  6. Let me make one thing clear, this "it is the raider's job" part being hashed around. My guys did everything but find the one obscure forum posts regarding them. If you can't find protection in the bios, the wikis or doing a quick forum check AND they are already being raided then you have to start placing blame on the alliance and the alliance's protector in those situations. If my protectorate did none of the listed things and were hit, I'd take it as my own fault for failing to protect them and not say the raiders needed to do a better job. Sorry, but I felt this needed to be made aware to people.
  7. This is an announcement in regards to the recent raids on New Auric Armada. First, they DID NOT display protection prior to the raids, this thread shows as a testimony to the information being new and put up in a haste after getting raided. Second, they WILL get peace... it was raids. People wanted war, so they went for some raids and by no means have been unfair or wrong in doing so, our charter permits such actions and they did it on what was seemingly an unprotected alliance. Octava Orden is an ally of TSCE, our MDoAP partners and it's not an action against them either... although I do strongly recommend giving your friend proper protection in the future because there are nations nearly as strong as your entire alliance. If you have a problem with these raids, you contact me in-game. End. Of. Story.
  8. You can't place a gain on either side, we both lost in the end. The difference will come in how and when the next viable CB is determined for where the borderline alliances rallied and fell in place. I for one hope this war does show to people how little there is a central command anymore and perhaps my Billiards Table reference in one of Kzopp's threads becomes more apparent. now.
  9. Would be very happy to see war ranges change to become 67%/200% as well...
  10. The rough estimates put over 50mil NS in favor of the coalition against CC. They totaled nearly 50k nukes if you're wondering how "even" it really was. My opinion? Everyone whined too much, LM delayed the war too long, and everyone got tired of this too quick. When ya mix all that together over 2 weeks of waiting, people heading back to the real world soon (remember, vacation can be deadly in CN) you get some people sick of this and wanting to just end it now. I'm sure we'll all be seeing eachother again before long.
  11. Anyone gonna get the Wiki-web running in this thing? We could use a couple good names too... The Phoenix War CC v ??
  12. Congrats Omni! and good to see GATO thriving.
  13. A short bump: We'd like to thank the contributions of recent coordinators - Mash from TTK Sarmatian from TI Lanna from TYR All of whom have come to support the program recently. Lanna whom has also gone so far to bring her Maroon trades in with ours, this is a full endeavor by the Maroon Economic Pact now.
  14. Then you've been a part of the wrong alliance my friend. Here's my take, and you can refute this. I'm not going to reach every post since I don't want to commit that time. An alliance is where a single nation plays the game, presumably amongst a crowd of like-minded players. The goal is to grow your nation for success, have fun as a part of that community, all the while being safe enough (understand, safe is relative) to play the political-side of the game without any physical harm to one's self that would come from being a single cybernation. If we tried to play the game as a nation, simply upsetting someone stronger on the forums would result in a political backlash and death, destroying any gameplay. Now, you also have to look at the real world aspect. Alliances are simply another word for Covenants, if you've ever heard of or studied Hobbes you'd understand where I am going with this, but it is only natural for one to seek out an alliance for support in their efforts to playing this game. Alliances are where we make mini-communities of friends to enjoy the game, you're just simply playing the wrong game if none of this appeals to you, and should stop trying to change this one and find the one which suits your wishes. Also, the OP mentioned this - You aren't expected to succeed because very seldomly do any manage it, I've seen a few in my time who did reasonably well, but nothing spectacular. Understand, even if you did not help build the alliance, upon joining you contribute to its overall success or demise as a member of the alliance. How you act, be it actively in improving the community, or lazily in harming the community will in fact play a significant role in the alliance. An individual nation has far more power in this game than you give credit to them.
  15. I don't have a 5BR right now, I do have a 3BR (Circle 3) you'd fit into. Otherwise you'll need to wait. Circles are closing up right now, we'll try and squeeze you into the next one we make, but due to your tough resources I'll have to figure something out.
  16. Already made the circle and have you in it Good catch, I did that. I wasn't the one who made that circle. Added Ok, Circle 15 then.Thanks.
  17. This is going to require help on your part if I do this, post people won't sign up for a 3BR Gold and Uranium if there is Fish and Uranium circles open. Everyone else you've been put on the waiting list.
  18. Please do not advertise your own circles or requests here, this is for people joining the circles I have or that have created their own and have names already there by which they give me.
  19. Athens did not know the full story behind what was happening at UED and are in no way responsible for what happened, they extended help to an alliance without fully knowing the situation and in turn got this kind of OWF treatment.
  20. Right, so treaty an alliance that PMs others to merge into them without even knowing who they are. I'm so glad I know people in TE enough for them to inform me of what kind of alliance you exactly are Echo. /end rant.
  21. From the looks of things, ADI was simply intimidated in this matter being a relatively unexperienced alliance. When you were a new nation ya gotta remember decisions weren't as clear because you didn't know what you were doing either. I'll give ADI the benefit of the doubt and say Warbuck realizes his mistake now but has too much pride to mention he made a mistake in his judgement and it reflects poorly on himself and his alliance. There really is no argument left though, Hoo has discredited every point made against him and/or Rok here with logs or reasoning which has logical backings from either current events on Bob or past events. The only thing I can last think of to cause issue is the fact that your characters played a role in the fallout, Warbuck being a poor match to Hoo's character.
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