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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I read for the most part the entire thing, but I did find your mentioning that alliances don't generally (the exception to the rule) help their new members/applicants get out of wars. Is this true? I was of the impression it wasn't, but I've never really detailed an alliance's raid process/application system. In my opinion, at least how I'd handle things, is anyone being raided who wishes to join may use our applicant AA, message their attacker to receive peace. If it is not found, then the nation attacking them is committing a war against a protected nation of my alliance and we'd step in, should the nation have properly filed an application and gone about this all correctly. Am I of a limited player base in this approach to things?
  2. How's that survivor game work that I saw Asgaard listed in?
  3. You guys are welcome to declare on me once I get my nation back on the MHA AA later after work. I'm in nuke anarchy and got left hung out to dry by KingAdam so I have a few days of no offensive wars... I think he was jealous I whooped them in fights and that my warchest is still intact
  4. 3 circles closing up today, more to come shortly. Hope yall are interested!
  5. We don't keep hard feelings for long, plus SWAT will always be friends. We can war with friends just fine. Don't take it personally though if a member got upset and is using their free ticket to even the score... I have a feeling there may a few of you out there that are being affected by that.
  6. He's actually working with Robony whose in charge... Way to read the topic
  7. Yet, there was no disorder when there was a lapse in government. When the government was figured out for the transition once more, we gave the orders and made the moves that were needed to let our members have fun. If we were in anarchy they would have gone haywire without our consent.
  8. So Anarchy is telling our members they may enjoy their last days in this round attacking whomever they wish that might have pissed them off, be in their top strength ranges, be the most fun target, or be a friend? I'm so sorry if you happen to have been attacked because you ganged up on someone and they felt sore about it and wanted to settle the score when we gave them the chance too...
  9. I'm aware he's rerolled, just getting frustrated personally. I'm going to retire from this thread before I do more damage, just wish to leave my final opinion, and it's an opinion not a fact. I think the OP put this up as a shot at my allies, and I'll defend their name because of that reason. And when I sign a treaty, it is because they are friends that I trust. When I sign a military treaty, it means I'll put my alliance on the line to defend them. But treaties can change over time when either alliance changes, it has happened again and again, and that is why treaties get canceled (in my opinion) so before you crucify me for saying my opinion, at least acknowledge what you agree with in my statements. And if you disagree with everything I say like Vilien said, then I'll just remember not to count on someone like him if it came down to it. Sorry if I pissed anyone off, I need to stop being as argumentative as I am feeling.
  10. You think I can't fight because I have no casualties? Clearly you've never heard of rerolling... If I don't get the meaning, explain it to me then AUT.
  11. Well then, I must be going about treaties completely wrong. Here I am the assumption I should only sign anything I intend on keeping my word to if it has another beyond a PIAT's worth of intent to it. The OP has been disrespecting my allies, and I don't like it. This thread is just an indirect crackshot at them which is something I don't stand for. When I answered the question outside of being disgusted by his shot at them, I gave my honest opinion, refuting it is fine, we live and learn. As for my nation, did you even check the age? I'm not even 200 days old, at 210 I'll have a SDI. Once I get some money I'll have spies. You can't build a war machine overnight, and I decided to create a decently sized nation as quickly as possible before I bothered with some assets of a military because I have friends which cover my back. You say my opinion is stupid (Villien) but yet you don't support evidence why. At least Arrowheadian had the decency to explain why, which I respect. But I still remain the school that I sign treaties with friends and I defend friends. I won't sign a treaty with TOP because they are the biggest alliance and can protect me, I'd sign if they were friends and I felt I would defend them above anything. Fault me for that if you wish, I see nothing wrong with that logic. Edit: Double standard much Hydro? I fail to see your SDI.
  12. No, don't delay the end of this round. Delay the beginning of the next round.
  13. I am making the suggestion/request that Admin delay the reset until the 26th of December. No, not because I'll be out of reach, but many CN players will be out of internet access or out of their network access, I think this will help keep the disparity between nations smaller and it will be a huge present to the guys that would be missing those first 3 days, perhaps extend it even longer (until the new year?) I know this probably won't happen, or even get noticed, but it's worth a shot for those guys that would like a chance this round but won't be able to make their nations in time.
  14. You my good sir, are full of it. Stop finding pity on these forums for your alliance. Go join one that you can actually play the game in, or make yours worth a damn. You whine, but I still don't see your alliance doing anything worth caring about. If you want an explanation to your "topic" it's pretty simple. Treaties are a paper copy of a friendship. No, you don't need one to defend an ally. But if you don't have it then that leaves others to e-lawyer their way into a war with you, which you need to be prepared for and if you want to avoid it on some occasions to have that paper copy. Treaties are also ALWAYS allowed to be canceled when the two parties change. It is quite often to occur during large government shifts, changes in foreign policy, actions towards a fellow ally or group of allies or their handling of themselves during a wartime situation. Treaties will never be blood bonds until you've gone through those kind of situations with your ally and feel competent that they are someone you will go to the grave with. But in the meantime, if they do everything right you may either need or want to put something down. Kapeesh?
  15. Because ES was a horrible leader, end of story really. I feel bad for my friends in Wolfpack because they are overly generous in extending protection to alliances that DO NOT deserve it. I've warned them about some alliances they really don't want to deal with, but they give everyone a fair shot. As the protectorate I am fully of the school that the protector should be reachable and provide what they can, but if they babystep you through every matter then you aren't worth the time or the air you breathe on Bob. Alliances need to be capable of handling their own affairs too, Wolfpack's protection is something you respect, and seeing as you bad mouth them publicly every chance you get it's obvious you did not deserve that respect. I don't care if they dropped you for smelling funny, there's no reason to try and find pity on these forums. I am glad that the posters here realize that, because it shows that everyone can come together on a topic when it's dead obvious whose at fault (Justice) and whose not (Wolfpack). Furthermore, if CSN, the alliance killing Justice says that Wolfpack did what they could and Justice ignored all diplomatic means, I'd take that as a pretty dang good proof to shut your mouth.
  16. To be fair, you guys were a crappy protectorate to begin with anyways. You were lead by a guy who got himself banned for running his mouth and there was no connections outside of him with Wolfpack. I'd have dropped you guys just as easily as they did unless you showed a reason for me to keep protecting you which I'm sure wasn't there, since all I've seen you do since the drop is constantly take jabs at Wolfpack and not take the opportunity to recoup and rebuild the alliance very well.
  17. Don't blame Wolfpack for being too kind and protecting long past when they should have. This was a wakeup call for them to stop overprotecting alliances. Justice has made some stupid moves historically, getting themselves in raid wars in the past. Blaming Wolfpack for not protecting them this time after their dumb moves is just low and shows how boring this climate has gotten. If you have taken offense to Wolfpack canceling this protectorate, maybe you should do something about it instead of just calling them out from the saftey of the OWF.
  18. Believe that if you wish, I don't really bloody care. But every alliance fights the final 10 days, MHA is under orders to fight whoever the hell they wish should they wish because none of us care about this round anymore. You tell me if you can fight the final 2 weeks of a round when you've been in warfare since day 3. Those 5 rogues hit 15 of our best nations, the 15 guys that would be our builders who lead the charge into a war with the strongest nations. No, it's not an excuse, we should have done better. But the fact remains we weren't able to produce a strong enough alliance this round to fight everyone because of that situation, so it was damaging. TPF was at least prepared to take on their small enemies. And I'll also say I already apolgized to them because I heard more about it than was apparant. CTA has done what this round of any importance? If I didn't notice, get told by someone, or if you can't show me it, then make it important to me. I find it funny all I am doing here is defending myself by a constant barrage of people, and then YOU come here, the person who attacked me earlier for trying to do the "cool" thing, when clearly the "cool" thing here is to try and take a stab at me.
  19. No, I'm just getting tired of you arguing against me using the forum rules as the basis of your argument, why don't you go around and say the same thing to the other posters out there which don't put their entire information down? I'm not the only one, yet you enjoy targeting me for that. My prove a point was simply because I don't have that there doesn't mean I am not doing more things for this game than you are. But hey, if you want to play that card, that's your choice. I just find it funny people think they are getting an upper hand on me somehow when they don't even know me.
  20. You're lucky I'm in anarchy right now or I'd make a house call and take you down with me just to prove a point... As for what I say, I say it in hope for people to listen. But hey, don't listen, that's fine. I've made some big plays in the past to help improve TE in the way I feel it will, you don't need to be informed of them but I've done more to fix things than you seem to realize.
  21. Glad to see you guys doing well NAC, keep looking up
  22. No wonder you're so bitter, Pork Shrimp got to you as well. Just because I'm not showing a nation doesn't mean I'm not playing my part. The fact you even bring that up takes away from your post's importance. If you don't care, why post? Obviously you care what I have to say if you post to point it out.
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