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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. You can have a full scale war while under the same AA, doesn't even have to be 1 on 1, it can be a big tournament of 12 guys if you wanted.
  2. All that remains is Roman Empire that has been untainted by the fires of war... coincidences are a fallacy.
  3. Somehow by the grace of the almighty 99.5% of CN has been represented in this poll. A whooping 25760 out of 25908 nations... I see what you did there.
  4. Can you elaborate on the circles? 8BR with beer or just an 8BR in general? Also, some of these 3BRs would be ridiculously hard to fill, because they have 1 resource that would be a wildcard and we use uranium in nearly all circles unless asked not to. Do they HAVE to have this exact circle or can we mix n match? Some of you could be in a circle together if we do 5BRs which hold 3 wildcard slots.
  5. Quitting not so much as taking time off. You tell me, if you've spent a year working hard on 1-2 alliances don't you think you'd like to take time off? For some people it's hard to detach yourself from the game when you see it you want to play it properly. Not be one of those nations you criticized as useless. So they "quit" until they have fixed whatever was stealing their time in their lives and need another escape.
  6. I'm thankful for the disgruntled former Roman Empire member giving plenty of grief out and useless threats Also,
  7. He's more Magical and Muslim with every passing day...
  8. Excuse me? The ignorance of some people is astounding... so what happened 4-5 rounds ago should be acted upon now?! Rounds are resets, what you did in the past is called the past for a reason. Not only that, but the alliances change and never remain the same. You try and paint a negative image on us, when I have seen every MHA poster remain collected during the past couple rounds (well, Hisk is Hisk, you can't put a word to how he acts, it's just being Hisk) we have had a complete change in the way we treat situations for awhile now and had a different leader for 3 rounds inbetween all of that. If you actually think someone needs to get revenge on us for actions we did not do, then I finally realize why giving up hope on TE advancing past this childish dribble is becoming a common thing about the leaders of alliances that actually know what they are doing here. It's fools like you that cause them to get fed up fighting for a game they once loved because you suck all the fun out of it. How many times have I said this war should be a war about having fun, coming out anarchied and then shaking hands and moving on? But all I see is players such as yourself perpetuating a stupid trend, which is trying to place blame on someone else. It's a war for christs sake, get over it. At least you don't really have anything significant to lose.
  9. I regret to inform you that you have not joined Asgaard yet, therefore you have failed. To those already in Asgaard, you have my praises.
  10. Aw, when I saw OoJ I actually had a running laugh with a friend that it meant 'Out of Java' I think that should be your nickname.
  11. Tiberius, if you wanted this to be objective you should have had someone neutral in the matters post it. Because you posted it, any non-egotistical person would have left themselves off the list. Now I'd like to point out why RE/Tiberius do not deserve even the top 3 in honors of TE. Roman Empire might have been the #1 alliance, but they did not set any trends in place. It was repetition at its best, MDoAP blocs, Check. Protectorates, Check. Massive arrogance when number one, Check. Attempting to stear TE in their favor, Check. Failing miserably when they pissed enough people off, Check. Attempting to gain complete control over the game through manipulation of their friends, allies and the innocent players themselves, CHECK. Catch my drift yet? Everything you did had been done before, therefore you did not set the trend nor were the most important alliance. At least when MHA was at the helm of the game we changed things different and left a new stamp on the game. We made it less suicidal chaos and more organized warfare. We canceled treaties as the number one alliance in order to give everyone a chance to play the game. If a fair war was waged, it meant we did not step in. The Brains behind those were Thai. I'd sooner say Thai left a bigger impact than you, but anyone who knows Thai knows that he doesn't exactly scream control over the game more moreso play a vital role. In the end, there are a handful of players that all played and changed the game in their own ways more than anyone else. There is no one person that really set the tone, because the tone has changed as gameplay has continued. If anything Tiberius, you and I can claim to have perpetuated an endless warfare on the number one alliance with the fued we have and had in the past. Being number one means you have a bullseye the size of Texas on your back, and you can't avoid it. The biggest thing MHA did was force players to attribute a good/bad notation to alliances when they war. "Alliance A is evil, therefore Alliance B must stop them" but even then, I removed that principle before I stepped down. I'd be willing to argue the people that are pathetic juvenile leaders that post on these forums constantly and start a topic to discuss their new hair color have made a bigger impact on the game than any one of us could ever have dreamed.
  12. Even in retirement you steal my lines! Seriously, the most influential players of this game are not going to be chosen. What you'll get are the most outspoken players whose names people heard the most and held the highest positions in said group and/or caused the most chaos. As for situations, you'll either get the first of an event, or you'll get the biggest bloodfest possible. The average player doesn't have the knowledge or the patience to pick a more proper answer and you know that Tiberius. The simple fact your name is attributed in the top ranks over Thai is proof.
  13. Wanna know why I stopped taking people serious on the OWF? It wasn't the kids acting like kids, it was when people are so self-absorbed they seem to forget that other people are doing things too. MHA has had the longest history of no trades in TE I'd be willing to bet since most alliances don't even last as long as we have.
  14. Why is there one right way to play the game? Who says you're doing things right? Why do I even bother... (rhetorical, don't answer)
  15. On the waiting list, I'll be clearing the sheet soon and adding new circles which I'll make sure you're on.
  16. Maroon Trade Circles Rules: If you aren't in a circle or on the waiting list within 2 days of posting, please bump your application to the program. If you sign up and you change your mind later, tell us before the circle is complete PLEASE. Maroon only, no exceptions. If you need help getting a harbor, please include that in your application and we will try and get you aid from members of your circle to get a harbor, or through tech deals with alliances. You must be a member of an alliance with At Least 10 members, or holding a protectorate if smaller. I will edit circles at my discretion in order to fit members in as best as possible. If you pick a circle type, I will keep you in it. You may apply for a listed circle, or request another circle type. It is up to ME when I decide to stop accepting new circles and when I bring in new ones. If you suggest a new circle type and do not have others involved already you are responsible for recruiting to it, that is not my job. Please clearly detail the circle that you are making. Lastly, please remember, I am not entitled to recruiting for your circle or finishing it myself. I am just here to help the circle be seen by more people and get filled, if you join it is your responsibility to help unless you can wait for the people volunteering to get it handled. A complete list of active trade circles can be found here. http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=t6R...amp;output=html This is your public link to see progress on circles, we will periodically put updates next to each circle for what we are doing, whether it is verification PMs to make sure everyone is still in the circle, or notice that your circle has been completed. If you are not in a circle, you will be on the waiting list. If you have questions about your circle you may direct any of them to me in-game at this link. Remember, Patience is a virtue. Get snippy with us and we'll drop you.
  17. Elb, I'm out of regular gov duty buddy, I don't make the calls so I have no idea why we went to war beyond the fact that LE was getting their $@! handed to them so we decided to even the odds a bit more. So yes, you're right. OP didn't start it, yet at least. But we jumped in anyways. Why do you need to justify everything you do?
  18. No dead, just a great way to put a friendship in writing. Good to have you guys round UCN.
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