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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Quoting this because it's sort of what my post is trying to describe. Because I agree, it really seems like they had no real reason to destroy ZDP... Raid 1, ok. No reps, ok. Raid 2, meh... No reps & destroy their entire alliance... why? It was basically a screw up on your part, where you gave your word and didn't convey it to your alliance quick enough, knowing full well another NEW would attack shortly. So you can't really skip around that you guys failed to keep your word on it being 1v1, and then rather than giving them some chump change for the screw up, you just destroyed them.
  2. You guys fought a lot more little wars than are recognizable unless you get em detailed out better. But you didn't fight the kind of early wars that hurt us as bad as they did this round. Which is why Hisk laughs at anyone saying we didn't do our share. Now, if you wanna bring up your past round where ya got hit early and recovered... well no one got into a war with ya til after that, which is why you recovered. We didn't have that luxury (goes to you, or anyone else that might bring it up, covering it early) Regardless, TPF has been an interesting alliance to watch, for rounds now they do engage in some warring, not often times large scale (top 5 versus top 5) unless they have a clear advantage, but enough to make things interesting. And they do try to improve TE, despite the numerous tactics that are "questionable" which I've been privvy to over the past few rounds which may or may not have worked. I'd just like to see the treaties thing handled mainly... it'd not only free TPF up for warfare without strings attached, but also remove the umbrella of protection left over from WOLF.
  3. We hold no treaties. You can take our word or not for all I care. I'll fight LE if it weren't for the fact people always fight both of us anyways. We have fought before in the past. I'd like to clarify something as well. Those that fight the final 10 days of the round... that's not excuse to be included in your overall warring. It can be an addition, but not an excuse because everyone fights this last week-ten days. Even the hippies don't go clear of war. Two treaties is two too many. Having two within your first round is another "heading down the wrong path, but could change" kind of mentality I had in my post. Honestly, I don't see what you are arguing here. I never said you're horrible, I said you just haven't really picked a way to play the game yet and if you keep up the treaties and only fighting at the end you're just hurting the game rather than helping it. Please someone with common sense whose reading this and not posting give your voice. I did that earlier in the round (didn't post) and it never helped the round out.
  4. I have a 5BR being built if you are ok with that as well, otherwise I can probably get you into something we make next. To everyone else - you're on the list to get tossed in the next circle we produce.
  5. MHA fought Mushroom Kingdom rogues on day 3-7, before you say something that it's easy to handle. 5 nations, they were our strongest at the time and they had 5 guerilla camps with a semi-high military for the day it was. Therefore they hit nations with a limited to nothing warchest that were fresh off getting a trade circle together. I would know, I was one. Not everyone was prepared enough, I had half a collection laying around for emergencies and we fought them until we went to war with OP. After the war with OP where we were virtually wasted with the exception of a few, we went to war with OB/SWAT a few days out of anarchy. After that war, anyone that was left above 4k NS then got rogued on by bandwagon alliances (RD did this during the war, whom I had contacted to get it closed) So basically since day 3 our nations have been at war, if anything we're guilty of not keeping enough cash on hand at the earliest stages of the round and rebuilds. And I'm not complaining because all we did was war this round, I am complaining because I feel there are alliances which just degrade the quality of TE in here that are trying to claim the high horse as saviors. TPF, I do apologize to you, I talked to a member (remember I was inactive the first half of the round) and he told me more about the wars you guys have been in, while small scale and easily handled it is something more than some of the others around here and I do see your attempts at making things better around the game as a whole. CTA, new or not, I won't care. Excuses aren't needed, intent to war isn't a war. You guys are doing borderline stuff that if you continue you'd be on your way to the old ways of TE where Bob reigns onto you for treaties galore and as minimal wars as possible. To point out something, the past... 4-5 rounds MHA has been in a state of war probably 50% of the game. Because we hold no treaties while a lot of alliances do, we get targeted more than we can do the targeting, so you find us weak. But if we target someone, then we're evil. Basically I want people to stop being children around the forums, man up, have fun, cancel treaties, fight friends and laugh at the end. We hold no grudges against OP, OB (maybe you guys... Marcus is a punk) and not SWAT. But as it stands, all the warring has given us nothing much left to fight with or that's fun. Maybe we'll find something to jump in with who's left caring, but it's the holidays and the game is dead for most of us. Also, before any of you tell me to "Do something about it" I'll let you know I am in the middle of this rogue-fest already fighting. Some of you might have found me already. I'll also let you know that when I lead MHA I tried to fix things, but realized I alone can't, it's up to all of TE to come to the realization that we need an unwritten code of conduct to go with. Just a few simple things to keep the game fun and not so obnoxious and full of bickering. If you want to bash my post, bash my post. If you've read my post, I hope you don't just pick out what you disagree with, and state what you do agree with. Some of you are leaders reading this, and I challenge you to bring your alliance into the sphere that is working for all of TE and not just their own alliance, because this is a game that will die if we are all selfish at all times. I'd also like to give a commendation to OP, I didn't like you to begin with, but you've done well. Reminds me of when MHA got ganged up on but we couldn't keep the internal organization together at all compared to you guys. I actually hope you win because you seem to not be falling prey to the crap that is fed on these forums still. I would however like to see you not hold such a huge majority control over TE, because that will cause another war against you like it or not, just the trend that occurs. May you all fight well, and may the best hippy win the flag.
  6. Smaller alliances are too plentiful to make the argument anything significant. As for being at war for 1/3 of the round, by your words you had a 2-3 day war with CTA. And SWAT can hardly be considered constantly at war when they were constantly under your heel. Don't try and stretch out what was a simple curbstomp. Look, I know you're in that alliance so you won't agree with me. But CTA wasn't exactly gung ho this round in fighting people. You rank up among the top in alliances that did the least fighting and thus the most infra hugging, whether you do care about it or not is not what I was saying, I was relating the amount of wars you got into prior to these last days in hell week to being a hippy.
  7. Meh, so the last 2 are brand new and don't count by my post like I said. SWAT was a "Hey you can kill dead people?" war. ODN/RnR ok, so once again that puts you at the iffy category. You pulled a RE/TPF where you hit enough people to make yourself feel good saying you went to war without really fighting anyone heavyweight except possibly once. It's not a horrible thing, I just am stating the truth of the matter.
  8. Who have you fought the entire round? I admit, I was inactive most of the first half, but I've only seen one official war.
  9. You really need to quit speculating on these nations. I won't give away anything for Becks, but he does not have by any means the amount needed for a win... yet. I've seen nations this round with 5x what he has at the moment.
  10. I ignored the recent war because warring around day 45 is when infra hugging is more speculative and less fact. So I wanted to keep as much of my post as clear as possible and knew if I didn't add that, someone would bring up the recent multi-alliance war which was started against people that kept to themselves anyway, so it's pretty pointless to include it. As for CTA, admit it, you guys did some of the least warring of the sanctioned alliances. Intending to war and warring are different, MHA has had this problem before. I addressed MK as one of the 4th, and I said there's 3 and maybe a 4th because you guys aren't exactly infra huggers but kissing cousins persay.
  11. Well said Jack. I'll leave out what you've left out I suppose, but I do wanna confirm that MHA part, because it's still a joke amongst us. Pork Shrimp were the best fighters we've faced, I can't recall how it started, something probably involving one of us being dumb and raiding them. That's how it all starts usually at least. But they never backed down, and it escalated to where they took down everyone we sent after them and likewise. Was a pretty good battle... I'm sure Jerahoam is lurking somewhere to sit back and remember that too.
  12. So, you mention a merge, but you don't even honor the alliance that joined you with their name?
  13. It's a lot easier to stop infra hugging in established alliances by simply having war. MHA would have gone to war with TPF had we not gone against OP (head on might I add, we took a comparable amount of damage as LE did) and then get sidewiped by OB/SWAT as we were rebuilding to somewhat respectable levels (What alliance that gets decimated has time to rebuild a real war's chest a few days after getting out of anarchy?) It's the small AA's that hide away and save their infra all round which are the huggers. And yes, it is a vicious cycle, one which won't stop but can be lightened if we stop seeing alliances protecting many many other alliances. TPF and RE are the main culprits here, still clinging to old ways of holding plenty of protectorates and MDoAPs and secret pacts, etc. Which is why I challenge BG to stick to his word and hold a respectable amount of treaties, and to conglomerate those protectorates or drop them to maybe have 1 or 2 TOPS. Tiberius needs to prove he's a leader even though I still don't trust him being back at the helm. If both of Tibs and BG change RE/TPF towards loosening the reigns on the protection they give, we'll see less hidden alliances with infra huggers surviving until now, popping out and build blitzing everyone because they will be hunted down freely or they will have gotten into some war like the old TE days and it would involve the most cunning player in terms of both nation building AND fighting, Want an example of such a player? Definitely not you, I've got you pinned with a thousand less infra. It would be NeoGondor. Never liked him being #1, but he's got skill, he kept #1 admist full round wars. Sure he never won because ~40 days of warfare will take a toll on anyone, but he played TE like how it was meant to be, warefare and building hybridized. You guys at TFD have nothing left to win, yet you still hamper the game down as much as RE/TPF do with their treaty web. Stop building all round, get involved in a mid-round war and prove why you had the name The Fightin Division when all you did was cower the last two rounds. This also goes out to every alliance out there, because ya know what I saw? I saw 3 specific alliances, somewhat a 4th who all sat on their rears while the rest of TE fought. RE, TPF, CTA and MK/TFD. TPF did have the trouble war early on, it was a curb stomp but it was somewhat of a war. RE did curb stomp RD a good bit, but peace pretty quickly. CTA... uh you stopped SWAT? MK/TFD made a lovely rogue target for sure. And yet, at the end of the day, most of yall have the strongest nations not by skill but by sitting around the most. Please don't bring up the most recent warring, I've ignored that in this post.
  14. Bump, will be checking this and doing new circles this weekend, anyone else have requests or wanna sign up?
  15. Only the first one has enough infra to win the round. I've estimated the winner will need between 2600-3200 infra in order to win because of infra hugging inflation and nation building prowess growing,
  16. In his defense, there are some borderline tactics in CN that when issue is risen they are handled. Such as the Rodentia slot filling last round, that was not slot filling by practical definition but was a very technical and unfair work around that prevented anyone from combating the top ranked nation. As for this thread, it really needs to end or become constructive. Everyone should know TFD goes through many means in order to solely win. I gave them the benefit of the doubt as being guys buying their time until they would eventually go to a war, but they are merely in it for the flag. As such, just combat the infra huggers of TE. Not much more to it than that, stop whining and go after those nations which have 0 casualties come day 30. Unless it's an alliance as a whole without casualties then most likely your members that never went to war and have a fairly good NS are sitting for them. I think I told most alliance leaders that 40 Sippen and TFD were the same last round, some believed me, some didn't, and then we saw them win. However, I do have one thing to say that is something that goes beyond their skill at the flag maneuvers and goes beyond warring in TE, it's mainly TPF in origin. TPF has protected them from harm by being the big body shield. So they can go without an alliance war so long as they want, or if one happens TPF has their back and they take as minimal damage as possible sacrificing themselves for the flag runner essentially. Without TPF & RE protecting everyone alliance which comes to them, is a friend of theirs or gives them puppy eyes we'd see less of these kind of situations most assuredly. For example, I probably had 15 friends come to me through when I lead MHA looking for a protectorate or treaty, you know what my response was? "I can't commit, but you're a friend and we'll always do what we can to support you." That broke down into a few messages to let anyone conducting a severely unequal war to know we'd come after them if it escalated or they didn't back off a bit. It also included war once, in which we backed LE when TPF severely outnumbered them at the DoE of WOLF and evened the war by hitting RE as well. Basically, you don't need to protect everyone. Support your friends in ways that don't entail war unless you are a balancing factor. And by no means, if an alliance like Rodentia (example) had not been hit and wanted to take on Mario Kart (they'd have similar size nations, both do similar techniques) should anyone get involved. This would be an ideal case, but it is not the way leaders play TE currently, which I am hopeful is beginning to change. It seems to be heading in that direction, but I'm not sold yet. ~ TL;DR Quit protecting your friends and let the infra huggers be mugged.
  17. Heh, yall really don't know much do you? Mario Kart is being rogued on, their nations with the best chances are being hit. Pork Shrimp have nothing to do with Mario Kart, do a little Wiki-digging to see their history. Pork Shrimp is at war with Mario Kart unofficially, check the NS charts and even if not a lot has been lost either way, stuff has been lost. You don't war-slot fill at that kind of level. Also, nukes have started flying already so that blows this out the water. Do better investigation before you post this kind of stuff... like asking the people involved.
  18. Speaking for MHA, this round doesn't mean much to us anymore since we put all our chips on the table early in the round against OP. You'd be hardpressed to get any of us to care enough to war anymore, so we wish you all a hearty battle. Should things change, well you'd surprise the heck out of me as well. TPF has some friends of mine so I wish them well, but I also suggest a firm no treaty approach to next round, would certainly make things less burdensome. You CAN war against friends.
  19. If they don't contact you soon it's their fault. I always keep my slots active as a reminder to the person who owes me, if I delete it then it is me telling them I don't need the last batch of tech.
  20. I could have had mine on day 45 if I wanted to hurt my economy that much, instead I got it as my 5th wonder on day 180 after getting SSS, SM, DRA and IS before hand. SSS day 30 I had around a 65mil backcollection and in 15 more days woulda brought in enough. Was 10k NS by then already as well at 3k infra.
  21. Why thank you Kzopp You guys ain't so bad yourselves.
  22. I... don't have words to say that express how I feel about Asgaard.
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