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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. Musta, we don't need to count because we recognize our abilities when no one else does Seriously though, I've always laughed at how people pick the most outspoken alliances to be considered the best of anything.
  2. Hey now, moving in on our software are we Sparta? I'll have you know here this will end with only one of us left standing.
  3. Yes, the flags have been bid on before, I believe 500 million was the highest I had heard of though... Heck, if you think you'd win with that I'd personally toss a double donation and 250 mil + 1k tech up just for the winning flag, if that gives you any idea of what it's worth.
  4. Congrats guys, awesome alliance and I'm glad you've been on the upward climb.
  5. That's what I said earlier, and still say now, which is why I'm not going to argue in this thread anymore, lost my taste for it. Doch, if you want to argue that's your choice, but at least do it with better taste and look at the facts first, because SOS/AI DID start the numbers game first, and have been making a joke out of CDT more than CDT did to them. Starting a thread with a "Please don't jump in, it's even enough as it is" seems like a fair statement to me. That is all I had left to say, SOS keep up the good fighting, you guys do well at it. CDT, don't spy nukes if you aren't going to use them.
  6. My god, it's like talking to a brick wall. If you addressed me as childish for something I did, then sure. But you called me childish because I simply called someone else that. It's like a round about from 8th grade. "No you did, No you did" The stats argument, I could care less if CDT brought them up, especially when the first post I read in this thread that even has numbers in it is a post by SOS. (See here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2016655 ) What I see specifically as the bystander that I am, is two alliances who ganged up on one alliance that was already fresh out of a war feeling all high and mighty about it (not openly, just privately mind you) and suddenly they get declared on because of being the aggressors and only then, when they are slightly out of favor do they cry wolf. As for "bawwing" as you so kindly put it being the problem for TE, then why defend SOS/AI? All the parties in here aren't acting kindly and never once did I defend CDT as much as I attacked SOS for how they act. You're trying to spin me to be some savior of the morale of the enemy in this situation when I'm a third party making remarks about only one side so I must be biased right? I really have no way of predicting how you will respond to this, funny thing is that usually I can predict people that make logical arguments. This is defying logic saying I ignore your post yet you blatantly use those remarks to try and hide the fact you aren't grasping what I am saying very clearly. E: Wanted to mention that merge thought I tossed out. If you guys aren't that close, that's cool. Just from the way I look at things you both seemed to have the same interests, go to war together, have some similar character members, thus one seemed like the extension of the other and vice versa. My mistake.
  7. Well at least someone knows how to argue and just turns my argument around and says "no you" ever so politely. I wouldn't expect much different, but nevertheless here's my attempt. I'm looking at SOS complaining that there is a small advantage over them when they were the aggressors in this situation. Another small but compiling moment on these forums where SOS or AI (They seem the same... why no merge?) have to play the "cool card" and win all the support to their side. Frankly, the fact that you brought up my argument as childish just further cements what I said and proves this has become a schoolyard playground rather than somewhere we can all have fun at the sametime as maintaining at least a matured approach to the game. Locke, as per your post, you of everyone in SOS I respect still. And I have no problem with the fun until it becomes so bombarding it takes up everything around here. It seems one post by a SOS member means the rest have to quote it and agree, second, third, say why won't anyone roll us or act like an all around self absorbed child. All I want in this little rant as my semi-retired rear watches the destruction to the foundations of TE that is occuring is for someone to realize that you can have fun without being an immature child at every waking moment and likely trying to turn everything I am saying now into a "He's just trying to be cool with the people who hate us" opinion. You'd think we could be at least better than stooping that low...
  8. Just because you're anime themed doesn't mean you need to run around like children let off a leash trying to cause chaos. It's not annoying so much as it exhausting. Gets rather boring reading a bunch of whining about stats in the thread. I'd be fine if it were only in so many places... but wherever you go on Bob or Steve you see these same antics and it's a massive killjoy.
  9. No no, it's the "Pick one person" mentality that is sweeping the OWF right now. Open a free discussion on the topic of influence in the game, not who is the mastermind stroking the cat in the background pulling all of your strings. Gets very VERY frustrating.
  10. Oh god... not another one of these. Be gone with the demons. There is not one answer, stop trying to identify one person for things like this. The most influential person is this game is YOU. Each and every ruler in the game has as much power as the next if they just use it effectively.
  11. I think SOS Brigade is the most childish alliance I have seen yet... which says a lot.
  12. You'd be a fool to say any one or two alliances have the most military power. There are many alliances which have more pull in their area of CN than others, and thus hold the most power. But not all of it can be seen simply by looking at the alliances, nor can even the most "in the know" people realize how much power any single alliance has until all their cards are on the table. Everyone is holding an ace up the sleeve, it's all about what kind of hand that ace will make for them.
  13. I have added the people above, completed a circle, shifted a few and will be looking to complete or nearly complete a few circles with the SoL guys, once we have them on display if you would be so kind as to recruit to those circles to support our effort I would appreciate that Patriot.
  14. I wish someone of real consequence would attack RE... going through a round unscathed with this one war would be pretty pointless.
  15. I like the looks of Angelite or perhaps TSCE. Both have good people that do some good work and have communities that are capable of supporting alliances that are small. I'd say some of the alliances without potential have been named already.
  16. What I have to say is rather simple. What you're saying here is pretty naive and seems like an attempt at grabbing attention.
  17. I could probably just talk to CNArt, and I will if no one shows up here, but I'm looking to hire someone who is VERY good with CSS and theming in general for the Asgaard forums. We're using IPB 3.0 and you'll need to have knowledge with that system to do it, it's very different from past versions. I'll probably want a couple skins, Holiday Skin, regular skin, etc. Detailed work, more than just base colors which is something we already have done. Prices negotiable, the better the job the more generous we'll end up being. Past work required to give us examples of your ability. PM me, don't post here I won't read it likely. And if no one is interested I'll just talk to some people who may or may not be able to, but I'd rather give it a shot at finding someone really good looking to make some good money for their nation.
  18. I know I can speak for TSCE here when I say anyone that feels they canceled for the wrong reasons are sorely mistaken. We've got your backs TSCE, keep growing strong and making the smart decisions.
  19. Yes I would defend an ally, and yes I have already done that despite wishing against it. Yes was one of the decision makers in that as well.
  20. No can do, made that circle at another friend's request who wants the Fish in there. Also, I gave Hunger your names, she'll see what she can do in the meantime. I'll be getting active again at the end of the next week, which includes working circles again so by then we'll make sure to set some up you can all fit into, even if you aren't waiting list quite yet, unless she puts you on there soon. If you wanna help, you can find construction resources on maroon in need of a trade circle and we'll include them when I make new circles.
  21. Can you tell me who is trading with you so we can get them a circle and let them know we'll still try?
  22. It's the only time I'll be able to touch him Normally you know I wouldn't do it, but I am tired of his shenanigans, and it gives him time to fix the situation. Besides, you don't have to agree with my decision.
  23. For Shame Marcus, this is why I said you weren't a leader. You're lucky you aren't in my range or I'd go and destroy Orbit Black's top 3 nations, wishing you were one. This is how you make enemies, not friends after a war. You attacked a ravaged alliance that had given full support to LE's charge on OP. MHA was hit the hardest after their good friends LE. I hereby decree Marcus is sentenced to ZI next round if he leads or is in government of any alliance.
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