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T Paine

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    Wolf Empire
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  1. This part comes to mind: In other words: in a few weeks we will officially disband. We are not just going to immediately disband. We want to make GOONS have to work for every piece of technology they steal.
  2. This would be our second time, actually. If anything happens that we stop being destroyed before we officially disband, then we might stick around. Otherwise, we won't last forever, so we will eventually be forced to leave. No. None of those logs had anything to do with peace. But on a side note, they are forcing us to disband by giving us bad terms, such as beg for peace and ZI for the leader.
  3. And to think that we were ready for ZI. As our great, ex-emperor once said: you find help in the strangest of places--specifically in people you never knew. Wolf Empire might stick around. We won't be officially be disbanding for a few weeks, anyways. (Me because I won't be home to login to change my AA for as long.)
  4. It's sad, really. People are too afraid to lose a little infrastructure... I promise, it will come back!
  5. The wars are not over tech raiding. If they were, GOONS would not have hit the single man that did not have tech.
  6. Being in a war, it's rather hard to find anyone willing to protect us. You try it.
  7. Actually, it was eight, but GH told the emperor to go into peace mode and join another alliance, since he was our main financier. (25k NS.) The other one wasn't hit yet, so he decided to bail for a while as well.
  8. Who defines what is and what isn't an alliance? Apparently, Wolfpack, LBA, MCXA, OO, and all the members of TSU recognized us as an alliance.
  9. Fortunately, a few of us have decided to join the NpO, possibly. Trust me, we already have plans for what to do after. (And really, how could we prepare? We got a protection from Wolfpack: they did nothing to help us prepare. We had a treaty with LBA: they were too afraid to send aid.)
  10. There you have it. This whole thing to teach us a lesson over what one person said.
  11. With what cash flow? No one is about to take a chance at giving a micro at war aid.
  12. Recognition of War and Disbandment Dispatched from Greg House: It is on this solemn day that Wolf Empire gives its final orders. GOONS has recently attacked our fine alliance in what was called a "tech raid". We soon found out afterwards that this wasn't about the tech after they declared war on a nation that didn't even have a single technology level. After Greg House went for peace negotiations, we were told this: [removed] The final terms given were that Greg House be sentenced to ZI, and that every nation that wanted peace go to the GOONS forums to beg for it. This will not do. Our pride is worth far more than their self esteem. And for their government to think that we should be the lucky ones to not pay reparations is extremely silly. It is to this end that we formally recognize a state of defensive war against GOONS. On a much sadder note, we also hereby are forced to disband due to this to protect our nations from further harm. While we will fight until ZI, we will also wish for a break. Therefore, because of GOONS, after we have had enough, Wolf Empire will from then forth be disbanded until further notice. (Maybe in a few months, when things cool down, we will come back.) Signed, Greg House Regent AndrewC202 Co-Emperor
  13. An alliance is two or more people. a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.
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